"Mahou!" Tsuki shouted as she chased him down the hallways of their beloved academy. They were the only two left since they were stuck with cleaning duty that week and it was late friday afternoon, the last day she would be able to tell him, or at least be able to tell him without anyone else being around. She was an extremely shy girl and definately didn't like confessing things like love and such in public.
Mahou turned around, having a broom and dust pan in hand and watched as Tsuki came running up to him, having her own broom and dust pan in hand. He noticed something else in her hand. It looked like some sort of envelope with a pink heart drawn on it. "Yes? What is it Tsuki?" Mahou replied as he stood there, watching as the girl stopped in front of him and hunched over, trying to catch her breath. He smiled, brushing her bangs aside as she stood up and waited for her reply.
Tsuki blushed a pale rose color when she felt her crush's hand lightly brushing her bangs out of her face and she fiddled around for a moment, putting the broom and dust pan in her left hand and extended her right hand towards him so he could take her note from her. She watched eagerly as he took it and peeled the envelope open, mouthing the words she had written to himself. She silently followed along with him, remembering everything she had written on that piece of paper.
"I love you." was all Tsuki said before Mahou had the chance to mouth that part to himself, catching him a little off guard. He looked up to Tsuki and just stared at her for a little while, with barely any sort of emotion upon his facial features. She tried her best to keep her composure, not wanting to show the fact that his silence was killing her inside.
Mahou turned around, having a broom and dust pan in hand and watched as Tsuki came running up to him, having her own broom and dust pan in hand. He noticed something else in her hand. It looked like some sort of envelope with a pink heart drawn on it. "Yes? What is it Tsuki?" Mahou replied as he stood there, watching as the girl stopped in front of him and hunched over, trying to catch her breath. He smiled, brushing her bangs aside as she stood up and waited for her reply.
Tsuki blushed a pale rose color when she felt her crush's hand lightly brushing her bangs out of her face and she fiddled around for a moment, putting the broom and dust pan in her left hand and extended her right hand towards him so he could take her note from her. She watched eagerly as he took it and peeled the envelope open, mouthing the words she had written to himself. She silently followed along with him, remembering everything she had written on that piece of paper.
"I love you." was all Tsuki said before Mahou had the chance to mouth that part to himself, catching him a little off guard. He looked up to Tsuki and just stared at her for a little while, with barely any sort of emotion upon his facial features. She tried her best to keep her composure, not wanting to show the fact that his silence was killing her inside.

Sumiko stood in the music room of the mansion she lived in that was hidden out in the forest. She had her favorite instrument in hand, the violin. She had been playing the voilin since she was a child, and she was rather good at it. Sumiko then began to play a sad, yet haunting tune that could be heard throughout the forest, since her window was open. No one ever complained about the music, so she figured it was okay to continue playing with the window open, because she found it more calming to do so. Sumiko never had visitors, and she never went outside either, but she had seen many people roaming the outdoors plenty of times. There was a good reason she never left though, a reason no one ever knew about. She was cursed. Yes cursed.
Sumiko used to live in a small town where she played the violin for the children or adults that walked through the park, until one day, a male that was new to town heard her playing at night alone, and said he just had to have her. He consulted her parents on buying her for her music and since she came from a poor family and poor town, of course they accepted the offer. That's how she ended up here in this ridiculously large mansion. He forbid her for ever going outside, but he would let her at least play with the window open.
Sumiko gave a long, exasperated sigh as she set the violin down gentally in its case and sat on the window seal, just watching with her sapphire blue orbs as the trees seemed to rock back and forth with the wind. She had on a beautiful crimson red dress, and her hair neatly flowed behind her. She also had a fresh red rose in her hair that matched the roses on her dress. If anyone were to see her, they would probably think she was a caged angel.
(By the way, please don't steal my rpcs. I actually work on them instead of stealing them from others.)

Yuriko, a typical teenage girl, wandered through the forest aimlessly out of sheer boredom that evening. She had previously been at home writing in her journal, but she had grown bored, and knew since it was late, no one would miss her, or even notice her absence. She had heard rumors that the forest trapped people within its maze and lybrith, but didn't believe the rumors to be true, since most rumors were never true. Yuriko had natural jet black hair, but she had some locks that she had dyed green, since green was her favorite color. Her eyes were a deep blue and complimented her hair rather well. She had on her favorite black jacket and a pair of blue jeans, along with some black boots. She also had on a black choker that her best friend gave to her when they were children. She wore it everyday in her friend's memory since her friend died when they were kids. Yuriko gave a small sigh as she came upon a river and took a seat at the edge, wrapping her legs in the lotus style, and began to meditate, trying to take her mind off of those past memories.
(Please be semi-literate and no one liners.)

