тнє ғαcтs
AGE: 17
RACE: Human
HIGHT: Five ft six
HAIR: A dark blonde with a bit of pink at the tips. (He clips the front up when reading and such)
EYES: Blue
CLσTHING: Lane wears a brown jacket with gold detailing over a plain white button up. (The back of the jacket is longer the the front.) His pants are a light brown/cream color, and are tucked into his dark brown boots that go below the knee.
● Has a gray and white cat named Felix
● Carries a sword
● Switches his personality when flirting or in combat
тнє pєяsσиαl
♥ Food
♥ Flirting
♥ Talking
♥ Fighting
❖ Sleeping
❖ People trying to hurt his friends
✘ Someone he cares about, dying
✘ His father
Lane is almost child like. He throws tantrums when he does not get what he wants, he like to play tricks on people, and enjoys the little things. The only time you wouldn't want to be around him is when he is in combat. He becomes quite twisted and dark when fighting, mostly when the opponent was trying to hurt the people he loves. When the fight has finished, he becomes the same Lane as he was before. Although, sometimes Lane loses control and goes overboard, scaring Grace. Girls tend to like him though, not only for his appearance but also his charm. In his free time he is either flirting, eating, or trying to upset Raii. He is a great cook, so on his journey with Raii and Grace, he provides the meals. Wild animals scare Lane, so when he encounters one, he either runs for his life or hides behind Raii. He loves meeting new people, especially women. I guess you can say he switches personalities quite often. Combat=Scary Lane. Girls=Charming Lane. & him being normal=Cute, child like Lane.
Lane turned 17 a few months ago. He grew up in a huge house, had maids and butlers at his service 24/7, & got anything he asked for, you would think his life was perfect~ His mother, Marie, was one of the kindest people you could ever meet. His father, Nicolas, however, was not at all kind. He was abusive, not only towards Lane, but also towards Marie. On Lane's birthday, his father had asked to see him in his office. Lane of course obeyed. Nicolas then explained to Lane where all of his money comes from, people hire him to kill/torture people. Lane was shocked. Nicolas wanted to train Lane so he could carry on the business. Lane was sickened at the thought of his father torturing helpless people for money and then threatened to turn his dad in. Nicolas was not pleased by his response and slapped him, knocking him on the floor. Lane was enraged & stood up, and started walking towards the door. Nicolas ordered a few of the security guards to lock Lane in his bedroom. As he was locked in his room, he put his ear to his door, trying to hear what was going on. He knew when his father is upset, he takes it out on his mother. It was quiet, Lane was relieved. Then, all of a sudden, he heard a loud crash, and a scream echo throughout the house. Lane slowly slid against his door until her finally reached the floor and cried. Normally, Marie would sneak into Lane's bedroom late at night, and talk with him until he had fallen asleep, however, that night she did not come. As the sun was just rising, Lane banged on his bedroom door, asking for his father. He was then followed by the security guards into Nicolas's office. Lane demanded that Nicolas tell him what happened to his mother. For once, his father actually looked remorseful. Nicolas had hit her too hard and she had not woken up. Lane immediately fell to the floor, his hands covering his eyes as they began to water. He wanted to avenge his mother, but knew he was too weak to take on his father. A few weeks went by, and Lane had been practicing with Nicolas to become an ultimate killer. His father was so proud of his son, he could hardly wait to send him on his first job as an assassin. Together they went over the plan a million times, making sure nothing would go wrong. The day of the job, was the very first time Lane would step foot outside of the fences that surrounded the property. He grabbed very few things, trying not to raise his father suspicions, and his cat Felix his mother had given him on his 16th birthday. He went a couple towns over, just as he was said to do so by his father, but then he changed his route. Lane worked his way deep in the forest, making sure no body would be able to find him easily. He knew he could not escape the house with all of the body guards, he also was not yet strong enough to take on his father. So he pretended to have a interest in becoming a killer so he would be able to leave his house without being followed. He smiled to himself as he fell asleep, knowing his plan had worked. A few months went by, and Lane learned things about himself that he had never known. Such as his love with flirting. He had no idea how big the world was, and how nice people were. Lane was so happy to finally be free of his father, he couldn't help but be over joyous when it came to meeting new people. He did grow up with a lot of money hence why he will throw little tantrums when he does not get what he wants, and because he was never able to leave the mansion he grew up on, he was amazed by the little things he was not able to see growing up such as the bodies of water and restaurants. As he traveled through the forest, he came across quite a few wild animals, and is now scared to death of them. When thugs try and steal from him or cross Lane in any way, he applies not only the skills his father taught him, but as well as the skills he had taught himself. You could say he takes out all of his pain and hatred out on his opponent, which is why he becomes the scary Lane he does when in combat. It was just another night for Lane, trying to find a place to sleep where he knew his fathers men could not find him, which in this case, was up in a tree. He was awoken by what he thought was an earthquake, but really it was Grace shaking the tree. She invited him to sit by the fire they had just made, and he cheerfully accepted the offer. Lane kept peeking over at Raii because of how angry he looked. Felix, Lane's cat, walked over to Raii and started rubbing her head on his arm. Raii's face then lite up, which made Lane smile. Grace, being the person that she was, asked a ton of questions. When Lane finally opened up about his past, he felt good. He had never told anyone about his past before. He thought it must of been fate; meeting Grace and Raii, he was growing lonely traveling by himself. Grace invited Lane to join them, and he immediately accepted. Raii grew upset and refused to let him tag along. Grace then started to yell at Raii as Lane started to pout and cry. At last, Raii agreed to let him come along. They both started to cheer and ran to Raii to give him a hug. They traveled from town to town, trying to find Raii's sister, gather information on Raii's father, help Lane get stronger, and to overcome anything that crosses their paths.
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