Hello People reading!
It's thanxgiving!
Well, since i have no school today, i'm just gonna write random stuff here.
Not super random.
BTW, extremely random stuff is like turkey, poptart, bacon....
OHno! I 'm getting too random!
Omg! Random ness!
Ok, fine. I'll talk about randomness today.
Yesturday, all our classes were cut short.
I was very excited because we had nothing yesturday.
It was just 3 very short periods and then we had to wait 30 minutes for the stupid bus to come.
I hate waiting for the bus.
Some stops have a shelter. Ours doesn't.
I think the people tool the shelter down because there's a giant tree over it. Sadly, the tree doesn't give that much protection.
When it rains, huge drops of rain fall everywhere and one time...
OMG! It was sooo hilarious! A giant drop landed on this girl and...
she got on the bus soaking wet.
The bus driver started laughing when he saw how wet she was.
BTW, she was wearing a tank top and a short skirt with no umbrella or anything to keep her warm. Man she's stupid.
Even though our school is a smart people school, there are a lot of dumb kids hanging out with us.
I hate school. It's raining right now and my house is packed wit cuzins.
All which are annoying me by listening to dumb music.
They are currently listening to NBB.
I would rather listen to Jonas Bros!
I like thanxgiving, but it is very annoying sometimes.
My cosins are all waiting for some kind of cartoonnetwork thing.
I hear it's this dumb thanxgiving marathon.
They have this new fosters movie and they are waiting.
I hate the fosters movies.
The tv show is waaay better. Anyway, g2g! blaugh