• for this day i have no rhymes
    for i have lost the track of times
    all my friends who r dear to me
    now u know now u see

    i am caring loving and fun
    but after this i know i'm done
    ozzie u screwed with my heart
    u use things against me and ripped it apart

    i tryed my hardest this is the end
    for u will not hurt me friend
    i had a heart that will fold
    now u turned it freezing cold

    i do not like it when u do this
    you strike at me and u will miss
    this is my promise to you now
    now tell these people tell them now

    how u ripped and tore at me
    so they will truly see
    u used the one i loved
    and u used it u pushed u shoved

    my dearest to me my hearts desire
    makes my soul catch on fire
    it tears at me with passion and rage
    now this is where i turn the page

    u wont touch my heart anymore
    this is where i close that door
    u will not tamper with my feeling
    i have spent my whole life healing

    charge at me with all ur rage
    i will lock u in a cage
    u see me now i am kneeling
    this is truly what im feeling...

    Jonathon Himes

    © Copyright 1991 - 2009 Jonathon Himes Poetry, Inc. All Rights Reserved.