Today started out alright at first. I woke up at 7:15 and left for school at 7:30 even though my school doesn't start until 9:00. I sat at our table and stared at my homework until (after five minutes) I gave up. Then we had a heated discussion about Harry Potter; the movie characters, what happened in the books, if we should attack the producer who cut out all the good parts that were in the books, how the werewolf looked like a fuzzy Gollum, stuff like that. It was during first period that I began to hate everyone. My first period class is Photojournalism II, we take pictures and look at pictures and critique pictures. While we were on the computers, some a*****e looked up road-kill pictures and began saying how much he liked them. Then he started showing them to everyone and even though I didn't go over and gawk at them like all the other bastards, he was describing them so loudly that I could imagine exactly what they looked like. AND THEN EVERYONE WAS SAYING HOW FUNNY THEY WERE AND DESCRIBING HOW THEY THEMSELVES USED TO TORTURE ANIMALS WHEN THEY WERE YOUNGER!!! I'M SURE THEY WOULDN'T ENJOY IT IF I RAN THEM OVER NUMEROUS TIMES JUST SO I COULD TAKE A DAMN PICTURE!!! I TRULY HATE THEM ALL!!! As the day went on I began to realize just how deeply my hatred went. I always knew that I hated everyone, but I began to realize exactly why. I really loathed everyone because they are all so ******** cheerful when they are speeding to their own deaths. They have no idea that they are causing their own demise. This realization made me hate them even more, but it also gave me a deep satisfaction knowing that they are killing themselves. But still how can they be so damn ignorant!?