ive been focusing on being a good worker at work, but there are so many things that are just riduclous that it drives me nuts. as mike from dirty jobs said the people that get s**t done do. is the work comes first and safety second. what he ment by that is that some safety gets in the way more then is worth haveing. i do electrical work for wind turbines. there is almost nothing that will fly into your eye and make u go blind yet they wish us to were them. now u might be saying well whats the big deal they just want you to protect yourself, but at the same time they have sent us to work in corpus cristi texas though the entire summer. during the hottest months and hurricane season. the heat is so intense your safety glasses fog and if they dont fog u get sweat on them. after working a couple of hours your clothes are soaked as if you jumped into a pool. so in order to have these safety glasses on you would still have to take them off ever 15 minutes to wipe them off so u get almost nothing done. are policy for how high we have to be to be tide off is 6ft. or about 2 meters and for certain areas its simple stupid because we have to tie off with these ropes that only work for up to 15 feet roughly. and so we have to were these harness and all this s**t that can get caught and tangled for a distance of about 7 feet. so all it does is get in the way and take more time. and probly the biggest thing im pissed about is we are working in the hot a** south though the hottest months and then we are going to work in the cold a** north in winter. the damn over confident birds are smarter then this company and they fly in front of cars half the damn time. i apologise for the in appropriate language i just needed to vent. btw in case u didnt get that i dont like birds. for a few reasons one they can fly and second they poop and everthing lower then them. they are dirty mean and cocky.
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