This is Sailor Panties! She is a super cute and super magical Sailor Scout! She prefers to be drawn in poses such as this, or in her classic pose. She likes to be surrounded by hearts, stars, and moons. She's sexy, cute, and magical all at the same time! ♥
Received art: (by hybridkitty) (by dirty_cute_muffin) (by Aramae) (by ladysabreal) (by Aramae)

This is the cutie panty girl~ She loves her bundle of panties, but her favorite pair is always in her hands. She's ultra cute, and always has a smile on her adorable little face! Her favorite poses are holding her panties like this. Don't forget her cute smile, her purple eyes, panty pile, and her favorite pair of undies! ♥
Received art: (by saporion) (by faintvoice) (by shin_ai) (by Aramae) (by Madame Damage) (by Kovva) (by gothrokkprincess) (by Daniel Webster) (by Docchi) (by 2OO5) (by a slumberous sheep) (by INoctisI)
(by tootiFrootyUnderpants) (by IIPix-LII) (by LividRainbow) (by Aramae)

This is Captain Pan! She sails the seven seas with her red parrot, Stinky! She never leaves home without her trusty map to guide her around the oceans and the waves! She is normally seen saluting to the locales or checking her map to find a route to her next destination. Don't forget her sexy attitude and Stinky! ♥
Received art: None

This is Lucy von Rosenburg. She is 19 years old, born May 8th. She is 4ft 11in tall, but packs a lot of punch for a small chick! She has the looks of a princess, but the mouth of a sailor. She is competitive, opinionated, and a huge flirt! She is kind, but can quickly become angry. She's cute, but only if you're nice to her~ Here is here base design! PM for any questions! ♥
Received art: (by hybridkitty) (by saporion) (by hybridkitty)

Michael and Allie are in love~ And they want couple pictures! Allie is 5ft 0in tall, and Mike is 6ft 2in tall. She is curvy and small, and he is big and slightly built. She has brown eyes, he has greyish-blue eyes. She has dark brown hair, he has brown hair. She has freckles and he has facial hair. Don't forget to add hearts~ ♥
Received art: (by hybridkitty) (by hybridkitty) (by hybridkitty) (by hybridkitty) (by hybridkitty) (by hybridkitty)
(by hybridkitty)