(Lizzies thoughts)
K reading what I have I know the pain people go through due to fake people being lead on...
I've been in that before!
All of the bitches out there playing that cat and mouse s**t you need to take a look around and see who's getting hurt!
I've been through it and so have many other people!
People killing them selfs over love.
That's completely BULL s**t!
I've been played...
And I've been with some one who was just with me for a joke!
You have no clue how much it hurts when you were in love with that person and you come to find out that all that was for a cruel JOKE!
I almost went crazy trying to find out how to deal with it almost leading to me killing myself...
It's hard and I know it is...
So if you ******** with one of my homies...
I hope your ready to ******** with me because rather I know them or not I have no prob with kicking your a** because you hurt them in any ******** way!
Ok now for the people who I need to speak to that are Juggalos/Juggalettes.
I've seen it in the mall, in the street, and many other places.
Other Los/Lettes cussin at each other...
Calling each other biggots and s**t like that...
If I see that s**t I will NOT claim them to be down because we're family no matter what!
I've seen fights where a Juggalo was getting the s**t beat out of him by 3 dudes and his buddy claiming to be a Juggalo was sitting there just ******** watching!
You better step your a** in and help!
I don't care if it's 2 guys against him..
Or a whole ******** city!
Step your a** in and help out!
Don't just sit there and let him take that fall!
And just because your a** has allllll the ******** merch don't mean s**t!
I only have a clock and a hat...
With the Hatchet Man on it!
Don't brag because you have the shirts, pendants, and posters when some other people don't have anything...
AND! If you know some one who is down and you say they aren't just because they don't know everything on ICP, Twizted, or Dark Lotus...
Do me a favor...
I don't know all the damn songs...
And yeah I listen to a bit of Eminem
Are you gunna put me down for that?!?!?
I'm sure some of you have too!
Even if you don't anymore!
Also I've seen Lettes/Los telling others to stop singing one of the songs by ICP because they got the words mixed up!
What the ******** is up with that s**t?!?!?
I sometimes miss pronounce or ******** up when singing ICP but does that mean I need to stop singing?!?!
I like the song and I know the rest...
So ******** you I'll keep singing...
And I hope it pisses you off...
I've seen a Lo tell a girl he wouldn't be with her because she wasn't down...
That don't mean s**t...
Bring her into it we need more people to understand us and the more people there is the better people will see who we really are...
I mean I'm down because of my ex...
Did he turn me down when i wasn't a Lette no!
He brought me into this!
And I love it!
I know my homies are here for me...
And I know I have their back...
I have another thing to say...
I think it's kewl as hell when you can walk up to a Lo and just know he's down...
I did that at the mall...
I told him he had an awesome hat bc it had the Hatchet Man on it...
And hell he gave it to me...
I know he was a true Lo...
He had respect...
And he talked to me like a true Lo should...
You don't see much of that...
If all Lo's/Lette's were like that we would be a better group...
By the way we aren't a gang!
A "gang" would shoot some one for a color...
And don't become a Lette/Lo just for fame or popularity!
I've seen to much of that s**t too!
I don't like it and I sure as hell will kick your a** for it!
I'm sorry I'm honest...
And that bugs the s**t out of me...
Don't act like your a** is down just because it's the "kewl thing".
I was a Lette long ago before people started talking about it...
Don't get me wrong ICP songs are ******** awesome...
But I'm not a Lette because of the music...
I'm a Lette because for one I know my homies are really here for me...
And I am honestly accepted for who I am!
Also listen to "The Unveiling" they tell you that it's not about what you have or what music you choose...
They also tell you they follow God...
But please note yes they say that but that doesn't mean they are Christians...
Shangri-La is heaven...
If you listen to each song you will see the message...
"Tilt-A-Whirl" is telling you pretty much what hell is like...
I hope you all get those messages...
Ok now with ALLLLLL of that being said!
<{JuGgAlEtTe 101}> KillerNinjaLette (Lizz)
(Q's Thoughts)
fakes and posers do no good to the world. just like liars, its just a drama starter but i'm here to tell u the juggalo's are here to finish and squash that s**t.
starting rumers and liein is what gets people into a bunch of s**t they cant get out of.
do that s**t to me and my homies and you'll get dealt with in ways u couldnt even imagine.
only reason we take it so serious is because we get to trusting someone and they let us down. getting used is somethin we dont handle very well. if ur a true homie then keep it real and let people know what ur thinking cause in the end if ur not true then ur just the scum of the earth to us.
we dont need posers and f*****t a** bitches to get in our way.
and the head games and the stir of emotions u bitches play with my homies is gonna come to an end. i'm tired of seein them hurt cause of some slut.
it wont get u far in life at all. no matter what the ******** you think.
remember-talk s**t, get hit.
