I don't know if you will ever see this, but I need to get this off my chest.
We were best friends, or so I though, I considered you a sister, I was always there for you, always happy for you, especially when you found your current boyfriend, I planned a surprise party for your birthday, spent money on you without a second thought. Why couldn't you be happy for me when I found Matt, why were you so against my happiness? You were selfish, stubborn, and downright nasty. I lost a sister when you left me, and that is a scar I will always carry. I forgive you though, it's the right thing to do, I had to get my feelings out somehow, and like I said I don't know if you will ever even see this, but if you do, know that I will always care about you, no matter how you hurt me, and if you take anything from this, be happy for your friends, no matter what, even if it isn't something you would choose for yourself, it's their choice, you like someone for their good qualities, but you love them for their faults. Don't condemn them for life just because you don't agree with them, because in the end its only you who loses.
Oh and stop talking about your friends behind their backs, its very rude, I won't name names, but she didn't deserve you telling her secret without her consent.
Cassie_Nightengale Community Member |