Sometimes in life you want something. And you have to go for it, regardless. Stop believing those nay Sayers, and those whose goals are to put you down. You can do anything you want, just keep your mind on track. If you truly want something you will put your entire being and self and soul into achieving it.
All you can do is try. Fail. Succeed. But try, because if you don’t, you can’t even look back and say it was a good run. And if you won’t try for yourself try for those who believe in you. Maybe it’s that friend, maybe that love done, or significant other. Just do it. For them, for yourself, for… hope.
As someone who has let too many chances pass by the, And had many an obstacle to overcome I can tell you, you will regret those things. And believing in yourself is the best medicine, Laughter and friendship are tied for second. Also remember, be yourself as you achieve your dreams, otherwise it isn’t you who is living the dream, now is it?
On another note, don’t forget. Anything or anyone. You never know. You might want to remember, and then you won’t. Remember that friend you haven’t spoken to since you moved away, or started high school. Remember that crush you had, that never happened. Remember that friend that died oh so many years ago,. Remember that friend whose death is so fresh in your memory you would do anything in your power to forget. Remember that guy or girl who protected your country, and made it safe. Remember the old lady who told you of times long gone. Just. Remember. There is nothing more worth your time.
Savour and enjoy every moment with your friends the tears, the laughter, the good and the bad, because soon it could all be over.
And my dearest of friends, I love you all, remember me, for my biggest fear is being forgotten. If you are ever hurting, or lost and confused, remember me, and talk to me,. Whether it’s a day, a week, a month, or years since we last talked. I am always here. And I will always listen. Because I will always love you.
~Jeremy Sills ~
Chortle Id · Sat Aug 05, 2006 @ 05:44am · 4 Comments |
Just to let you all know. If I should die, before my time,I'd like you to remember. My greatest fear is being forgotten. And I want music at my funeral. Don't be sad, but remember the fun we had. And so here is my will, jsut in case
Dena- Take all of my costumes, except li, that is for keely Gen- Take the two wooden boxes Marsha- Take my MP3 player, remember my music Maddie- Take my camera, to document your journey Laney- Take my 4 old keys, because you can unlock any heart Marissa- Take my stuffed animals, for the childhood we shared Erin Brodkin- Take my photo album, because you are on every page of my life Grace- To you I leave my Private Dancer shirt, because baby, I'm dancing for you! Sarah- To sarah I leave My liprings, both, remember my uniqueness Kade- Though we don't always get along, to you I leave my straightener, for always setting things straight Erin W- To you I leave knives, you never know when you might need to throw something E-liz- To you I leave my sketchpad and art stuffs, for you are the creator of a thousand worlds on paper Beth- To you I leave whatever books you'd like, to fill your imagination Clare- To you I leave my silver jewelery, because silver is precious to me, and so are you. To all the others, You know what I have, and what you may want, Take something of mine to remember me by, something thats came form my heart. Take my knicknacks off my shelves, and for your knickknack shelf to start. Because just like they said in rent, you always said I was the lucky one, but no, it was I who was lucky. TO have friends like you.
Chortle Id · Wed May 10, 2006 @ 03:26am · 3 Comments |
So I met a boy. A special boy. I think I like him. Love? Maybe. But I'm still jsut a teen, so who am I to know? He is gorgeous. Inside and out. He seems like the type of person I could spend all my time with and never grow tired of.
I'm so afraid that he doesn't like me back. But how would I find out? But see. I hear his name and get butterflies. I see his picture and smile and feel warm. it's like a puzzle piece fit into me perfectly. I only met him saturday night. But I am waiting for him to get online, because I want to talk to him. But about what? I'm never a shy person, but he makes me shy. I can't just say I like you, maybe love you. I've never felt this way.
I can't concentrate in class. I can't focus. My mind is spinning. my heart is pounding. I'm falling, So catch me. I'm lonely, so hug me. I've just met you, and yet I miss you.
But wanna know the weird thing? I haven't stopped smiling since.
Chortle Id · Fri Feb 17, 2006 @ 01:20am · 5 Comments |
So, as most of you know I was le hacked. A while ago. ir eently started to quest to get my items back. Well I got some back. but boy I got donations. Thank you to all who donated and to all who will donate. Recently I have been feeling really down. That gaia went down the gutter and that no one cared. Also lots has been going on in my life. I always feel trapped, and as if something is expected of me and I will fail who ever expects these things. I want a hug so badly, a real, sincere, loving hug. but I won't get one. Only those Hi, hello friend, type of hugs. Maybe oneday someone will hug me and really mean it.
<3 ~ Lurve&Bubbles Chortleh
Chortle Id · Thu Oct 13, 2005 @ 03:35am · 4 Comments |

Chortle Id · Tue Sep 06, 2005 @ 12:51am · 1 Comments |
... The storm inside me... |
There is a storm inside me It wont seem to pass it's always there A turning dark mass
I begin to wonder is it really all my fault or does the blame truly lie with those I'm told to exalt
They pass me on the street their faces bleak and drained they are always so worried and their emotions are all strained
And so I know that deep down I'm not like this and so I know that deep down there is some bliss
So for once I shall allow myself to show the chil deep inside me that never seemed to grow
The one who wants to giggle and laugh and dance out in the rain the one who shows me who I am and takes away the pain
Chortle Id · Mon May 30, 2005 @ 09:06pm · 4 Comments |