He's on fire.
Flaming Dead Man
Community Member
Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 @ 08:28pm
John Daves
[:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:] Officer Daves Played By: Flaming Dead Man  John Daves Purely Superficial Age: 32, though he appears more in his mid-20s Race: human Racial Description: John is your Average-Joe, everyday human-being. He has no particularly special abilities and no abnormal strengths. His limits and capabilities are dictated by Earth's mother nature. Appearance: John stands at 5'11 and weighs about 170 lbs. He has a muscular, athletic build, with just a bit of a belly.Digging Deeper Likes: ((What your character likes, at least three.)) Dislikes: ((What your character doesn't like, at least three.)) Fears: ((What your character is afraid of)) Personality: ((Your character's personality, at least one paragraph.)) Bio: ((Your character's History, two paragraphs)) Allegiance: ((Overall decision pattern; 'good', 'bad', etc.))Tools of Survival Weapons: ((The weapons your character uses, keep in mind how much your character could concievably carry around with them.)) Strengths: ((What your character is good at, be reasonable.)) Weaknesses: ((What your character isn't good at/can die from.)) Powers: ((Do not go overboard -- keep in mind strengths/weaknesses. Don't be OP.))Final Words Music: ((Any music that suits your character -- optional.)) Additional Appearances: ((Links or descriptions of any other appearances)) Other: ((Anything else?))
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 @ 06:05am
#827B60 (forest green) #48CCCD (turquoise) #41627E (dodger blue)Rae // Wrath Played By: Flaming Dead Man  Wrathis (ray-thus) Purely Superficial Age: unknown, presumed several hundred; appears in his early twenties Race: dragon; mixed breed Racial Description: As Wrathis is a 'mutt' of sorts, his 'description' is a bit scattered. He's capable of shifting into a human form, which he's gradually changed to match the eras (though has otherwise remained more or less the same), can live many thousands of years, and possesses the capability to manipulate racially-defined elements or is gifted with racially-defined defenses. His 'breed' stands (in natural form) a good six stories from hands to the crown of his skull. His length (from snout to the end of his tail) is approximately double that. He is also capable of 'shrinking' himself, though his shifting capabilities beyond that are minimal. His healing is accelerated, though he is -- by no means -- impervious to death. Like any other earthly creature, he can most certainly die, though to kill a dragon is a feat within itself. Appearance: His left eye is a brilliant dark blue and he wields a scar proudly from the upper left corner of his forehead to the right of his jaw; said scar seems to have once been rather nasty, a bit of the skin within and around the scar itself still relatively marred. He stands 6'2, with an athletic build and just a bit of muscle tone. he's often found wearing a black t-shirt and jeans, a pair of converse-like tennis shoes when he has. He wears a set of dog tags around his neck and has a rather turquoise tribal tattoo running from the underside of his left wrist, across his back and neck, and just behind his right ear. Should be shave his head, it would reveal that the hidden end of the tattoo is a fierce dragon's muzzle.Digging Deeper Likes: Cold. Bitter cold, even. He drinks a lot of water, and prefers to eat his meals... live. He likes Kiet, but only on strictly business terms. He likes to break things, especially things that shatter. He likes sharp pain, especially when unexpected, and prefers dull, white light over darkness or anything bright. Lounging or otherwise lying about. Observing suffering of any kind, or feeling it himself. Dislikes: Strong stenches like rotting meat or excrement of any kind. Anything that is 'too easy'. Small places, if only because he prefers not to feel cramped. Boredom -- he doesn't mind being idle, but only if there's something interesting in the vicinity to keep his attention. Fears: A dishonorable death -- he wants to die fighting for his life, and nothing short of that. Personality: He's stubborn and narcissistic with little patience for anyone. He loathes people. Especially humans. He is an amazing bodyguard -- fierce, loyal, and protective. He doesn't mind taking commands, so long as he's rewarded in some way, or otherwise has a goal to achieve. He's excellent at keeping secrets, though mostly because he hardly talks to anyone other than those he specifically associates with. He loves to mess with people, though he only does so for personal gain, in one way or another. Bio: Born to a world far from the current, he was brought to 'Earth' as an egg, raised by a keeper who specialized in breeding. The breeder thought to have found a rare breed, and was rather dismayed to have hatched a 'mutt'. The breeder attempted to kill him, but the apparent lack of knowledge as to just which traits he was gifted was the man's demise. Wrathis traveled to an icy, glacial part of the world, then lied dormant for an undetermined amount of time.
