pirate (i like pirates) last night i went to the Boulder Shakespeare festival and saw "Twelth Night" it was so much fun. there are all kinds of people with verying styles that go to plays, and as a would-be fashion designner, i was a kid in a candy store.
4laugh some amusing things happened too,like when a guy stopped my and said i had a nice costume. I was wearing my regular clothes!
exclaim is it so hard to believe that i like my little gold vest over a black tanktop? it's a really cool little vest. when the boy stopped my i just smiled lightly and nodded as i turned to leave. before all that, my dad and i were sitting outside waiting for the play to begin and we started arguing over this guys hat my dad kept calling in a baseball cap and i kept trying to explain to him why it wasn't. i couldn't remeber what you call it so he thought i was wrong, so i asked the guy- who was really hot
heart and probally only in his twenties
heart heart what you call his fashion of hat, turns out its called a cadet cap. curse those things are hot
wink after that i kept seeing this guy i dubbed Cadet. he was sitting behind us during the performance. oooh another thing that happened was that this kid behind me when we were entering the building said something like "why am i here, i don't even like Shakespeare?" so, as a concerned individual like myself, a turned around to give him a look that said "yes, why are you here?" well when i turned around his friend said "man she just gave you the *eye*" so my dad and i both started laughing and i nearly tripped up the stone steps because of it