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View User's Journal

Stories and stuff
This is a journal with all my stories in it. I only recently started making stories so i only have one...

Chapter 1: A New Day

I layed on my bed in my suddenly new room. My things half unpacked, surrounded by boxes. It smelled of Oak and Maple and kind of like my grandmothers house after a bunch of candles had just finished burning. Only these candles didn’t smell good.
As I layed there in the awkward silence I heard my mom faintly call; “Stephanie time for supper.”
I slowly forced myself up and out of bed and headed downstairs.
“Stephanie come and eat.” She shouted when I was at the bottom of the stairs.
“I’m here.” I said angrily. Still mad at her for marrying who was now my new step dad. John. Just saying his name made me sick to my stomach.
I was also mad at her for making me move out into a small town in the middle of nowhere.
“We’re having Sheppard’s pie for supper, your favorite.” She said with an unconvincing smile, trying to make things not so “strained” between us.
She knew I didn’t really like John, but she didn’t really Care much that I didn’t.
“Is it good?” He asked in an upset tone. He always seemed upset and his face always looked angry.
“It’s fine.” I replied after a moment of silence.
After supper I headed back upstairs to my room. My room was kind of small, smaller than my old room where I used to live. It barely fit my bed, my dresser, and my computer. The floors of my room were wood and the walls were a shade of white. My room only had one window; it looked old enough to have been there when my great, great grandmother was alive. My computer was the only thing I had to keep in touch with my friends. I was starting to feel stressed so I went to take a hot shower. There was just enough hot water left for me to take one. The hot water against my body felt good, it made me feel relaxed and I was calmer now. After my shower I blow dried my hair and fixed it to the point where it was almost perfectly straight.

That night when I went to bed I was sleepless anxious and nervous for the day ahead. School was tomorrow my first day in a school where I didn’t know anyone. I layed there trying not to think. After awhile I finally fell asleep.
I got up early the next morning. Trying not to think of what might happen at school, or if I would make any friends my first day. Normal stuff someone would think about on there first day at a new school. I looked out my old window that looked like if the worlds strongest man tried to open it, it wouldn’t even budge. I looked out the window and the sun was just coming up. It looked damp and wet outside, but it was too early to predict what the day ahead might be like.
When I went down stairs I got a bowl of cereal and ate quick, again I was anxious and nervous. Immediately next I went to check outside to see if John had left for work already or if he was still in bed. I was relieved to see his truck was gone.
I started upstairs to get ready, change from my pajamas to my clothes for school. I had searched my wardrobe for almost an hour last night just to find something nice to wear. Then I finally found a nice purple spaghetti strap undershirt and a white thin sweater for an over shirt. For pants I just slipped on a nice clean pair of dark blue jeans.
Afterwards I went downstairs and did my hair to perfection. My dark brown but shiny hair went well with my hazel eyes and looked nice with my clothes. When I came out of the bathroom I looked at the clock and realized I was going to be late on my first day. I hurriedly grabbed my bag and jacket and slipped out the door. The weather outside was nice. The sun was already up and high in the sky. The sky was a nice light blue with some white clouds. No sign of rain today I thought.
I quickly went to my mom’s car turned on the ignition and I was off. The school wasn’t hard to find. It was a big building close to my house. Not close enough I could walk there though.

I drove into the parking lot of the school and tried to find a space but the place was almost filled. I finally found a spot and hurried for the main office. The school was big. There was a large building in the back, I believed to be the gym, but the rest of the school was just one oversized building. The area around the school was beautiful. In the back of the school, just past the field, was a forest. The forest made the school look bigger, and beautiful.
Arkport High School. That’s what the name of my school was. A huge sign hung over the main office saying Arkport High main office.
When I walked in I looked around. The main office was small. The office was warm and smelt like flowers. It had a tiny hall way to the left heading to what was the Principals office and a printing room on the right side. The middle part of the office had two desks. At one of the desks a red headed girl sat there. She wore a light blue t-shirt. Her face looked angry and not very friendly.
“Hi, my name is Stephanie White.” I said shyly
“Hello, you must be the new student, just a moment I will give you your class schedule and a map of the school.” She said, reassuring me. I changed my mind on the thought of her being horrible.
She fiddled threw a bunch of papers and handed me my schedule and the map of the school. I walked out of the main office staring at the map, to other eyes looking dumb witted.
Before the first bell rang I tried to memorize most of the map, as much as I could.