When he woke, he of course found the world to be far different from what he remembered. He was curious, visiting various cultures to learn. However, he quickly grew bored, and quickly let himself fall into a much more... destructive lifestyle. He began killing several per week, all in different parts of the world. It wasn't the killing he enjoyed, really, but the torture that was involved. He loved to watch the suffering. However, even this, too, grew old. He wanted something different. Something bigger. It wasn't long before he'd learned of Kiet, and it was only a matter of moments before he decided to set himself on the path to finding him. Allegiance: Himself, utterly. He's chaotic/evil, through and through.Tools of Survival Weapons: He uses only what he is naturally equipped with -- anything beyond that would only make his victory lose meaning, or his death dishonorable. Strengths: His strength (both in mind and body) is incredible. He's clever and picks up observations at an eerie rate, often using them against others. His physical strength lies mostly in his dragon form. He knows how to manipulate people -- especially the weak-minded -- to get what he wants, and he's not in the least bit afraid or ashamed to do so. Weaknesses: Just as any Earthly animal, he's theoretically easy to kill. However, ironically enough, he's harder to kill in his 'condensed' form (humanoid) than in his full dragon form. The density of his cells is incredibly; a bullet to his head would knock him unconscious as his body healed. The trick is to get him in his dragon form, to treat him like a large, ferocious animal. In this form, the heart is his weakest point. Powers: His particular breed yields electricity (lesser fire/heat), ice (lesser water/steam), and a strong resilience to most magics, particularly those that would affect his mind or alter his body directly. In dragon form, his skin is thick, but by no means impenetrable.Final Words Music: -- Additional Appearances: dragon form Other: He likes to eat his food whole.
Flaming Dead Man
Community Member
Flaming Dead Man
Community Member
Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 @ 08:34am
#800517 (firebrick) #806517 (gold) #696565 (grey) Alvin Played By: Flaming Dead Man  Er'zeki Purely Superficial Age: unknown; appears 18-20 years Race: mutated shape-shifter -- cellular shifting (currently unknown to public) Racial Description: Shape-shifter based off of own cellular shifting -- no bio-intake required for transformation. Modification creates a deep blood/flesh lust, which very much contributes to the 'serial-killer'-ness. Appearance: The given picture is his 'natural' form. He shifts often, hardly retaining the same appearance for more than a day, even if changing just enough over the course of a week to keep himself anonymous.Digging Deeper Likes: darkness, very small spaces and very large spaces, pennies, loud and crowded places, Penny's Pub Dislikes: bright lights, bright colors, humans, sweet things Fears: ... this is a good question... Personality: A being of action rather than thought, there's very little to his personality. He likes to eat, he likes to hunt, he likes to kill. He's very much a psychopath, feeling no guilt, and he has a certain lack of compassion -- though whether this is a deeper trait goes rather unknown. Not too many people get to know the real him well enough for that. Bio: The time he'd existed in this particular universe is unknown. The attacks have -- at the very least -- been most prominent within the last two years. Unbeknownst to most, he calls Penny's Pub his 'home'. Allegiance: chaotic neutralTools of Survival Weapons: Er'zeki relies on his own body and shifting capabilities to defend himself. Strengths: All of his physical qualities rely on the creature he portrays. His shifting capabilities and mutations allow him to heal quickly and on command. He's technically immortal. Technically. Weaknesses: Er'zeki, though clever when it comes to his crimes, is otherwise not the brightest crayon in the box. He can easily be fooled and manipulated in the right hands. He can be killed through cremation. Powers: Other than that already listed, he has none.Final Words Music: -- Additional Appearances: His current appearance is that of a short, dark-haired man, his eyes light blue and bearing a dorky smile. He wears glasses and t-shirts portraying video game characters, donning a high-tech laptop and an expensive headset whenever he's in public. He's often found at Penny's Pub, seemingly absorbed in his video games with another 'friend' or two encouraging him nearby. Other: He has a distinct scent. Though it changes with every form to reflect the new set of DNA, the scents always have a hint of vinegar mixed with them. This scent is hardly noticeable, and absolutely not noticeable to humans or other beings with 'weak' noses.
Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 @ 10:27pm
My life is falling apart~
It all started with a bad decision. I chose it, it wasn't forced upon me. It would seem that this is a common mistake, on my part. I choose my own ending, and thus put myself through such turmoil. I chose to leave every job I've ever had. I chose to leave home. I chose to trust someone, again. And look where it's gotten me. I'm broken hearted and ruined. And now, I'm heading home, on my way back toward utter loniless and despair. All be cause of my continuous choices in the wrong direction.
I've found that I leave jobs for one, two-part reason: I get bored and I'm lazy. But that can't happen anymore. I'm done living like that. I make up excuses for that reason all the time. But, no more. From now on, I'm going to wake up at six in the morning, go to bed at ten. I'm going to get what I need done, set my focuses and my goals, even try to make lists and write out plans. I need to be more responsible for myself and stop neglecting my future.
I left home because I wasn't happy there. The reasons for this are my own, and possibly the only good reasons I have for anything I've done over the last few years, though still not well-enough thought out. I should have kept a job, gotten an apartment, or at least gone to school and aquired a dorm room, there. However, I failed in that respect. I failed myself by moving in with the wrong people.
I'd chosen to trust people because I'm gullible and far too 'caring'. I'd come down here because I love too quickly. Because I trust too quickly. I still love him... but he cares not for me. He told me to leave, and so, I shall. I'm going home, now, because he's broken my heart.
Now, I'm going to try school. Really try. I want to. I want to do something with myself. I want to make something of myself. I don't want to have to rely on others, all the time. It's pointless and inconsiderate of my own mental and emotional health. Right now, I have next to nothing, other than my computer and my family. Now, I'll have to fight my way out of this, fight my through it, fight my way back onto the surface. I've dug my own hole and I think I've made my mind and heart suffer enough.
I'm done with relationships, for the time being. Until I mature, at least. Sure, in some respects, I do act my age... But I'm nineteen and still watch cartoons, play video games, have no job, and, now, will be living with my parents, once more. Perhaps, to most, this might not seem like a big deal... But I've been on my own, before. I was technically on my own, here. But, not in the way I'd hoped to be. Not in the way I want to be. I want to support myself, and this is the promise I now make. I vow to do just that, to help myself and to ween away from all others. So what if I don't have a 'partner' or whatever. I'm a child and it's about time I grew up.
Flaming Dead Man
Community Member
Flaming Dead Man
Community Member
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 @ 05:59am
Current Funds: [ 55k ] / 19k / {19M }
Item List: Spirit Falcon ~ 41,000g blaugh Lunar Scythe ~ 81,062g Black Dress Boot ~ 1,990g Nitemare Scarf ~18,782,500g Midnight Gothic Bat Coat ~ 26,000g Stylish Charcoal Winter Pants ~ 5,720g Tan Band Style Eye Patch ~ 500g Guy's Rainy Black Hair ~ 1,245g Human B Potion ~ 100g Suspicious Eyes Teal ~ 960g
eek = Donated. blaugh = Questing.
This is Charlie Steel.
Charlie is one of my favorite RP characters from the guild Wake City.
He is, in short, a 'Death Angel', and angelic ghoul who reaps souls for fun-- and because he's a little crazy.
Because of his badassness, I wanted to get a few things to make my avatar at least somewhat as cool as he is.
