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When The World Didn't Have to Worry About Crazy People....

Blue Divads
Community Member
Long Time no?
well I haven't been doing much of anything lately, I got my c-mas shopping done, I got a new CD! biggrin It's sexuh, T.M. Revolution's Vertical Infinity. biggrin OMG It's soo uber, it has the English and Japense version of 'Web of Night' which is for the japesne version of Spiderman. The Music video to this song has clips of the moive. It's got a good beat, happy goodness.
The lyrics:
My Body's cold, it's as cold as ic
Running through the city
But if I try, maybe I can find
Everlasting love

What do we have? Are they only just empty words?
Each one pulls us closer to what we are looking for

I hear a voice inside me awake again
it's telling me to surrender to the fight
a shadow land far beyond the light
A life that no one but I should ever have to know
I'm fallign back into the web of night

I wear a mask, if you tear it back
What you'll see is sadness
I stand alone somewhere in the dark
All the love has gone

it's time to put everything on the line for you
Nothing ever ventured, there there'll be no gain at all

Just like the summer you never hesitate
I'm drawn to you like a month is to flame
A new horizon before our eyes
Whater ever may cross out path, I'll keep this love alive
I'm falling back into the dream again

I hear a voice inside me awake again
it's telling me to surrender to the fight
a shadow land far beyond the light
A life that no one but I should ever have to know

Just like the summer you never hesitate
I'm drawn to you like a month is to flame
A new horizon before our eyes
Whater ever may cross out path, I'll keep this love alive
I'm fallign back into the web of night

biggrin AHH! So sexuh! biggrin Takanori is so seuxh! biggrin Anyway.. enough on TMR.

Um.. aside from the new cd. nothing much exciting has happened. biggrin



pixle time.
I have been so bored lately that I've been doing pixle art. I have done Kandie and Kyo.

Kandie's needs to be seen on a darker surface, so I'm going to give the link to it on my Deivant art accont. She looks soo preaty! biggrin

But here's Kyo-san. And he's CHIBI-FIED!!

Kyo's pixle

biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin He makes me happy. and he's not wearing any shoes.

Here's to Kandie's pixle picture. Kandie

So yay, I think i'm going to go do another one... >.> Hum Maybe I'll do couples.... >.>

Blue Divads
Community Member

Blue Divads
Community Member
Being bored to deaht does many things for you...
So I was bored this weekend because with school starting back up and DF_W being gone from the guilds, RP'ing has slowed down.

But during my boredum I have written up one of the -longest- character Descriptions you will ever some upon. I thought I'd share, mybe you too in yoru boredum will pass a small chunk of time away.

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Race: Vampire
Birthdate: July 15th, 567 AD
Birthplace: Kobe, Japan
Height: 4 ft 9inch
Weight: 147lbs
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Blonde with black bangs
Ethnic Background: Japense
Marital Status: Married, wife deceased
Age: 1278yrs
Gender: Male