I made it to my first class which was Math, just as the second bell went.
When I walked in everyone looked at me. The class room was large, white concrete filled the walls, and the floor had black tiles. Poster about Math filled the room and made it look crowded.
“Hello, you must be Stephanie White?” The teacher asked, too sure that he was right.
“Yes” I said as my voice was cracking. The entire class had there eyes on me.
“I’m Mr. Vanier. Please take a seat in the back row.”
I hurriedly went to the back row and found an empty seat. Throughout the first part of Math Mr. Vanier let people talk so they could get to know me. The usual questions people ask you when you get to a new school.
“Hi, my name is Ashley. What school did you last go to?” One girl said. “Hey, I’m Trisha.” Another one said.
A lot of people already seemed to know my name. I guess in a small town things go around easily, someone told me I should remember that.

After Math my next class was French. I couldn’t really find my way looking at the map. The girl named Trisha had that class next too, so she showed me the way.
In French my teachers name was Mrs. Brault. When I heard her name I thought to myself; this is going to be a long hard year. Mrs. Brault made me stand in front of the class and repeatedly asked me questions about myself so that everyone got to know me better. I didn’t like it very much.
A few people talked to me in French after Mrs. Brault had told me to take a seat in any empty desk. A guy named Richard talked to me frequently when the teacher wasn’t looking, he was nice. He had nice bronze hair with blue eyes that looked even nicer in the sun. He looked like the kind of guy you would see on TV or in a magazine.
When French ended I was glad. I wasn’t too strong in French. Richard had the next class with me. I was very thankful. He showed me the way to my next class, which was Biology. The teachers name was Mr. Rong. Mr. Rong was funny and nice. Since Richard was the only one I kind of knew he let him sit by me.
As the class started filling up and the last bell had rung Mr. Rong got the class in order and brought out stuff for a lab. Today they were studying blood cells and we had to take a look at some under a microscope. The lab was pretty easy I thought but lots of other people I could see having some trouble.

After Biology it was lunch I was happy it was lunch, I wasn’t to brainy so classes weren’t my favorite. Richard showed me the way to the cafeteria and let me sit by him and his friends. There was a bunch of other people who came, and Richard introduced me to them all. It was all very confusing so many people I just ignored him when he got to the fourth person. I just decided to stop listening to him. Then it seemed from out of nowhere the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen walked right past me. His hair black, as dark as night. His eyes from what I could tell where a dark blue, and his face irresistible, cunning and broad. He had a muscular figure, really nice. But his face I just couldn’t look away. The way he walked past me it was like it was all a dream. As if a guy this gorgeous just couldn’t exist. After a five minutes of starring Richard finally said; “Steph are you still there?” He said while waving his hand in front of my face.
“Huh, oh ya I’m here.” I said, finally coming back to reality.
“What where you doing? Daydreaming?” He chuckled.
“No.” I said reluctantly. “Who’s that?” I asked, while pointing at the most gorgeous guy I had ever layed eyes on.
“Oh, him…” He said disappointingly.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” He said. But I knew he was hiding something. “Well that’s Edmund Truu.” He started, but then suddenly stopped.

The bell rang and lunch was over. My next class was Gym. I hated Gym. I wasn’t very athletic, though my figure was slender. The Gym was easy to find, a big building in the back of the school. Today we were starting Basketball, my favorite although I couldn’t play very well.
The teachers name in this class was Mr. Lorne. Nice and subtle but when it came to class time he was all work.
Nobody I knew was in this class with me. A few people came up to me and asked the same old questions I had already heard before. “Where are you from? Do you like it here at Arkport high?” same old, same old and getting older. I seemed to make a new friend, his name was Eric. Eric was nice and subtle like the rest of the people I had met. Eric had nice blonde silky hair, that he spiked up in the front. His eyes were a light blue, that glistened in the sun.

