Geogre W. Bush born on July 6 1946, The day I would call the day hell was born into the world! That son of a b***h is now the Preident of this counrty. What I have to say about bush is what the hell! you're not doing the job of Recunation! What you're doing is killing good people and the world, with your war and hate for the people! poor animals, poor plants, poor everything! I dont care of you graduating from whatever the ******** you graduated from! The people that let you graduat was dumb ******** and need some help, you need help Bush! GO BACK TO YOUR TEXAS WITH ALL THE GAYS AND COWBOYS/cowgirls! scream what the hell were you doing when you signed into law a US$1.35 trillion tax cut program in 2001, what I ask you! scream did you even know what the ******** you were doing? I dont think so. because thats whats happening to us now! We are now paying for that mistake That you made. What the ******** happened to the invasion of Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban, destroy Al-Qaeda... Hmm? what happened to that? I'll tell you what!! good people with family's dying for what? becuase Bush cant let people raise from what we have done! (well I think we did that? stare ) You are just like the dumbest presidents we have were had, Richard Nixon and Harry Truman. If we didnt have a Governor for all 50 states we would be bombing great citys and locking up people just because they believed in something!