Name: Kyoei Nagamia Tsunami
Aliases: None
Nickname: Kyo
Social Class: Upper, Lord
Education: Private tuturing though out adolesent years
Residence (Type): Large masion with three floors, a basement and an attic; the basement and 1st floor house his servants and others in his home.
Ginny (14yrs old, deceased); Rick and Eric (twins, 6yrs old, deceased)
Health: Good
Friends: Bram Estre, Satoshi Nagasi, Akito Nagasi, Ishida Nagasi Snr., Ishida Nagasi Jr., Horatio Anduo Tsunami, many others
Allies: (see above)
Enemies: Most humans (slayers), Jaques Lumie, Lucius McCormic
Most Significant Other(s): Sandra Tsunami (deceased); Rukia Nagasi
Community Status: Is well loved for his charming personality and big heart.
Pets: None
Languages Spoken: English; at one point could speak Japense and Chinese but time has erased them from his memory.
Intelligence: Very intelligent
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Sexual Habits: Normally he is not a lusty man, but when in a good mood it is possiable for him to 'take charge.'
Sexual Experience: After the unexpected death of his first wife and love, Sandra, he took in many 'lovers' trying to ease his pain. He is not a stranger to sex.
Type Of Friends Preferred: Loyal and strong.
Type Of Lovers Preferred: Loyal, loving, and gentle
What Hometown Was Like: He doesn't remember much of it, but what he does remember of it, it was generally a peaceful town, not much happened and everyone knew everyone.
Biggest Accomplishment/Best Known For: At this point in time he's probably best known for his assention to the role of Lord Tusnami at a young age after his master was killed by slayers.
Talents: Great horsemenship
Hobbies/Pastimes: taking long walks in the local parks and practicing his swordmenship
Clothes/Accessories: Noramlly he will wear a white button up cotton shirt with a burgandy or blue vest. The vest would normall be embriodared with a silver or gold. His pants are a straight leg, black with matching polished black dress shoes. On his down days or when ridding he will wear a lighter white cotton shirt with leather breaches and boots.
Personal Possessions/Toys: to this day he still holds on to the gift he was going to give his daughter, a gold chain necklace with a heart locket; he also has an assortment of canes which can be converted in to thin swords. The hilts are always highly decorated but evenly balance with the blade.
Name Transmits First Impression to Reader: Strength
Reason/Meaning Behind Name: None
What do they do to unwind? Drink red wine
Optimist, pessimist or realist? Realist
Does s/he dress for style or comfort? Style over comfort most of the time
What just irritates the hell out of her/him? Over bearing, unsensitive people
Is s/he allergic to anything? B Positive Blood type
What was the childhood like? Generally he led a healthy child hood, he was mischievious and loved to cause trouble.
Easy or hard to embarrass? Depends on the subject
Bad habits. ie nailbiting, fidgeting, ect? He fights against those trying to help him recover from illness or injury
Like to dance? Yes
Any addictions? No
What would they take offence to? When people do not believe in his ablitity to care and protect his house and family.
Any phobias? Slayer Phobia?
Sensitive to changes in weather? No
Who do they trust and why? Kyo will trust just about anyone who doesn't automaticlly show him harm or evil.
What makes them laugh? His own mistakes, peoples jokes and so forth
Do they like kids/animals? Loves kids but not to keen on animals
What do they take pride in? He takes pride in his looks
How do they interact with preferred sex: He's very laid back, fun loving and loves to cuddle and hug
What's their astrological sign? Cancer


Father: Keiji Nagaima
Profession: Fishermen
Residence: Kobe, Japan
Living/Dead: Deceased
Mother: Leiko Nagaima
Profession: Seamestress
Residence: Kobe, Japan
Living/Dead: Deceased
Parents' Marital Status: Married
Brothers: None
Sisters: None
Family Relations: Generally good, were rough spots but nothing to out of the ordinary
Family History: They were born into a little extension of the Tusnami house in Kobe. From the side houses the main branches of the Tusnami house picks boys of outstandin caliber to become the Lords heir should he die. The Nagamia family was known to produce many of the next lords and the Lord Hiroshi, Kyo's Master's Master, is somewhat of a thrid or fourth cousin to Kyo.


Hands: Thin but storng, long finger and long nails.
Limbs: Stout but thin, he's not hunky but not a pole either.
Complexion/Skin Tone: Warm for a paled faced creature, a warmer paler peach
Face: Round
Breasts/Chest: defined and well toned
Waist: Thin
Hips: Thin, much in line with his wasit
Build: Lean but muscular
Distinguishing Marks: None
Posture: Very proud and up right
Appearance: reagal in a sense
Hair Texture: Very thick and wire-y
Hairstyle: None, it sticks up everywhere and is an untamable mess
Predominant Feature/What Noticed First: his eyes, they are an intense grey


