Trying out the new car from mom and dad!

The "beautiful" cake I made and decorated myself (clearly). It's not pretty, but I'm told it tasted great.

All the kids playing at the party. That's my dad on the edge. Aden's cousin Saige is the one looking all excited. The two in the front are Richard's friend Julie's kids. Aden's cousin Madison is in the back, and that's Aden on the right.

Aden playing by himself. I just love that Hawaiian shirt.

Sticking his hands in his cake.

He stayed a lot cleaner than I thought he would!

Aden's cousin Saige. She loves to pose.

More interested in his new blocks than opening presents with mom.

Some of the five minutes he actually sat with me to open gifts.

Hanging out on his new couch with Saige.

Saige being silly on the new couch.

By this point of the party, he was pretty tired.

Playing in the ball pit from Grandma Kirby. The silly thing only came with like 20 balls... so we bought 100 more. We'll see what happens there!

Chillin on the new couch on his real birthday morning.

Watching some TV.

Opening a present from mom and dad that we saved for his real birthday. And, he's trying to put the paper back that he ripped off.