click for original size Photo by minghii
"Local flower shop owner was seen terrorizing good friend and fellow shop owner with her giant flower suit"

Photo by our star photographer CioccoLatte
Rina found browsing popular Dropplr Shipping blogs near her shop in Barton

(click for full size)
Photo by star photographer minghi
So today I was walking towards the bifrost. Saw those two through the window.
Hmmmm, doesn't nicolae claims that cresento hates pretty much everyone? He seemed quite comfy with nicolae being so close.

art was commissioned by manaoftheglassmoon, so credit can go to her
The Oldschool Avi Guy followed down this lead
Hatsya and Kanoko in a hug

Photo by star photographer, TheMainCharacter1
Moira and Rainbow Lisa. Could this be proof of some sort of rivalry between the bands ChromatiChaos and Nervegas Crisis?

Photo by minghi
Mr. Wibbles makes his grand entrance