She had been on her way to her boyfriend's house to give him a birthday present, but she saw another girl from school walking into his house. He had leaned down and kissed the girl on the front porch of his house, but when he opened his eyes he saw his girlfriend standing in front of his house with tears in her eyes. She turned and ran off with tears streaming down her face. She ran with her eyes closed, not caring what happened to her. She had ran in the middle of a road that was by the forest. A car was speeding along the cement road. The car was swirving a lot, so it had to be a drunk driver. He didn't notice the girl until the last minute and slammed on brakes, but he still hit the girl with a little force. She screamed in pain, as her body was flung into the outskirts of the forest. The drunk driver looked but never found her, so he continued on his way thinking it was just his imagination playing tricks on him. She laid on the cold ground, with a big gash in her side, bleeding to death. Tears were still streaming down her now pale face as she thought about what happened. Her bangs covered her grey eyes as she laid there dying. Her white coat was soaked in her blood. She used the last of her strength and tied her yellow scarf around the wound to close it up, and then passed out from blood loss.

Princess Tsuki sighed as she walked through the forest unattened. She was sick of always being followed around by the royal guards whenever she was out. "The life of a Princess is so frustrating..." She mumbled under her breath as she continued walking through the forest. She was a neko Princess. She had cute white ears and a white tail to match. She perfered to wander around with her bare feet, because she felt it to be more comfortable. She glanced behind her, making sure no one had followed her out of the castle walls, and smiled when she saw no one around. She saw an openeing at what looked like a tunnel of trees, so she continued walking, coming to a cliff's edge when she arrived at the end of it. She smiled as she took a seat, overlooking th horizon. She watched as a full moon rose up high in the clear, star filled sky, which made her cherry blossom pink eyes glisten in the moonlight.

She wandered through the forest. She knew her way around it fairly well, because she had lived there for most of her life. She had no family, or friends, because they were all killed during a war between humans, and enchanted cretures. Fortunatly she had been spared by a human that had sympathy for her, so he decided to let her live. She would see him every now and again wandering the forest, as if he were looking for something, but she always hid from him. She didn't think he would remember her anyways, because the war happened about four years ago. She made her way to the river, and sat down at the edge, sighing heavily as she let her wings out of her back to stretch, hoping that he wouldn't find her there.
(Rpc is the older one. Please reply as the male from the story. Thanx.)

"P.. Papa.." Tsuki called out wearily, having no idea where she was, or why she was in the middle of a forest. Suddenly it hit her. Memories of previous events flashed through her mind like a bad movie scene replaying itself like a broken record. Unaware of the tears that had began to fill her eyes Tsuki rose from the cold ground, brushing herself off and examined her clothes. They were all dirty, dingy, and tattered, looking like something you would see in a remake of the Thriller music video, but this was not the case. Tsuki wasn't wearing these clothes because she wanted to be filmed in a new verison of Thriller. This was far from the reason why. The fact of the matter was she had been chased out of her cozy little one story home when strange men entered the home uninvited and tried to kidnap her. Her 'papa,' better known as her master, pushed her aside and held the men back while she got away. The men had managed to knock her papa out and chased her for what seemed like forever until she had lost them in the forest. Shortly after losing them, however, she tripped over something while sprinting and landed square on her face, making her pass out for an hour or so.

"My, my.. I wonder how long it's been since I've last been able to stroll around like this..?" Rosalind asked herself, muttering the words lowly under her breath as she slowly, yet curiously glanced about at the forest scenery. Rosalind was of high nobility, and a fine catch for any guy, though she never seemed to care too much about nobility and all of that. She craved to be normal, and to act like a common girl of seventeen, not to live as some 'stuck up rich kid.' Sighing, Rosalind noticed a small bench like structre sitting beside an old oak tree, and straightened out her forest green dress before taking a seat on it. She leaned back on her hands, looking up to the midnight blue sky, completely zoning out of reality and tuning into her thoughts. If anyone were to see her, they would probably think it was a trick of the eyes or imagination because she looked like something straight out of a magazine, not something meant to be roaming about the forest so late at night.

