We all know I don't use my journal, but eh why not? So we had corps wars this week and I was one of the LAST FOUR on the 6 inches thinger, it was amazing. I broke 13 freakin' minutes!! And Blaine would of dropped sooner if it hadn't been the fact that I had pissed hime off and he had to beat me stare What else... Oh yeah, I talk to one of the actives yesterday, the one who told me I was hard core on the jet jock hike, to just, like, thank him for saying that, cuz it really did make me feel good, and this other ARSE active turns around and sees me and him talking to the other guy, and the arse is like, "dude, why are you talking to the pledges?" and the guy I was talking to is like, wtf? "She's not a pledge anymore... that's seriously not cool." *Giggles* Yay for him sticking up for me! And he was all like, "I really meant what I said on the hike - at the beginning I didn't think you really wanted it, but then you were shouting and even when you could of skipped out on doing some pushups you still did them. Good job" *Strong handshake* Hehe... *Warm FUZZIES* I know, I know... Air Force shouldn't have "warm fuzzies" but w/e ^.^
Gnatty-Bug · Fri Apr 07, 2006 @ 10:34pm · 0 Comments |
Well, I've been sort of not updating my DJ, so lets try here! Woo!! Anyway... Christmas. Oh dear lord, Christmas... Wasn't too great this year. I didn't get to unwrap all the much, and most of the stuff I unwrapped, I already knew I was getting. It kind of sucked. I got a really nice shiney bracelet from one of my aunts, though. My $50 from my grandfather and $15 from my other aunt went toward my XBox fund. Now all I need is to find one actually on sale... (I have the $150, just *everywhere* is sold out >.> wink . I'm having a new year's eve party. I'm kind of worried people aren't going to come... Worst case senario - it's just me and a falling asleep Ian. Problem w/ that, my mother will be pissed... I'm talkin' to one of my best friends from when I lived in Japan right now. She's living in Hong Kong now, hating it. It's weird though, because a kid we went to school with in Japan is now living in Hong Kong... He was a cutie, too. Had a huge crush on him in Japan. Apparently he's still hot. *Sighs* That reminds me, boys are ******** stupid. Stupid Jordon is leading me ******** on, and I'm going to play ignorant and jump his bones next time I see him (which will hopefully be Friday *crosses fingers*). I mean, why would you hold someone's hand and stuff like that if you don't bloody like the person?! WHY?! *Coughs* Boys are ******** stupid... [/rant] I'm tired... May right more tomorrow...
Gnatty-Bug · Thu Dec 30, 2004 @ 04:54am · 0 Comments |