Morals: Treat all with kindness and respect; unless they prove to be a threat to you and yours.
Ambitions, Aspirations, Desires: To hold on to his family and keep everyone under his wing safe and warm.
Major Traits: His generosity
Minor Traits: His paranoia
Character Flaws/Weaknesses: His need to control a situation
Character Strengths: His undieing devotion to his loved ones
Habitual/Favourite Expressions: A gentle smile
Habitual Mannerisms: tapping his fingers on a hard surface
Fears, Anxieties, Hangups: The fear of being caught unaware by slayers
Temperament: Cool, calmn, slightly paranoid
Attitude Toward Life: To live it to its fullest
Attitude Toward Death: To fight for life to the very end, then accept it peacefully
Leader/Follower/Dropout: Leader and Follower
Highest Hope: To see Horatio become a sucessful leader and person
Preoccupations, Worries: wheather or not his house will be attacked again by slayers
Biggest Source Of Pride: Seeing Horatio or others of his house become better people
Biggest Source Of Shame or Defeat: Not being able to protect those he loves
How They Talk/Speech Patterns (Diction, Tone, Speed, Pitch): He has a British accent but his diction is very clear, his tone is of a proud man, he talks fast enough to keep it moving but slow enough for those to comprehend, his pitch varied deepending on his mood.
Gestures: Lots of hand movement
Involvement with Objects: Things that have high sentimental value will never leave him
Attitude toward Opposite Sex: generally very welcoming
How They Handle Crisis: he either painics or painics and then does soemthing about it
How They Protect Themselves: He's an excelent swordsmen, and tends to use his sowrd in junction with his nails and fangs
Public Persona: Regal and proud
Daily Habits: Gets up drinks tea, with a touch of sugar and milk; reads the paper, then beings to work on house affiars, such as bills whose doing what, so foth and so on. Then if he has time he will go out for an evening ride, if not he will either feed and then take a bath or go straight to the bath. Then he slipps off to dream land in his warm bed.
How They Dance: Kyo's an excelent ball room dancer
Pet Peeves: Can't stand smokers
Ways of Dealing With Children Or Those In Inferior Positions: He tried to make his actions those so the others can understand
Eating Habits (When, What, How): He does not feed on human blood often, but when he does he gorges and leaves the human either nearly dead or dead. Other than that he keeps up the with the human tradition of eating regual food. He loves fish.
Heroes: His Master
Motivational Patterns/What Gets Them Going: The need to protect
Attention To Detail/Degree Of Concentration: He will pick on changes eventually but that's only if it's minior, if its a major change he notices it right away.
Confidence Factor: Veryhigh
Generosity: High
Handicaps: being short
How They Treat People They Like: With respect, honor and love
How They Treat People They Dislike: With cold expression, and sarcastic coments
How They React When Angry/Upset: Holds himself back untill he's about to pop
Self-Value/How They See Themselves: He sees himself a very beaten man, but with energy to keep on trucking
Personality Type: Out going, fun loving, people person
How they'd describe themselves: Vertically chalenged, british asian with a paranoia of being killed
Do They See Themselves As Happy/Satisfied?: Yes
Do They See Themselves As A Hero?: Depends on the situation
Sense Of Humour: Yes
Feelings Toward Family: Very strong
Feelings Toward Friends: Strong
Feelings Toward Enemies: VERY strong
Secrets: When he went crazy (after the unexpected deaths of his wife and three children), he tried many, many times to kill himself, the maids eventually had to tie him to the bed and keep him from hurting himself. He also talked to the moon.
Biography: His clan was strong. Although he was born to mortal parents he was raised in the main Tsunami house and sired by his mentor Lord Tsunami. When his master was killed by slayers he was thrown into the role of Lord at the young age of 200 yrs old. Since then he's done a damn good job of running the Tsunami house.
When he was around 845 yrs old, he lost his wife and three children to slayers.


Wee, now wasn't that fun? Of course it was. >.< Gods... being bored sucks.

Bloody Diamonds Character Sheet
YAY! More drawings, How fun.

biggrin I am so pleased with how this came out. My favorite head shots are of Akito, Bram, Ishida, Kyo, and Rukia. Satoshi came out alright.. but it could use some work, the others seem to look like 'eh' stuff. Im like yeah it good, but there could be improvements.

