Eric's Squak Box |
uummm yeah i dont know i just wanted to have a place to write funny things that sparked me interest ;) |
Posted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 @ 03:07am
my thread
Welcome all to the City of Atlantis. Come and enjoy all that the great sea Oceanus has to offer you. Long thought lost was the city of the waves until just recently Gaian oceanographers stumbled across a thriving civilization hidden deep in the abyss. All are welcome but remeber under the water, no one can hear you scream.
Here is a rough lay out of our wonderful city. To the north lays the great Hall of Champions and the Barracks, where our soldiers fight, train, and hone there skills, the buildings i have called home for many many years but no longer.
To the south is what we refer to as "The kelp forest" and nestled between the long tendrels of seaweed are the housing for all the inhabitants of Atlantis, safe from attack and concealed from veiw for both above and below. The forest stretchs almost completely around the city and is raised up along a wide ridge overlooking the undersea valley of our town.
To the east is the great trench and stables, where all manner of beasts are captured and tamed and cared for. We are a strong people with great respect for the sea and only use what we need to survive.
In the west is the vast marketplace and towncenter, much gold and treassures trade hands here and as such our local gaurds are always on patrol to keep the piece and pass judgement on disagreements in a safe and sober tone.
Finally in the center of settlement is the vase and awe inspiring spring of creation, the place where in mythology oceanus first set foot on the earth and made it his own, causing the great sea to flow out from the footprint and cover the land for centuries. Here is a place of worship and unity where most citizens come to discuss matters and form bonds with their fellow seamen. Come and enjoy all that is around us and please dont hesitate to ask for assistance from me. *bows and swims off down the cobble paves street*
Eric Stargazer
Community Member