Let me start from the beginning...
Okay, so the HUGE Southern Classic Debate Tournament that South Garland has been hosting for the past seven years was last Friday and Saturday. THIRTY-THREE schools competed! We even had schools that came all the way from Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texarcana!
Since I have Debate for fourth period on B Days, we went to work straight away. Everything was in place even before the tournament started, so we already had a decent start. But once the tournament itself started... Ballots kept flying in the air and hitting me in the face... And sweet Ms. Baxter suddenly turned into an entirely different being. Mr. Haney just had to assign me in the Tab Room... One of the craziest places in the tournament. I was also instructed to get ballots from the Ballot slash Registration Table every now and then. So yeah... The little girl in the plaid dress running around like an idiot...? That was me. I just kept going up and down, up and down.
Tab Room.
Ballot Table.
Debate Round.
Ballot Table.
Tab Room.
Judges' Lounge.
Ballot Table.
Random Other Events.
Ballot Table.
Tab Room.
That was the crazy cycle... People got dizzy and sick just by watching me go back and forth! And let me tell you... Those stairs are murderous! My legs are still aching! It's funny because with tournaments, there will be a time when everything is hectic and crazy and there will be times when there's nothing to do and one does tend to get bored... I didn't get out of school on Friday till 11:00... ELEVEN O' CLOCK! AT NIGHT! I expected to plop down on my bed and just die once I got home, but I couldn't even get any sleep! I only had three hours of sleep and then I had to get to school by 6 freakin' thirty in the morning the very next day...!
Saturday was a far cry from Friday... It was even crazier! Ballots. Running. MORE Ballots. MORE Running. If it wasn't for the all the candy, coke, doughknots, lasagna, and tea I consumed... I would've ended up on the flour having a seizure. The sugar rushes did help. Really. They kept me awake. But I often found myself singing nursery rhymes while sugar-high... The Muffin Man Song really annoyed people...
But despite all the craziness and stresse involved in putting a tournament together, I had loads of fun. I loved meeting kids from different schools and states and getting valuable advice from them. And my squad is just full of crazy loons... They're so much fun! Everything went by pretty smoothly, actually. All the rounds were on time, our judges showed up, we took care of problems really quickly... And Mr. Haney and Ms. Baxter didn't really freak out that much. I was actually pretty scared once I found out about the infamous "Purple-Haney" incident during Southern Classic '05... But you don't know just how rewarding it is to have people come up to you and tell you what a good job you're doing or how smoothly you're tournament is going. I kid you not... It was one of the best feelings ever after all the work we put into the tournament!
Our Award Ceremony was AWESOME! John came up and gave Ms. Baxter her gift wearing a red DRESS!!! I wish I took a picture... It was HILARIOUS! The schools were asking to take pictures with him and everything... I think one kid even asked for his autograph...
So, when all the schools left, it was clean-up time. It was funny because Megan and I decided to enter the Industrial Hall that night. It's the hall where all the EXTREMELY hard classes are located. The classrooms were so small... A claustrophobic person would faint at the sight of them! Anyways, it was REALLY dark when we went in... If you know me, you know that I'm extremely afraid of the dark. I was just keeping everything inside. So, Megan opened a classroom door and was looking for the light switch... She was feeling around when she accidently punched me! She SOCKED me in the mouth! My GUM was BLEEDING! I just kept hearing "Sorry, Patricia! I didn't mean it!" during the rest of clean-up time. I really couldn't reply because I couldn't open my mouth to talk due to the unfortunate fact that my FREAKIN' GUM WAS BLEEDING!!!
Well, after the tournament I went to catch up to Bible Study. I always feel rejuvenated whenever I'm at Bible Study... And after Sunday at church, I had to collect all my Poinsettia money for the Choir Fundraiser. And to top it all off, I had to finish my Science Project Data Analysis and Conclusion, study for TWO big tests... My Biology test and my World History test on Chapters 8 to 11!
I honestly felt like puking when I laid eyes on the school this morning. I know every nook and cranny in that freakin' building now! I REALLY didn't want to be there! I felt suffocated the entire day!... Well, I turned in the Science Project blah, the Bio test wasn't very hard, and I was the only one in class who passed the History test without the curve! Wee!
And report cards came out today.... STRAIGHT As, Baby! WHOOP! WHOOP!
But I'm still aching all over... Every inch of my body hurts... Even my teeth hurt!
Post-Southern Classic...It's not very obvious... But the pain is quite evident in my eyes... xp

Her Royal Exhausted Highness,
Princess PaJiE (",//< wink ->
Community Member