But yeah. biggrin

Here we go!

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Wasn't that fun, I think I might digitally do some stuff.. ninja My gods..

Blue Divads
Community Member

Blue Divads
Community Member
Character Time?
Oh yeah, I'm stealing BBQ's Idea and listing all my characters right here. dunno why, they're all up on the guild. You should go there, It's Bloody Diamonds. It's great, we could use more people. *nods* Just be warned you're going to be taking a plunge into the deep end, we move quickly here.

OKAY! Let's start with... biggrin

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Name: Kyoei Tsunami
Nickname: Kyo
Age: 1300 Looks about 24
Race: Vampire (Noble)
Appearance: A mop of blonde hair that is never combed, has black bangs. Eyes are almond in shape and a vapid grey, (think asian) he's roughly 4'11. He dresses normally in a fancier attire. Silken white button up shirt with a heaver burgandy vest with gold embroudering. Black dress pants with black leather dress shoes.
Weapons/Acessory: He always carried around a staff which doubles as a sword.
Powers: Is a strong teleapath; he's also a daywalker
Bio: His clan was strong. Although he was born to mortal parents he was raised in the main Tsunami house and sired by his mentor Lord Tsunami. When his master was killed by slayers he was thrown into the role of Lord at the young age of 200 yrs old. Since then he's done a damn good job of running the Tsunami house.
When he was around 845 yrs old, he lost his wife and three children to slayers.
Personality: He's very aloof but when needed he can be very serious.

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Name: Horiato Andou

Age: 25

Race: Vampire

Appearance: Stands roughly 5'8"; is very lanky in appearence, his face in oval in appearence, his skin is a tan peach; his hair is a cascade of deep rich chocolate brown that comes down in little tendrals to about his shoulders; his eyes are almond in shape but large for his face, their are a uniqe color of pastel green mixed with a navy blue; clothing style tends towards a simple tunic, some leather breeches and leather boots. When forced to he will wear nicer clothes.

Weapons: He's handy with just about any blade, long sword to axe, from sickle to daggers. His prefered weapon is a heavy battle axe that is normally strapped to his back.

Powers: Has a strong night vision; the power to feel others, dead or alive; mental capabilites that are strong and most of the time unbrakeable.

Bio: Born and raised in a rural comunity three villiages over from the main city, he has known only superstition (not that he believes any of it) and farming. His father and mother, both human, were bred from the vampires in the Tusnami House. They had left that life to find another path not killed with killing, they had their son and lived peacefully. When Horatio was 17 they told him of his ansestors and what they did. Horatio being fasenated with this alternate life wanted to meet his grandparents.

His parents agreed and told Kyoei Tsunami of their son's coming. Kyo soon wrote back encoraging them to send him and swore he would not be sired unless he agreed and they knew about it. The boy was then shipped off to live in the covant called the Tsunami Mansion.

Personality: He's extremely intellegent and able to disipher fact from fiction. While he appears to be plain, his speech and manerisims will cause most to forget his homely looks. He's not afriad to speak, but knows when to remain silent.

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Name: Christopher Donovon
Age: 57
Race: Human (1/2 Scottish, 1/2 Irish)
Appearance: Extremely tall, stands roughly 6'8 and is really a big man. He's very muscular but gentle. His face is square with a beard and mustache combo the same color as his salt and pepper hair. Although on his beard the bottom half of his side burns are a pure white. His eyes are a deep blue with thick eye brows. His attire consists of a warriors uniform to the Vernon Mansion. Has a very heavy accent of which is a combanation of the Irish accent of his mother and Scottish accent of his father.
Weapons: Normally only weilds a sword, but he's actually preaty handy with a bow and arrow as well. So he'll have his quiver on his back, his bow stiuated over his torso and his sword sheathed at his side.
Bio: His born to a warrior family with three older brothers (who are all now retired), his father was a warrior and died in the line of duty, leaving his mother to deal with four helliyans. He was the more level headed of his brothers, but was quick to pick up the family trade. His found work in the Vernon Mansion when he was but 15 and has been there ever since. He has had many close calls with vampires, and has nearly been bitten 5 to 6 times. Around his neck hangs a fang from a vampire he killed.
Personality: He's very load and loving, very huggable, but he's like a father, stern and yet very gentle. He has a tendency to get roawdy, but is deependable.. Even when drunk...

