This is Lil Leiko, biggest loser in the world. Hmmm... it's saturday morning, i was meant to go shopping for winter clothing, but yet again, dear mother lied. As usual. stare well, i have three tests to study for next week, but i'm lazy. All As and a C. Woopdie freakin doo. Bwahaha.. so today i am looking forward to spending it all in my PJs, eating, writing my poorly written stories, and watching DVDs, probably Star Wars.
Well, since this is the first entry, is hould tell you have problems i have, to get them out of the way. xp 4laugh
-Back Brace due to a crooked spine
-braces to due crooked teeth that stick out when i laugh...
-frizzy hair from Hell
-horrible skin from hell
-flat chest (haha... there's a funny joke behind that... yet not so funny at the same time)
- No social life (Many friends who dont wanna hang out w/ me)
-No love life (it will most likely stay like that until the day i die)
-no money (I was sooo born into the wrong social class)
-stupid (freshman in Alg. B and no AP or honor classes, but i'm planning for next year...)
-NO MULAH! (how the hell am i gonna pay for my Student Ambassador trip if i got no money?!)
-unloving sisters
-spoiled older brother (he's gonna be a doctor next year yet stil lives at home...)
-Uncaring father (Fool...)
-crazy mom (i really do mean crazy)
- hairy legs (mom still wont let me shave...i have hairier legs then my bro... how depressing)
- did i mention Back Brace?
- bad eye sight (damn glasses... making me more geeky)
-i have no chance at college, even if i did get in, i have no money
-people only talk to me in class for answers
- did i mention that i have frizzy hair that is thinning?
Hm... all i could think of at the moment... well these are all the good things i got going for me:
-grades are better then sisters' (HAHA! they may have a talent in the arts and steal all the attension in family get-togethers but i have my books! in your face!)
-Richer then most of my friends
-skinny (yeah lil sis weighs more then me, and proud of it!)
-About to be a Student Ambassador (just need to pass the interview and i'm in!)
-better fashion sense then sister (haha! so true)
-better looking then sister (haha, and i'm supose to be butt a** ugly too...)
... and that's all for the pros... many cons i see... haha! so true though... well, here are hobbies:
-Writing stories and posting them online (Pen name on Fanfiction. net and Fictionpress.com is Lala_the_Panda)
-Rock music (everything from Marylyn Manson (sp?),Metallica (80s), Greenday, Linkin Park, to Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Maroon 5, and Coldplay.) i have a lot of fav. bands
-surfing the web
-shopping (for clothing!!!)
-going out w friends (that is, if they ask if i could come, and if my mom would say yes for once)
-making wallpaper for computer
-Harry Potter (Proud Slytherin)
yep, i'm pretty boring... well, yeah... okay now any news in my life? yes!
-Favorite Chinese restaurant was burnt to the ground on Thursday. it is only a few blocks from my highschool, and i dont know how it caught on fire
-Multi Cult Studies teacher lost my projext before he was able to grade it resulting in my A+ to go to a C+... now i have to redo the damn thing! BLOODY FOOL!
-one of my best friends got a BF, making me remember how lonely i am
-I have to take my friend's BF home every Tuesday after Confimation class... i hope she doesnt think anything is going on...
and that is all... still think i'm interesting? then check up every now and then for another entry! you must be a fool to think i'm interesting.
Hanggang kasunod takdaan ng oras (is that right?)
TCHAO! (hah... tagalog then french... how amusing)
-Lil Leiko heart
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