Total Value: 68,611 Gold, 7,500 Tickets
[Item Information]
Item List:
Adobe Leather Kachina Dancer Boots
Maroon GetaGRIP Gloves
Silver Revolver
Buttoned Down Feather Shirt 'n' Sweater
Those Red 90s Pants
Scar of Tyrant
Enchanted Book 5th Gen.
Name:John (human form)
Age:16 (fake age real age still unknown)
Bio: John has always tried to fit in but he never did because just as hes about to fit in something happens and he has to become the thing that was awakened in him so so long ago...
Weapons: a silver revolver enchanted with spells so he can kill demons in a single shot

Total Value: 250,231 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Four Horsemen
Super Powers
Super Powers
Vampire Hunter Hat
Death Whisper
Gold Automaton Arm
Gold Automaton Arm
Superior Form
Name:John (demon form)
Bio:The dormant hate bottled up within John bursts out when other demons are near
Weapons:Fireballs,Great sword (sword of the apocalypse),Demons glare,and Deaths touch