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Name: Kandie Morgan Laavan Nagisa
Age: 800 (appears 16)
Race: Vampire
Appearance: Stands roughly 5'1, She's a femine sword weilder. Her hair is normally worn up in a bun or a long ponytail. She has slate blue eyes that are very intense and very round, unlike other Japanese her eyes aren't very almond. Her lips are very pouty; she normally wears the baggest man's kimono she can find.
Weapons: One long sword (normally just for show), with three daggers strapped to each leg under her kimono.
Powers: she has the limited gift of controlling the weather, she isn't a day walker but she can stand some sunlight, suduction.
Bio: Born into a lower chain of the Nagisa family she is considered a 'slave' for the upper class. While she was working one day she met Lau'ie and became fast friends with her. Lau'ie protected her from some of the vampiric males. When she was murdered, Kandie became very closed off and used her power of seduction to get up into the ranks. She's currently married to a general in the Nagasi army, thou he only comes to her for pleasure. She has much respect for Akito and Ishida and would love nothing more to see Nagamaki to be slaughterd in his sleep.
Personality: Distant and cold to many people, has a tendency not to talk and stare coldly. When she does talk most people fall in love with her voice which is a sweet tenor.

Wanna see how they compare height wise? Be prepared to be amused.
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Woo, that alwasy tickles me pink! biggrin biggrin

Yeah.. just thought I'd share. LOVES


RANT TIME!!! (break it down!)
Okay, Question for all you literate people out there, would you consider an Rp'er 'literate' if they use a popular character's image as their own character's image, not to mention if they spell the character's name like 'heero' and there is no punctuation anywhere in the profile except for the ':'s! OMG! How stupid can some people get?

scream scream scream scream YOU ARE NOT LITERATE IF YOU 'conveniatly borrow' ANOTHER'S HARD WORK!


*pants* I hate people..... Rwar. scream scream scream exclaim evil stressed

Blue Divads
Community Member

Blue Divads
Community Member
Bloody Roar 3, Cars, Band and Jpop.
Not much has been happening since the last time I posted here. I bought Bloody Roar 3, great game. Alice is uber. I've dubbed Jenny the Pantless Wonder and I've been through Arcade mode twice.

I washed my car, and went to band rookie camp to help with the teaching of the rookies. Yay. The weather is exceptionally nice were I live so marching was nice and breezy, literally and figeratively.

That's all.

Love and Peace.


Spring Break is upong us.
Yes yes, I am finally out for spring break. Happiness now ensues. Um... as for an update on the happening on Gaia. I got that bed I was talking about. I'm now working towards a messenger bag. >.> Woosh.

Yup. I just got a pink link and recieved around 1000 gold. blaugh YAY!

Um... *thinks* that's it.

Love and Peace

Miyoko Lyanna

This is here for my use. !!!@@@!!!

Blue Divads
Community Member

Blue Divads
Community Member
Today In the World of Gaia
Today, I wasted most of my money for furnature for my house. I recieved a treasure chest and a pink gift box. I am highly amused by this. *nods* I'm thinking about buying a hammer... but then again I want this really spectualular bed for my house... *hummmm*

Oh well. I've been role playing most of the day. If you ever want to rp I'll join in. I like most kinds, Fantasy, Midieval, Fantasy/Midieval, Elemental, Dragon, okay lets just say Fantasy. It covers most of my bases.. oh yeah. And Vampire rps are thrilling.

I'm an Anime freak? ^^' Yeah. I'm also an avid Jpop/rock fan. DIR EN GREY ROCKS! ^__^ So does Pierrot, Gackt and X-Japan. ^__^ Loves and peace.

I think that's all I've got to say. Laters.

Carl. (Or Miyoko Lyanna)

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