Even though school was out for the week, Tsuki didn't feel the urge to go home, so instead, she went over to her favorite park. She took a seat on the swing and sat there, just holding onto the ropes, but didn't bother to actually swing. She had her head down so her indigo bangs hid her eyes from view. She heard the crunch crunch crunch of footsteps in the snow, and looked up, seeing a male wandering closer to the park. She didn't think anything of it, since many people tended to come to the park, no matter the weather. She lowered her head once more, going back to her previous thoughts.
(Please reply as the male from the story. Thankies. n-n)

An indigo haired kitsune girl wandered around the forest. She had just ran away from home because she was getting sick of being physically, mentally, and emotionally abused by her so called master every day of her life. She was wearing her black skirt, black stockings, and her favorite black tank top along with her spiked bracelet, spiked collar, and green tie. She was holding on to the old leash that dangled from her collar out of boredom as she walked around her new home; the forest. Her cold, silver eyes scanned her surroundings, hoping she wasn't being followed by anyone. She spotted a river and decided to take a seat by it. She then looked up to the sky after lying back on the ground since she had nothing better to do. She was free, but she didn't like the feeling of being completely alone. Her ears went back against the top of her head as she thought about how she would survive on her own. Her right ear twitched a bit when she heard rustling in the bushes, which made her sit up and turn around to get a better view. She gave a sigh of relief when she saw a rabbit hoping off into the distance, but was completely unaware that there was someone else near by, watching her every move.

Tsuki had been wandering around town for many hours. Night rapidly approached and everything was beginning to close for the evening, so she decided to head home, and took a short cut through the forest to get there before it began to rain. Apparently she took a wrong turn somewhere and had no idea where she was at, but instead of panicing like any other ordinary girl would, she decided to continue walking for a bit, hoping to come across a home or shack. After walking for several hours in rain, she was completely soaked, but saw a mansion in the distance. "What in the world would a mansion be doing out in the middle of a forest?" She asked herself, but shook off that thought. "It's not really my concern at the moment. At least I've found a place to stay at until the rain lets up." With that, she walked up the steps and reached a hand out and knocked on the door. She watched it open and walked in, looking around. "Hello? Is anyone here?" She asked as she took a few more steps inside and heard the door shut behind her.

Tsuki, a seven year old neko, wandered through the forest. She was alone and dressed in a simple white dress, hat, and snow boots that kept her safe when in the snow, such as now. She was not afraid, for she had been in this forest many times. She knew she wouldn't get lost, or so she thought. During the storm she took a wrong turn and headed into a part of the forest that was unknown to her, but she thought she had seen it before, so she wasn't worried. Once the storm had began to settle down some, she saw she was lost. Her deep blue eyes contained no emotion as she took a seat in the snow, letting her back rest against the trunk of a tree, and waited, as if for someone to find her. Her black ears and tail twitched every now and again, but it seemed no one would find her. She then looked down to the bell that hung from her collar and began to ring it, hoping someone would hear it and come to help her, because the snow began to pick up again, slowly burying the poor child.

Tsuki had been looking around town all day for her cat since it had ran away when she opened the door from getting home from school. She chased him all the way to the outskirts of the forest and stopped, remembering what her older brother told her about wandering into the forest. Being completely discouraged about her cat running away, she bent down on the sidewalk and began to cry. "Hey kid, are you looking for this?" came an unfamilar male's voice as he held a soild black cat infront of her. Tsuki wipped her tears away and looked up only to see her cat and a male that had a school uniform on in front of her. Her eyes lit up with happiness as she took her cat and hugged him close. "Thank you so much mister!" She said with a big smile on her face.
Victoria had just recieved a call from one of her best friends about her boyfriend cheating on her with the school whore. Frustrated and angry she jumped out of her second story window, landing in a croutching position and headed for the forest on the outskirts of town. She always walked when she was angry or needed some time to think. Sighing she pulled a lollipop out of her bag and began eating it as she continued walking leisurly through the forest. The sights, sounds, and smells of the forest made her completely forget her troubles and worries. Victoria stood at the edge of a small river and closed her eyes, letting the smell of the water eneter her nose as she took a deep breath. "This place is so peaceful. I would never have to worry about anything here like I would back in the city.." She muttered lowly under her breath with her lollipop still in her mouth.
Isabella a thirteen year old neko girl yawned some as she rose from her bed composed of leaves and such. She was wearing her favorite pink shirt and green shorts. Her orange/blonde hair was pulled up in ribbions and her bangs lightly fell just above her eyes. She stood groggily and made her way towards the river, where she washed up to try to wake herself up. She was a wanderer and had chosen to take a forest path, hoping it would lead her to a new town where she might be able to work. Sighing some, she walked back over to where she had made camp the night before and gathered her things, putting them in the small pack she had with her. Isabella's neko ears twitched some as she smiled up to the bright blue sky. "Well, another day, another opportunity." With that, she set off deeper into the forest.