My last class of the day was Ethics. ERC: Ethics, and Religious Culture.
When I got to class all the teacher said was “Hi, I’m Mrs. Berret, your Ethics teacher. Please take a seat anywhere you like.” She said this with a smile on her face. It reminded me of the smile my mom had on the night before. After the bell had rung the class was starting to settling down. It was last period so some people were fidgety to get home.
The entire class all I could think about was Edmund. The sexy, mysterious dangerous looking guy. The most gorgeous guy I had ever seen. His picture layed dormant in my mind.

After class Richard met me in the parking lot. Talking a lot about a party he was having in two weeks.
“So Stephanie, I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party I’m having? At my place, in two weeks.” I could tell in his expression he was desperate for me to go.
“Sure Richard that sounds like fun but I’d have to ask my mom first ok.” I didn’t really want to go since I didn’t really know him but, I was trying to be polite.
“Sure, sure, that’s cool.” He said, in an insecure voice that started breaking down.
“Bye Richard I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said, trying to make a quick escape.
“Yup, ok bye.” His voice was breaking again.
When I got into the car I was relieved the first day was over. The parking lot was packed no room for a quick escape. As I waited there in my black shiny car, I glanced to my left and there I saw in the shade, Edmund Truu. The most gorgeous guy I’ve ever seen. He was looking my way, straight at me. It seemed as though he was staring at me, when I knew I started to blush I turned away quickly hoping he hadn’t seen me staring at him. I took a peek back just to see if he was still there, looking at me. But when I looked he was gone. Disappeared. I was upset that he was gone but, relieved that he hadn’t seen me watching him like a fool.

The drive home was long but, the school wasn’t actually far. I tried to take my time and go slow, didn’t really care much if I was late for supper. Outside it was beautiful the trees were moist and the leaves were just changing colors. I rolled down my window to smell the fresh air of the outside. It smelt like maple trees, and pine needles. It wasn’t the greatest smell.
When I walked in the door the house had smelt the same as my room upstairs I couldn’t stand that smell! I desperately wanted to get out of this house, into the nice fresh air outside.
“Your home late. Where did you go?” My mom asked in a tone that sounded a bit more angrily than usual.
“There was a big hold up in the parking lot after school. Sorry.”
“Well dinners ready. Come and eat.” Her voice was calmer now, but I could tell she was still a bit angry.
“How was your first day at school?” John asked.
“It was fine, I guess.” I replied quietly
“Did you make any friends?” My mom asked.
“A few. I’m not really hungry. May I be excused?” I asked politely.
“Fine. But don’t come downstairs later on asking for food!” John yelled.
“I won’t!” I said, talking back.
“Don’t talk back to me.” John said, I could tell he was trying to be calm.
“I’m sorry. I’m really not that hungry. May I be excused?” I said again being more polite and calm.
“Yes, you may be excused.” My mom said breaking up our conversation.

When I was excused I slowly made my way up to my ripe smelling room. I cleared my head and just took out some homework to do. The homework didn’t last long, I soon found my self daydreaming, and doodling on my paper. When I finally came back to reality I looked down to find I had wrote Mrs. Truu. Like a little six year old I was writing what my marriage to Edmund would be like. I was embarrassed of myself. I quickly crumpled up the paper and threw it in the trash that was beside my bed. To get my mind off of things I went to my computer to check my emails. I had gotten one new email from my friend Mandy.

Hey Stephanie, how are you? Do you like your new house? Have you gone to school yet? Did you make any new friends? We all miss you here. You have to come visit us soon. Let me know as soon as you get this. My mom said she would go and get you if you wanted to spend a week with us.
Write me back soon ok.
Xox talk to you later xox
Your friend – Mandy

At first I didn’t know how to start my reply. I finally thought of something to say after ten minutes of thinking.

