Now the random people who might have clicked this in hopes of Taylor Swift praise...
Leave right now.

*waits patiently*
Ok, now to those who's left....Taylor Swift is a douche bag.
...Can a female be a douche that gramatically correct?

Either way, you get the jist.

Taylor had such a big ego at her concert that I feared it would swallow us all whole.
She changed an outfits a total of eight times...making me lose my bet.
I bet Taylor would change at least four times.
Another family member said two, the other ten.
(the ten was the closest)

She would dance....
(If thats what you wanted to call it)
With her hair.

It was like the rock head bang but slow.
I wondered if she had short hair if she would be forced to learn how to dance or if she'd still try the freakout hair flip dancing.
She sold out....
The last person to do that here was Tim Mcgraw


And she's nowhere as good as him (or as rich ect ect)
There was a point in the show where she stopped mid-song to let the crowd sing along and they all screamed instead.

...she let them do this for 3 minutes...
She grinned the whole time and would cup her ears and stare out at all the cameras...
All the while I felt for the poor band.
The still had to play the same fast paced chords of the chorus while she goofed around.

...I thought the drummer must have been cursing in his head, ha.
Then there was this interpretve dance part with this song I didn't know.

Taylor and a dancer battled it out on rusted steel garbage cans...
And Taylor broke out into this solo with drums sticks on these cans.

For a milisecond, I was impressed.
I won't lie.

But then I realized Taylor was off alittle
(because she tried to dance and beat the cans at the same time)
So I looked and found the poor drummer stashed away,
Hammering out this solo that noone was giving him credit for.

So sad.
In fact, she didn't introduce any of her band members

She only has a few hits, you know, between the country and pop stations.
I was actually texting people at some parts of the concert because I was bored with the unknown songs.
She even stole Metro Station's 'Shake It' as her opening song and somewhere in the middle she borrowed Justin Timberlake's song too.
I'll share some of the text convo with you:
Purple is Keri, a friend.
And Blue is muah.
"She opened with a Metro Station song! Wtf?!"
"Who knows could be dating the lead singer. Imao seems like her type. Ain't no where but up after dating a Jonas Brother. Lol "
(Sorry. I forgot to mention that there would be Jonas bashing too.)
-several minutes later-
"Well, hm you got 'u belong with me' and 'love song'. Uh thats all I got. lol"
"Oh. She's out finally. Our Song is blaring."
"Really! What song? :] "
"...our song, lmao."
"Our Song" is a song Taylor Swift sings.
When I was telling Keri this I felt like those two guys on Dude, Where's My Car when they're trying to tell each other that their tattoos say 'Sweet' and 'Dude'.
"She sang luv story yet?
"Yup. And now she's doing teardrops on my guitar."
"Is it over? She's all out of ammo."
"...she's singing 'What Goes Around. Lmao! Rip off."
"Ooo never heard of that one. Hee did she do the seductive water trick? Ooo la la."
(Now the 'water trick' is when I told Keri about the CMA's and that Taylor 'danced' about all slutty like in a waterfall that just suddenly appeared in the middle of the stage)
"Yes you have. The one by Justin T."
"Whattt!? Nah she didn't take it there, she can't do Justin. Man if I was JT I'd sue."
*several more minutes of watching Taylor 'dance'*
-waterfall starts at the end of the stage and she 'dances in it while singing 'Should've Said No'-

"Lmao! Water!!"
She pulled out the waterfall and 'danced'.

Did I mention there were more boys at this concert than girls?
...Oh Taylor, what happened to you?
Now, I will give her credit.
It was entertaining.

Between the cheerleaders, ballroom dancing, dance fighting(?), all that interpretive junk...
And lets not forget the waterfall.
But without all the flashy stuff...she's not that good of a preformer.

Well, I have to go to bed now actually...
I have to get up earlier tomorrow to see the Colgate Country Showdown.
(like a country american idol)

Its awesome to see all the people (good & bad) sing right there.
Night all!
All I'll leave with this....
Thank you, Drummer.
I know you were the one really pulling all the strings.
You are very underappreciated.
Lurves for you!