Now I know what many, (Real just 1,) of you readers are thinking. Oh know, Cody's gonna rant about Guitar Hero. He's proabally gonna go on and on about songs he's beaten and how tough some are and what not. Well I'm not. I'm ranting about those, bigger nerds then me, that spend there days attampting to beat the HARDEST songs. I'm sorry, but they have no ******** life. I on the other hand do. Many people think that ALL I do is play that game, but they are wrong. The very few people that I keep in close contact with know that I do much other stuff. For example, update my website. Yes I have one, there's a link on my profile. I also do a bunch of other stuff. So if your one of those people, (specifically Nigel), Your absolutely ******** wrong and have no right to judge me on that s**t. Thanks.
UnboundIr0n M4n Community Member |
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