If you don't have a photobucket or whatever, here is the code for the pipc, you can just go to account settings under profile and paste this code into your sig box. Please not that, if I just paste the code here it'll only show the pic again, so, get this url but, when you type it just put image code around it, thx! Here's the url, tell me if you have questions!http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd211/aussie_girl_625/Buyart.jpg

Okay, so, this are some examples of my art, I'm really excited about starting some comissions.
First off, this pic is complete with a comparison my reference. It is a pic of Ruki from the GazettE, as an anime guy ^^ Sorry people, I can only do anime people. Anywho, here he is.

Second, this is Sadie Pee Pants. Funny name, I know, but, this is my mom's boyfriends dog. I can draw you animals too, with, either a detailed description or a pic.

Third, a horse, just random. I like the turn out though.

So, I can also do avi art and mythical creatures i.e. Gryphons, Pegasus, Werewolves (Biped or Quadraped), Weagles (My oc's, half wolf and half eagle) or any other combination you can come up with ^^
Also, if you would like more examples, check out my DA!!
Now, the pricing.
For a pic with one character= 1200 gold
For a pic with extra characters= +200 gold per extra character
For a pic in black and white (shaded or lineart)= +0 gold
For full color= +150 gold
For a back ground= +100 gold
Sorry, I need to be paid BEFORE you get your pic^.^
PM me for art, or if you have any questions.