Hey Mandy, I’m good for now. My new house is small and smells horrible. My first day of school was today and it was tiring. I made a few new friends, but I miss you guys so much. I’ll see when the earliest time is that I can come visit you guys. I don’t know if my mom would let me stay there for a week, but I’ll ask her ok. My first day was orienting but I managed to pull through. I saw the most gorgeous guy today too. You would be all over him. Well I have to go I have a lot of homework to finish up. I’ll talk to you later. Write back soon.
Xox talk to you later xox

I finished checking the rest of my emails. No one I really cared about had written me though. I eventually got really bored and decided to go for a walk. I headed down stairs to ask my mom if I could go for a walk to clear my head.
“Mom, I’m going to go for a walk okay?”
“Alright. Will you need the car?
“Mom, do you know the meaning of the word “walk”?” I chuckled.
“Alright, well be home by eight.”
“Okay. Bye.”
When I got outside I inhaled a huge breathe of fresh air, trying to get rid of the horrible smell and the taste that the smell had left behind, that was inside the house.
I started down the driveway at a slow pace.
I was at least 20 miles away when I wanted to rest, so I stopped at a coffee shop nearby.

When I walked in it was little shop. One long counter reaching from one end of the shop to the other. It smelt of coffee beans and doughnuts. It was a place where I could be alone, without anyone I knew there to bother me. I went to a table in the far back of the place, next to a window. After an hour of thinking I looked outside to see dark clouds coming in. Rain. I thought. I looked up and I saw as if a dream Edmund Truu. Just at the entrance door. He was observing the place, like a lion observes his prey. He glanced my way and quickly I dropped my head. I then brought my head up just enough so I could get a peek, but he was gone.
“Hi.” Someone from behind me said.
I almost jumped right out of my seat. I turned around to see Edmund sitting right behind me.
“I’m sorry. Did I scare you?” He said with a smirk on his face.
“Nuuh-noo.” I stuttered.
His face was so close to mine. I could smell his breath it smelt delicious and irresistible.
“My name is Edmund Truu.” He said. His voice was so pleasant and warm.
“Hi, my name is” I started but then he cut me off.
“Stephanie White. Right?” He asked with a smile on his face. He knew he was right.
“Yes. How did you know who I was?” I asked.
“It’s a small town everyone knows everything here. Your new news so everyone knows who you are.”
“Oh.” I said, as if I didn’t already know that.
“So what are you doing here all alone?” He wondered.
“Well” I started but then suddenly stopped.
“It’s nothing big. It doesn’t really matter.”
“Oh well how about I give you a drive home?”
I looked out the window and saw it was pouring now. I thought quickly, almost not at all.
“Sure.” I had a big smile on face. He smiled too, and then he stood up and gave me hand motions, signaling for me to take his hand. His hands were cold, ice cold. When our hands touched I felt the coldness and quickly moved my hand away. I saw his face look confused and a little hurt.
“Is something wrong?” He asked, confusion in his eyes.
“It’s nothing.” I was finally in touching distance with him and I didn’t want it to end there.
“Shall we.” He pleaded.
All I could do was smile. Hypnotized by his beautiful smile, lost in his gorgeous eyes. After awhile the expression on his face changed, as if he had lost his patience now.
“Are you coming?” He scowled
We walked outside and I realized I hadn’t had my jacket, and it was freezing.
“You look cold, here take my jacket.” He quietly slipped off his jacket and put it around me. I didn’t hesitate, and accepted his offer before he finished. A smile went from ear to ear on his face. I saw in his eyes he was fine now.
“My car is just over there. Wait here.”
I stood there patiently, waiting for his return. Finally he came back, with a car. His car was nice. A black car that shined off purple, and the windows were tinted a dark purple. I wasn’t to sure as to what type of car it was, but it kind of looked like a Mercedes. He parked as close to me as the sidewalk would allow, so that I wouldn’t get drenched on an attempt to get to his car. Like a gentleman he got out of his car, walked around to the other side and opened the car door for me

My first ever story =D hope you like it.

A drop in the ocean,[/color:11340bfe6e]
A change in the weather,[/color:11340bfe6e]
I was praying that you and me might end up together.[/color:11340bfe6e]
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,[/color:11340bfe6e]
But I'm holding you closer than most,[/color:11340bfe6e]
'Cause you are my heaven.[/color:11340bfe6e]


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