I hate school! How can u people give us soooo much homework!
I mean seriously! 1-2 hours is enough!
The people at other schools get waaay less! I mean, they only get like wat, 10 min. per class?
And they don't have biology! I mean, we go through torture, and they slack off! Wat fun is that?
My spanish teacher says all this work will pay off in college.
Some older students say that you'll be happy when it's over (bio)
Oh well. My parents say i can't drop out of school and become normal.
We have teribble substitudes at my school.
I swear, they are very stupid.
I had one for spanish today and yesturday.
She's creepy. She looks like the teachers u see on tv.
My friend says she looks like Umbridge from Harry Potter.
We had a sub in math on monday. He acted like Mr. Milk from making fiends
It's weird. All our subs act like tv/webshow/movie chracters
It's creepy. Oh, and most of them have inappropriate names
Da end of school!
Tommorow is a half day!
I will only be in school until 10:20 am!