Quent -- juggalo 101
(Baby Angel's thoughts)
ALL you players need to stop.
If you really love some one,
you need to show them a hell of a lot more then you do. (if you do at all)
If you dont then dont sit there and lead them on cuz you never know they might really be in love with you.
And when you finally ,do tell em you DONT love em like that it really ******** ups there world.
You may think all this s**t is a bunch of crok, but its not .
I fell in love with a guy bout 7 years ago and I didnt say like i should have, now I'll never get to see him again.
If you really trully love him, TELL HIM, SHOW HIM, STAY WITH HIM.
and if you dont love him tell him dont make him look stuiped. dont let him get his world ******** over cuz of you.
(p.s and the same thing for all you guys who treat girls like s**t. tell the truth when it comes to love.)
JUGgAlEtTe 101
(D. Wood's thoughts)
My juggalos are not friends there my family
no matter what anyone says
and it just pisses me off so ******** bad
when these ******** girls/bitches/ho's want to ******** with there hearts
so A BIG UP TO YOU ******** YOU
and also to anyone else who likes to play head games and heart ******** YOU TOO.
Love is no game people lose there lives to that s**t.
My first real friend i ever had od'd because of that s**t
and to many of my homies are getting hurt over it
and im not going to lie i am to.
If you love someone dont keep it to yourself
let the world know but most of all let that special person know because they could move on and forget...
its happened to me before she moved on and i lost her
and im never going to get over it
so im going to warn you people so it doesnt happen to you
dont hide your feelings what so ever.
This is not a chain mail or anyshit like that
but its the truth this is coming from my heart
because im tired of seeing pain in peoples eyes.
Im going to put my life on the line for my family and my love and i dont regret it for one minute.
I will die for yall and I will ride with yall for life.
And one more thing...
We JuGgAloS b***h WE FAMILY
JUGGALOS 101><><><><>
(TwIzTeD FaYtE's thoughts)
yeah like D.Method said no one likes a lead on or a tease.
no one likes fake a** people
if you want to be with someone
dont try to hide it
dont make excuses
dont listen to what everyone else has to say about who you love/like
cause the only thing that matters is what you think and how you feel.
these days everyone is too scared to ******** man up and admit how they really feel about the ones they love/like.
love isnt a game and im tired of it being played like one.
love is an option not a requirement.
but like im trying to say if you cant tell EVERYONE how you feel about someone
then you dont really feel that way
cause love shouldnt be a secret
and for those are keeping it a secret, ******** spill it already
save the world some ******** heartache
tell every ******** one and be ******** happy with it.
dont end up like me and my homies
and dont act like everyone is always going to be there for you
cause i'll tell you first hand thats bullshit.
people that are in your life today could be gone tomorrow
thats just the way life is
so to everyone who has lost someone close
i feel for you
i know what your going through
i've been there more then everyone knows
i am the way i am because of that s**t
it just makes you a JuGgAlO/JuGgAlEtTe
dont think your alone
we're with you
like family
and to all those fake a** bitches
who like to ******** with peoples heads and their hearts
******** YOU!!!!!! AND GET A ******** LIFE THAT MEANS SOMETHING!!!!
no one whats your bullshit,
you'll see when your alone
crying your eyes out
cause the one you actually love
doesnt give a s**t about you anymore
because of the s**t you did
where'd all the real people go these days?
oh, thats right there JuGgAlOs
all cut up and beaten down because of people like you
there killing them selves everyday
because the fell in love with people like you
who just wanted to use them for personal gain
so i hope you people can sleep at night knowing that the s**t your doing is ******** up
******** AlL YoU FaKe a** BiTcHeS -- JuGgAlO 101
(D. Method's thoughts)
if you say you give a s**t about someone
dont constantly blow them off.
couse sooner or later there ganna say ********.
i for 1,am not ganna put up with a lead ********.
if you are a person that does that s**t... then you dont deserve s**t.
you dont get my respect and you wont get any of my homies.
YOU WILL BE FORGOTTEN... and handled carelesly
best advice that i can give you type of people.
you better find some1 that can love you as soon as possible
its cold and lonely when you dont have some1 to love you.
too all my homies thats been lead on and surpassed there bullshit.
congradulations motha ********.
point being..none of us needs this pain.
weve all been through enough s**t...
who wants too love some1 who makes you feel like they could care less.
like your no big deal,... like theyll always have you there tommorrow.
theres a kid who recently blew his head off over a girl.
i understand the feelings he felt.
and i dont even know the guy.
you never know when youll lose some1 close.
your best bet is too treat them the same way you want too be treated and stop being so damn selfish.
you fake a** motha ******** dont understand the pain you couse.
and if you do,and continue to do the s**t
i have too much love for my homies
too put anymore time into you. ********.