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Everything Em |
You'll have to excuse any typos you find- Sk has a tendency to superglue my fingers inside a pair of mittens when I'm sleeping, and it makes it hard to type a legible sentence. |
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Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 @ 07:44pm
Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 @ 01:30am
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7 Things
Thefted from Azzuri27's DA. ^_~
*** 7 Things that scare you... 1. Death 2. Of the possibility of there being nothing beyond death 3. Relapse 4. That I'll not be an author 5. Knives 6. Dismemberment 7. Being attacked
*** 7 Things you like the most... 1. People loving my writing 2. People loving me/complimenting me 3. The smell of a Christkindlmarkt 4. Having things work out my way 5. Dusk 6. Delicious Food 7. Looking attractive and stylish. X3 Doesn't happen often- my style is... ChaosGreyFoom at best. Which means nothing.
*** 7 Things you don't like... 1. Being forgotten/ignored 2. Cancer 3. Being bored 4. When people are short-sighted, cruel, and/or selfish 5. Being bored (I really hate it) 6. Losing things/having things destroyed or ruined 7. Hateful things
*** 7 Important things in your room... 1. My picture of Mia 2. My diaries- all 30+ of them 3. My computer/all the files therein 4. My baubles and knicknacks 5. Bunker (my stuffed animal hounddog that sleeps on the bed w/ me) 6. Veronica (my pink easychair) 7. My videos ^_^
*** 7 Random facts about you... 1. I chew the skin around my nails something awful- little bloody marks and rips are always there. My boyfriend hates it, but I don't even realize I'm doing it- usually, it's when I'm extraordinarily bored. I keep a box of bandaids on my desk just because of this. The most fingers that have been bandaged at one time is 7. 2. My name was supposed to be Emily Honor Jane, but I didn't 'look' like that name. Which is too bad, because I wish my middle name now was Honor Jane. I think that's fantastic. 3. I tell people I'm double-jointed... and I don't think I really am. I can just do a neat trick with my elbows that makes it look like I am. 4. I don't know the state capitals. X3 I moved around enough that they'd always done it the year before in school where I was currently, or they'd do it the 'next year'. Never had to learn. 5. My favorite color has always been white. But red is my second favorite. 6. Whenever someone asks me to say a random word, I say 'pumpkin'. 7. I once got beaten up while in a mascot's costume. ...The only time I've ever been beat down in my life.
*** 7 Things you plan to do before you die... 1. Be a published author 2. Voice an animated character ^^ 3. Have children- at least one girl and one boy. 4. Live in a Victorian-style house on the sea. 5. Have one of my books turned into a movie (that I like X3) 6. Be on television because of my writing (in a good way) 7. Have a booksigning
*** 7 Things that attract you to the opposite sex... 1. The hands and arms- I love when sleeves are rolled up/pushed up to the elbows 2. They think I'm funny. (and say so) 3. They think I'm intelligent. (and say so) 4. Strong. ^_~ Both physically and in character 5. Willing to clean up after me. 'Cause I'm a piiiig. X3 6. Excitement 7. Intelligence
*** 7 Things you say the most... 1. Good god 2. Pardon 3. I'm bored 4. Case` 5. Growl 6. Beats me. 7. Urf.
*** 7 Celeb or NOT-REAL crushes... 1. Brad Pitt (esp Fight Club Pitt) 2. Goran Visjnvic (spelled wrong) 3. Ummm... Chan, from Mulan. X3 4. Prince Eric, from Little Mermaid. ...Oh come on, they're HOT drawings! 5. Scott (he's not real- he's from a daydream) 6. Martin (from the same daydream) 7. Sam (also from the same one. x3 Don't ask.)
*** 7 Favorite drinks... 1. ...*sigh* Mt Dew. But next month, I'll be a year 'clean'. *sigh* 2. Grape juice 3. Really cold icewater when my teeth don't hurt, in a great lookin' glass and there aren't any little flecks in the water. 4. German Sour Kirchensaft 5. Diet Coke 6. Fanta (the real stuff, not that American farce) 7. Really sweet hot cocoa with thick marshmallow froth
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Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 @ 07:35pm
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 @ 08:20pm
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Large Family Portrait Planning
Keppit's going to do me a large extended family pic for my birthday, so I'm planning all the cogs of the huuuuge piccie. 8D
'Main Family'
Em:: The only one with set clothing- you know it. ^^ Bluegrey eyes, please- and don't forget the necklace and the clock. (Not that you do- you've always done the pocketwatch the best.) She's shorter than Tam, and about the exact same height as Milla. No miniwings- you can put the anklet wings on her, though- and it's up to you if they're free floating or attached to her boots.
Tawn:: Tallest one in the family. He looks older without looking creepy. He'd be thicker shouldered than he is in his 'stage art'- he's grown up, now- so he'd also be wearing something responsible, like slacks and a sweater pushed up to the sleeves or a button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up.
Tam:: Shorter than Tawn, taller than Em. She's cut her hair to a little bit above her shoulders- so she's got straight hair hovering just above her shoulders, still that non-orangey red. Her skin tone is yellower/less pale than Em's. She's still got the same body type, although now she tends to wear clothes that she can wear on-the-job at her construction site. (She works part-time as a carpenter).
Milla:: Same height as Em. She's got the island girl thing going on. Here's her ref image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v67/sarcastic_kitty/milla.png She's a little heavier than Em, again, a wee bit hippier than busty- she'd be wearing some sort of vintagey-cool T-shirt (you can use the one in her ref image if you want), she likes colorful bracelets and rings, but not too many- she likes to keep things natural. Still the lily, the freckles, and her eyes are as the color in the ref. Her hair is wavey and has that sunkissed island feel to it, though it's dark.
