domokunsick of this one sided life! whats mine is for sharing. whats yours is yours. everything is there time table there way. there your best friends when they want something. but if there through with you they don't even speak to you. if they need you you better be there unconditionally. but everything with them has a condition. and if you need them hurry up and wait. if your supposed to do something do it now don't make them wait or they pout. but if they are to do something understand they got busy doing nothing. you must be there to listen to them no matter how bad the things they say hurt. but must watch every word that you say to them as to not hurt there feelings. if there mad at someone well everyone should side with them. but if your furious at someone to bad its there friend. always expecting understanding but never giving it! well I've had enough! its my turn! time to think of me! my needs! my wants! my feelings! well watch out world the winds are changing!wahmbulance