it's only when you're watching some anime you loved as a kid do you realise how much times have changed. sailor moon was my favorite anime and tv show except for the original pokemon series back when i moved here during 2002. in fact, it was the only reason i got up before 9 when i was at my grandma's house during the summer. well, i decided, if i thought it was such a great show then and it was the show that got me started on watching magical girl animes, then i thought it might be good to watch now. well, i was watching crappy youtube videos of it (it's not on the air anymore as far as i know...) and i just realised... it's a really cheesy anime. not only that, but it's pretty cheesy compared to other magical girl animes, while trying to teach you valuable lessons for life. also, sailor moon is really whiny. i think she's actually worste than me! and anyone who knows me know i can get pretty bad sometimes... especially if i'm actually saying it myself. i try to fix the whinyness, but it's a pretty hard bad habit to break... but, i'm working on it.