Rhea:: Joo know what she looks like. And you certainly have no problem drawing Jivvins- so no comment here.
Sk:: If it's a nice portrait where everyone is being good, then he'd at least somewhat be behaving himself, but pouting. Regular cat sized- he can be a little scruffy if you'd like- but he's no Chia. Orange collar with no tags, orange eyes.
'Second Generation Family'
Sarabi:: She is between Emelyn and Tam in height. Doomi says her hair is past her shoulders now, still has pink tips, but she's grown up a little- her clothing would be more adult, but still pretty- she likes pink and blue and cream colors.
Adam:: Pictured as a teenager, older than current stage- (if you do them on a separate layer, this can even be their next stage art)- Adam's got a bit more of a muscular build than his brother- but he's still young, so he's not 'super built' or anything obscene like that XD... um... superman shirt- general cute teenager type. Taller than Sarabi by a bit- not as tall as Tawn.
Dalton:: Just a wince taller than Adam, a little thinner build than his brother. Wearing a Batman shirt, his hair has been cut very close to his head (like typical 'close shave' black haircut)- still pink.
Daedalus:: Regular adult SM size, no beanie. ^^
'Etcetera Family'
Peabody:: http://debutanteswan.250free.com/peabodyentry.bmp
Maro:: Hotpink. X3
Wretch:: I don't have the link to it- but it's Rhea's JivvSprite.
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Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 @ 05:41pm
Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 @ 05:50am
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Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 @ 06:34am
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 @ 12:57am
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More Queeez <3
1. What is your occupation? Student/Resident Assistant
2. What color are your socks right now? Rainbow, with cat faces on the toes and flowers on the bottom! ^___^ You caught me on a fancy sock day.
3. What are you listening to right now? Not a sound. The almost negligible 'hum' in my ears.
4. What was the last thing that you ate? The last bite of food I put in my mouth was a very good bit of stone wheat roll.
5. Can you drive a stick shift? Psh. Heelll no.
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? White. ^_~ It's my favorite color, and I'd last the longest.
7. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My friend Jackie- she called me from a traffic jam in Florida.
8. Do you like the person who sent this to you? She's a dearly darlin'.
9. How old are you today? ^_~
10. Favorite drink? *sigh* ...I'm a recovering Mt Dew Junkie... (been clean since February)... so... I guess grape juice. *sigh*
11. What is your favorite sport to watch? Basketball! But I don't care who wins. ^_^ So I have to watch it alone, because if there are any legitimate 'fans' around they bean me for cheering for both teams.
12. Have you ever dyed your hair? In high school it turned purple when it was supposed to turn dark brown (GONK) and I have some really subtle caramel highlights that are growing out atm.
14. Pets? A manx cat named Lucy Fur. Named appropriately.
15. Favorite food? Oh so many. I'm unfortunately one of those very food-sensual people. XD Those people who eat to survive and nothing else- I don't know how they do it. I even enjoy the FEELING of food, of chewing, swallowing- in fact, textures are a big fave for me.
16. What was the last movie you watched? Good question. ...Probably Stranger than Fiction. (Good movie!)
17. Favorite day of the year? CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18. What do you do to vent anger? ...Have mini-break downs and then get over it. ...Sleep a lot.
19. What was your favorite toy as a child? All of 'em. Though I have a special place in my heart for my stuffed animals.
20. What is your favorite; fall or spring? ^___^ Definitely fall.
21. Hugs or kisses? ...Hugs. Really, really long ones. I'm never the first to let go.
22. Cherries or Blueberry? Definitely cherries. I don't like blueberries a'tall.
26. Living arrangements? Living on the fourth floor of the 'chem free' dorm on campus. It's a double single, baaaaby. cool
27. When was the last time you cried? Another good question. Thankfully, it's been a little while. Um... probablllyy (and if you don't count the upwellings I get at touching movies) probably back last month when a bunch of hateful people called very hate-crimey statements at a bunch of friends of mine when we went out to a truckstop for some late-night ice cream. Some of them were in drag, and these yokels said some really frightening things... I was shocked, and my friends dragged me from the building. They've seen it before/experienced it- they were laughing it off. I was standing in the cold crying. I ended up spending the night at one of their homes because I couldn't shake how awful it felt.
28. What is on the floor of your closet? o_o The closets have floors? *peers in at the mountain o' crap* Could've fooled me.
30. What did you do last night? -.- I was on duty- then I wrote the entirety of a very long unit plan that I thought was due in class today... but yeah. I just finished it a week early. *hate hate hate*
31. Favorite smells? Christkindlmarkts (German Christmas markets), fake strawberries, late afternoon.
32. What inspires you? Quirky, beautiful things- kindness, tiny things.
33. What are you afraid of? ...Death. And being ignored/forgotten.
34. Plain, cheesy, or spicy hamburgers? ^_~ I've not eaten mammals since I was 10.
35. Favorite dog breed? English Sheepdogs!
36. Number of keys on your key ring? One- a car key.
37. How many years at your current job? 2 1/2 years.
38. Favorite day of the week? Friiiiday
39. How many states have you lived in? 7? Maybe more.
40. Favorite holiday? CHRIIIIISTMASSSSSS!!!!!!!!!
42. Ever driven a Motorcycle or heavy machinery? o.o I'd be dead.
43. Who's your favorite NFL team? Er? XD
44. Do you have a house phone that is NOT cordless? Nope. S'got a cord right on it. Yup yup.
45. 10 inches of snow or 100 degree weather? o.o Snow. If there was the latter, see answer #42...
46. If you could have any occupation in the world, what would it be? ..A published, well-to-do author. ^_^
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Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 @ 12:20am
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