Clan History
The Cursed did not start as such, before they where a clan of weak and terrified people watching as first the great war came closer and closer to the tiny island. so they started to pray to an ancient goddess that their clan had supposedly dissended from named Hel. The Goddess came before them her right half a beautiful and enchanting woman, but her left was a rotting corps. she agreed to help them, and in exchange they must worship her and give her offering of flesh and blood. the clan agreed to it and did as they where told. the clan survived the war and afterward they became more and more powerful.
near the second war they stopped worshiping, some even forsaking the name of Hel all together, as punishment Hel stripped the clan of there power and gave them a horrible curse. because the clan refused to join in the next war Kirigakure attempted to destroy them, they simply went underground and hid letting the great village think that they where dead.
The Three Curses
The Eternal
Positive: They live for upwards of 200 years and are very politically minded.
Negative: They have almost no chakra and little physical strength.
Position: they are the main part of the clan.
Manifestation: Other then the fact that they age slowly they look completely normal.
Natural Abilities: none
The Demon's Mark
Positive: They are strong, have high amounts of chakra, and learn quickly.
Negative: They have very short lives only living about 30 years, and they are easily manipulated.
Position: everything from solider to house slave, they are the dogs of the Eternal.
Manifestation: a tattoo that starts from the left side of there body and spreads to the right tell the left side is completely black. the tattoo is a toxin that will kill them, they have not found a cure yet.
Abilities: they have a natural resistance to poison and are capable of mastering many different techniques before they die.
The Demon Eye
Positive: They are unbelievably intelligent, have near unlimited chakra, and make excellent Ninja and assassins.
Negative: They are completely insane, most showing sociopathic tendencies, they will normally have a laundry list of instabilities.
Position: none they are normally killed at birth
Manifestation: A dark red, slitted eye that supposedly is the source of there frightening power.
Abilities: extremely high regeneration, and the ability to create a strange weapon known as the death box.
Positive: They live for upwards of 200 years and are very politically minded.
Negative: They have almost no chakra and little physical strength.
Position: they are the main part of the clan.
Manifestation: Other then the fact that they age slowly they look completely normal.
Natural Abilities: none
The Demon's Mark
Positive: They are strong, have high amounts of chakra, and learn quickly.
Negative: They have very short lives only living about 30 years, and they are easily manipulated.
Position: everything from solider to house slave, they are the dogs of the Eternal.
Manifestation: a tattoo that starts from the left side of there body and spreads to the right tell the left side is completely black. the tattoo is a toxin that will kill them, they have not found a cure yet.
Abilities: they have a natural resistance to poison and are capable of mastering many different techniques before they die.
The Demon Eye
Positive: They are unbelievably intelligent, have near unlimited chakra, and make excellent Ninja and assassins.
Negative: They are completely insane, most showing sociopathic tendencies, they will normally have a laundry list of instabilities.
Position: none they are normally killed at birth
Manifestation: A dark red, slitted eye that supposedly is the source of there frightening power.
Abilities: extremely high regeneration, and the ability to create a strange weapon known as the death box.
The Death Box
This strange devise is made by one inflicted with the curse of the Demon Eye, it is made from any kind of box that the cursed gets a hold of around there 10th birthday. after through investigation it is assumed that the box is where the Demon Eye 'eats' the soul of the people they kill.
when the clan was still studying the different curses, the Demon Eye's Death Box was completely researched. it has the potential to hold almost limitless amounts of weaponry but at the same time it is the Demon eye's greatest weakness. when destroyed the box's owner goes into convulses before dieing from exsanguination from the demon eye. a researcher did try to see what was within the box, unfortunately he hung himself several years later after being placed in an asylum.