Thank you all for joining me on this happy day. I have fun though there are some frustration and mess going on. I hope everyone have as much fun as I did.
What went wrong:
-More ppl show up more than expected (not that it's bad, it just hard controlling a large group of ppl =__= especially when they are cows).
-That being said, It's hard to keep the main event such as the race and game going when ppl keep having to leave or dc from crew...
-People need to really read the "rules" and "how to play" before asking any question. And people need to ask question before the game start =_=...

Smeb Race
Rules of the game:
1. Time starts on the first fleet
2. One person from each crew times the race
(I recommend a stop watch in comparison to just looking at the clock and estimating)
3. Time stops when EB's head explode
4. Once a race start, there is no restart.
5. Lag that last more than 5 second: the timer may stop the time and start again once lag stop.
6. crew member being Stuck: the timer may stop the time and continued upon reuniting with crew.
7. Dazed crew: In a situation where more than 2 crew members become dazed, the timer can stop the time and allow 1mins of recovery ONLY. The time must continued after 1mins.
8. Be Honest.
Prize: 150k gold, 25k per person.

Where in Zomg is Crystal?!
Yay, a game of hide and seek with a twist of tag! The rule is simple and clear. It's easy to understand if you participated in the Halloween Event this year where people have to find Jack and kill him.
How to play:
1. Add sxycrystal as friend so you will see her blue dot
(skip if she's already ur friends).
2. Reload Gaia after u added Crystal
3. Form a crew.
4. First round: Give crystal 5 mins to go hide
5. Go look for Crystal
A.)Disband from crew while searching for crystal
------> The reason for this is because Crystal might end up being in a different layer. Therefore being in a crew won't let you jump easily into crystal's screen.
B.)Stay in crew while searching for crystal
------> Once you spot crystal's dot and she happens to be on a different layer you have to disband from crew in order to jump layer.
C.)Recommended rings: Coy and Fleet
D.)Communicating and Reuniting: Use Recrewt list or do /invite **input name**, use whisper, use meebo (since some ppl jabber is broken).
Rules of the game:
1. This is a team game. 5 is the max number of crew members per crew.
2. Crystal will hide and hop places to places every 2-5mins, therefore the team will have to be quick.
---->In a crew less than 4 ppl, crystal will wait 5mins
---->In a crew more than 4 pp, crystal will wait 2mins
3. Crystal will only hide in these locations (basically places with null):

4. Crystal cannot hide in null
5. Crystal cannot wait at a place longer than the given time.
6. Once a crew member found crystal, they can add her.
--->WARNING: once you add her she will do a 10 seconds count down. After the count down she will leave crew. You cannot add her again. so use ur add WISELY!
7. To win the game ALL crew members will have to be in the same screen as Crystal! Why?
Because it is a team game. ^^ Simply seeing her blue dot on map doesn't mean your team won.
Prize: COOKIE from Buttercup Cafe! Yummy! Your choice baby!


First Cow Smob Run:
Lag hit us hard. Or maybe it's that wolf...=_=

Zomg Boss Run:
(Failed, we stopped after this boss)

Chilling at Bill's Ranch
We feel soo at HOME!!!

o. O A cow with wings....

Waiting for Smeb Race Winner Announcement

Chilling at Gold Beach:
I understand Iggy, I can't even find myself...


Screenie Time <3
Just lining up!


Our almost perfect circle