So, it's my first blog here, and, as we're honoring Spirit Day, I thought I'd talk about something that has been bothering me all week... And, if I don't say something about this now, it's going to bother me even more that I kept my mouth shut.
So, most of us know what Spirit Day is about. It's a day to honor teens who have lost their lives due to anti-LGBT bullying. Now, I'm going to take this to another level, not just on the basis of teens persecuted due to their sexuality. I'm thinking of this occasion as the perfect time to talk about us, as the human race, and how closed-minded, stubborn and DOWN-RIGHT STUPID we have become, just because we can't respect differences or respect human life.
Okay, so, I'll start off with the whole anti-LGBT issue. The thing is, just because you don't believe someone's lifestyle is right, that give you NO RIGHT to discriminate against them, abuse them in ANY WAY (verbally, emotionally, physically). I mean, COME ON! Is this really what we've come to? Not just discriminating, but HATING people who you don't even know on grounds of things such as race, sexuality, gender, religious beliefs? Well, guess what? We are all HUMAN BEINGS and we inhabit the same space. And whether you like it or not, we will ALWAYS be related by a common bond.
And here I though we were the most intelligent beings on earth... We've become so caught up, so self-absorbed, that we can't even TRY to be a little understanding. We can't even show some RESPECT. So what if we don't believe the same things, so what if you live like this, and I live like that. SO WHAT?!
This WHOLE WEEK, all I've been hearing of (in my country, anyway) is murders, robberies and rapes. And what has burning me the most is that most of these things involve teenagers. For example, one teenage girl stabbed another teenage girl to death; Five (or six, I can't remember exactly) teenage boys (ages 15-16) accused of raping a 12-year-old girl; A man shot another man to death over a piece of copper wire; A 2-year-old boy beaten to death by his mother's boyfriend. ALL THIS HAPPENED THIS WEEK. (There is more, but it's getting really depressing.)
So, I said all this, to get to this point: HUMANITY. I don't even know the meaning of the word anymore. Seems like as a society, we're losing every fiber of our being that was "humanity". It's come to a point where the gift, the beautiful thing that is a human life, means nothing anymore. We've placed things like money above respect for our fellow man. ALL HUMAN LIFE IS SACRED. Sound cliche, right? But, it's the truth. And here we are treating it like it has no value. We kill, and we watch people be killed, because as a society, we have become numb. We're insensitive, because once all this murder, discrimination and hate isn't standing at our doorstep, that's their problem...... right? WRONG!!! Guess what? It all is standing at your doorstep. You are just choosing to ignore it, choosing to stay silenced, when the fact of the matter is, it's EVERYONE'S PROBLEM. And if we don't choose to collectively take a stand and decide to tackle this problem as a whole, there is NO WAY the human race can make ANY progress.
So, let's stop being silent, stop just letting things happen. Fight against discrimination, crime and abuse, and stop waiting for someone else to do it for us...
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. ...Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
~Red Raven 4laugh
R3d-Rav3n · Fri Oct 22, 2010 @ 04:15pm · 0 Comments |