I love him.
I love him.
- Oh, yes.
It's one of those kinds of journal entries.
Well, you can stop reading now if you don't like it.
We're a day short of 5 and a half months.
Not really a significant marker in a relationship.
I just really felt like it was time for a journal....
Also, I need something to do while the next episode of The Vampire Diaries buffers.
But mostly it just felt like the right time to say it to myself,
to personally review the success of my relationship.
5.5 months, and the most wonderful 5.5 months of my life.
No fighting.
No tension.
No drama.
Everything has been perfect.
Maybe I've been watching too much tv,
because it seems like something should be swooping in to shake things up.
But that's been my suspiscion for months now,
and nothing's happened.
We're just happy together.
It's perfect.
He's perfect.
Guess that's love when the waters are calm.
I'm so used to seeing love tested,
it just surprises me that real love can be untested.
But somehow, I guess I just know it's real.
I'm young,
but I know when I reach the point where I would do anything for someone.
Anyhow, it's a good thing,
and even though I don't know how long I can keep it going,
I know it'll last a good while.
I also know that life and, moreover, love is full of tests.
No need to go rushing into them.
I fully intend to draw out every last moment we have
in this,
a paradise.