Tsuki was an average girl working in a small cafe. She had no family, but luckily she had a friend who owned the cafe, that for some reason, was oddly located in the middle of the forest. "Well, people who travel need somewhere to take a break I suppose.." She mumbled under her breath before picking up her tray, putting the order on it, and brought it to the table. She set the cup of tea on the table for the customer and gave a small smile before heading back towards the register to ring up another customer. She liked working at the cafe, but it was rare to get many customers, so she did get rather lonely running the shop by herself. Once all the customers that had been in there earlier had left, she let her elbows rest on the counter as she gazed out of the window dreamily. "Oh what I wouldn't give to get a little adventure in my life.." She whispered softly.

Sumiko wandered through the forest lost and confused. Earlier that night she had been having fun with her master playing all kinds of games and relaxing in front of the television where she had fallen asleep. Her black neko ears twitched a bit when she heard rustling in the bushes and she turned to see if she saw anyone following her. Her cat like green eyes only saw a white rabbit jump out of the bushes and hop off into the night. Sumiko gave a sigh of relief and continued on her way. She tried her best to try and find her way home, but it was no use. She was lost and alone in the dark, dense forest with no idea how she had gotten there. She whimpered like a small child as a few tears sprang forth and rolled down her cheeks. "M-master..." She called out timidly hoping he would answer, but there were no sounds other than those emitted by a forest.

Five years had past since the departure of her old teammate Sasuke Uchiha. Sakura always went to the village gates around the same time everyday when not on a mission to wait by the cherry blossoms in case he would one day decide to return. Today was one of those days where she was free to do as she pleased.
Sakura had trained very hard earlier that day in the forest, and she planned to do so again later on in the day. Her training routine consisted of forest training with taijutsu and genjutsu in the morning and in the afternoon continue with improving her medical ninjutsu.
Sakura's hair had grown back to the same length it was when she first met Sasuke, so when she galnced down, her bangs hid her face like a pink curtain.
Upon arriving at the usual cherry blossom she jumped into the same branch she always did and took a seat and just waited. Nothing happened. Sakura sighed, disappointed and discouraged as usual, and stood, jumping out of the tree and headed for Tsunade's to see what animals needed her healing today.

Suki wandered through the forest for what seemed to be an eternity until coming upon a path full of cherry blossom trees. Her long, black hair was pulled up with a deep red ribbon, and she was wearing the kimono of her village; the village hidden in the stars. She was one of the few ninja that still lived in the village even though it had been attacked by Orochimaru. One of her best friends, Suzuku, had gotten sick with a rare illness, and only Suki knew how to cure it, but unortunately, the ingrediants she needed were loacated in the forest near the village. She continued on her search, having the list in her right hand, and practicing her ninjutsu with the other until feeling a bit woosy from lack of food and sleep, so she took a seat on the ground beside the river, closing her silver eyes as she lied back, trying to rest before continuing on with her search.

Suki wandered through the forest for quite some time before finally deciding to take a break. She found an opening in the forest and walked towards it, taking a seat in the middle of it. She had beautiful blue eyes that matched her kimono she had on. Her hair was a silver color and held up in pigtails that ended at about her knees whenever she was standing. She had her flute in hand, and since she had nothing better to do in that forsaken place, she held it close to her lips and began to play a beautiful tune that would calm down even the most wildest of creatures. Suki had her eyes closed as she continued playing the melody, completely unaware that anyone else might be near by, watching her.
(No one liners, but responses don't have to be as long as mine.)

Suki Asahi was wandering through the dark, dense forest with her head down. Her bangs were covering her eyes, so no one could see the coldness and regret she held in them. She had her headband tied on her forehead, and her weapons pouch was around her waist. She hated herself right now, because she had just agreed to be an associate with the Akatsuki. The scroll in her hand was the legal document she had just signed in blood stating that she was legally a part of Akatsuki. As she was walking, she listened out for any kind of sound to see if anyone had followed her, but she didn't hear anything, and let her guard down.She sat down at the edge of the river, and sighed heavily, burying her face in her hands.
(Please no one liners..)

Paige sighed as she wandered around, her gray bangs hanging in her face like a curtain. It had been a long day at work, and she was just ready to get the hell out of that place. "Why the hell don't they have multiple people working through rush hour?!?" she groaned just thinking about her shift. It was cool outside, and she'd forgotten to grab her jacket off the chair before she left her house that afternoon. "Guess I better take the shortcut home before I freeze.." Paige muttered as she darted through an alley, hoping no local pervert or hobo was back there. Luckily, she made it through, only running across a few stray cats in the alley. After making back onto a strip of sidewalk, Paige glanced towards the sky, her eyes locking on the full moon. "Too bad my life isn't turning out the way I wanted to.. If I had it my way, I'd be rocking the stage.." she thought to herself as she began singing