Donations: Loser Peanut ~ [ 4,400g ] Keira of the Psycho Ward ~ [ 3,495 ]
Flaming Dead Man
Community Member
Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 @ 02:42am
"Wake City"'s Charlie "Death Angel" Steel
Username: Flaming Dead Man. Name: Charlie "Death Angel" Steel. Distinction: Sleep. Faction: Ghoul. Moral Affinity: Neutral Evil. Race: Angel. Focus: Magic. Element: Air. Personality: Cold and calculating, Charlie has a cruel mind and a black heart. He has little to no fear and feels no shame or regret for his actions. Background: Before the Sleep, Charlie was a very romantic and sweet man. He made sure that whomever he was with, he treated with the utmost respect and took the time to get to know the individual. He was wondrous at remembering things, keeping track of everyone's birthdays, their likes and dislikes, and especially the things that they were good at and enjoyed. He was a scholar, back then, reading up on anything and everything he could get his hands on--medical books, novels, the writing of English critics--because the world fascinated him. He couldn't remember where he had come from, only that he was somewhere new and exciting. It wasn't until the Big Sleep that he became the horror he is now. Charlie spends his time people watching. He sits in front of shops, bars, or even on roof tops, and watches the people play out their lives before him. About once a week, he finds one soul that he finds particularly interesting--their personalities and lifestyles may not be, but perhaps their souls are a special certain color and 'flavor', as he calls it. He then focuses all of his attention on this person--he follows them home, lurking in the shadows, studying their every move, noting their every word, devising a plan for himself. A plan for their end. Those who have heard of him and his ways have begun to tell a story to their children: if you find a feather, watch your back; the angel of death may be watching.
Although he loves blood and gore, he favors the souls of those he kills. Just before his victim's death, he devours her soul. He fancies himself as the Grim Reaper. Hobbies: Of course, Charlie enjoys watching people, but he also keeps his old habits of reading and studying. He keeps journals of the souls he steals, as well as keeps himself updated in the medical field. Likes: Aside from the obvious, Charlie enjoys things mechanical and technological. He likes things that make him think and wonder. He is particularly interested with the workings of magic. He enjoys classical music--that from the ancient times--as well as the feeling of velvet and silk, the visual textures of wood and iron, and the colors black and blood red. Dislikes: Charlie dislikes the human heart; to him, they are fragile and uselessly emotional. He hates things that are overly romantic, things that make him wait, and when he doesn't get what he wants. Strengths: Charlie does not give up easily. He is very level-headed, always trying to view things from different perspectives. He's very good at understanding the ways of others and his memory is incredible. He has trained himself to see well in the dark and his ears are attuned to the sound of a pin dropping in a crowded hall. His sense of touch is astounding, as well. Because of these things, he has learned to become very stealthy on his feet. He is very agile and flexible. Weaknesses: Charlie is stubborn. He refuses to admit that he is wrong and he doesn't know when to give up. Although he is wonderful at seeing other people through their eyes, he as trouble looking in on himself. He has a terrible sense of smell and can barely taste anything, other than blood. Specialties: Human Anatomy: with his extensive research into the workings of the human body, his anatomy skills are top notch. He knows all of the 'sweet spots', though he hardly ever uses them. Weapon of Choice: Scythe: he stores this weapon in his apartment, bringing it with him only when necessary. He chose this weapon because of its lore attachments to Death. The weapon's pole is about eight feet long, the blade about five curved feet. It is balanced at the center with weights within the pole at the opposite end. Both the blade and the pole are made out of incredibly strong metal and require a vast amount of strength to wield, especially wield properly. Most humans are unable to lift it from the center without some sort of help. In order to wield his weapon, Charlie manipulates the air around himself and his scythe. In reality, the only reason he holds the scythe at all is for better guidance. Appearance: Charlie is missing his right eye. He covers the hole with a leather patch sewn directly into his skin. His remaining eye is bright blue, and he has his left ear pierced twice. His hair is black and shaggy, he lets it stay unkempt. He has thin lips and all of his teeth are filed into fangs; his mouth remains hidden behind the collar of his jacket. Long ago, he had a nice set of white angel wings protruding from his back. Now, two tears are visible in his jacket and the shirt underneath. If one were to remove his jacket, they would see that he has two long wounds, there, where it appears his wings were torn from his flesh. Nowadays, his wings are an extension of his former ghastly self. They have replicated what they once were, protruding from his back and moving as they should, though they have no actual matter and, thus, are essentially just for show. The real power behind his flight is the manipulation of the air around him. Height: 6 feet 2 inches. Weight: About 175lbs. Current Inventory: House Key: this key is for Charlie's house. He doesn't spend much time, here, but uses it for storing the rest of his random possessions.Mood Music: Mussorgsky's Gnomus.