Owwies on mah heeaadzz...
One d's'ay I had a deep thought (I think...) so I thought that I might write it in my journal thingy on Gaia! Hence, it's the only journal I keep (and is because it's easy to keep and is not but hard to find as the server my intarwebs rely on - did that make any sense to you??). So I clicked on my Cap'n's journal think I'd just press that neato lookin' li'l button doo-hick that reads, "MY
AWESOME/TOTALLY COOL JOURNAL" on it - or something along those particularly splendid tiny but bold lines. But once I had arrived I read her really funny lookin'/tastin' thingy mah bobber that happened to her and a fellow crews mate! iihh t'was hilariouserr than pie-on-your-face! I mean. HA HA- funny -yyyyooo. And than once I had gotten to the awesome/totally cool place were I like to dirty up the floors with mah guts kindasorta place.... i forgot what that deep thought was (I think...). Owwies on mah heeaadzz...