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Anything written here should be ignored and counted towards proof as my crazy-ness. But if you like it, please leave a comment :]
Setting out at midnight Ari and Logan had kept a steady pace through the dark woods. Neither had wanted to abandon the life or friends they had made on Shay’s ship, but they had agreed that they had to find the truth. Walking along in silence they ignored the other, except for the occasional glance to assure themselves they weren’t alone. Logan’s thoughts revolved in a never ending cycle, worries about Ari, his people, and Kaytee slipping in and out of focus. Ari, on the other hand, was determinedly concentrating on thinking about nothing but where to place her feet. For the first time in days she ignored everything but her surroundings. Fear of getting lost in thought and missing some tiny detail that would explain everything gnawed at the back of her mind. Each second seemed to stretch on endlessly as her heart rate increased with the recognition of familiar surroundings. They where close, so very close, to main camp now yet no voices where heard. While many see Vampires as sneaky hunters of the night that cringed at the mere thought of day, many Vamps’ enjoyed sunlight and went about daily chores quite nosily. For in the heart of any forest the best defense was that of a large company and bright fire to keep dark things that lived a life hidden by shadow at bay. However, the forest that Ari and Logan grew up in seemed to have changed as they walked through the shadows. The silence hung in the air broken only by there muffled footsteps as they drew nearer to the camp entrance. Logan seemed to awaken from his reverie and focus on the moment frowning slightly at the constant hush that blanketed everything. Ari suddenly became aware that no birds where calling. Even the dry and withered leaves where reluctant to fall from the towering trees, as if such movement had been forbidden with the sudden lack of wind. During most of there 4 day journey through the forest Ari and Logan had walked side by side at a constant pace. Now, with the end of the journey so near Ari quickened her pace down a road that was simply dirt, now mud with the falling of last nights rain. Stepping lightly yet quickly she was about to round a large tree that helped block the entrance to a large valley where the camp was located when something grabbed her arm. Involuntarily jumping and swallowing a scream that had risen in her throat she stared at her brother with an annoyed expression of one that has just been surprised and is not very happy about it. Towering over her with a hard look in his blue eyes that masked his concern he motioned for her to walk behind him. Sighing quietly to herself she allowed him to pass her, wrapping her cloak more tightly about her shoulders as she shivered, not only from the cold but lack of noise. Ari then stepped around the tree that stood between her and the hill that overlooked the camp. She nearly collided with Logan who was standing frozen, observing the deserted collection of houses with a look of despair. The camp was empty, devoid of the faintest hint of life. Nothing destroyed, burned or trampled. It was almost exactly how they left it, 3 years ago. Neither brother nor sister spoke standing at the edge of the clearing, each fighting with there own disappointment. They had left the safety of the ship in search of answers, but only found more questions. As if standing still was preventing them from finding more, Logan hesitantly took a step forward, then quickly rushed down the path coming to the main road of the village, reduced to mud, and stared at each house slowly, as though maybe someone would come out and explain to him what had happened. Silence greeted his arrival and bowing his head, he closed his eyes, blocking out the camp wishing it wasn’t so. Ari stepped up behind him and reached out, gently placing her hand on his forearm she looked like she wanted to say something when Logan put his hand up.
“Don’t” he said quietly, “Just…don’t. I don t want to hear how maybe some of us survived, how maybe there’s hope.”
His voice was heavy with resignation and he sounded older then 17.
“Let’s just split up, search the camp, and head back to the port. Okay? ”
Seeing her brother’s discomfort and knowing there was nothing she could say to stop the pain they both felt she nodded started walking down the middle of the road, staring into the empty houses. She tried to believe that there was hope to find the others, but even in her head the words sounded a lie. She knew that it was only a dream to find someone in the silent camp. Because that’s all it is, she thought, a dream that you’ve been allowing yourself to live. And while Ari mentally chastised herself she failed to hear the footsteps of another, following her. He was tall, dressed in dark pants cut off below the knees and a torn t-shirt. Both were stained darker then the original material due to the sickening amount of blood that had been splattered on them. Dark blank hair hung limply around his face, with beads of all shape and color braided in hastily. His red rimmed eyes twitched and the dried blood around his mouth cracked as he smiled, showing off pointed, yellow fangs. Slowly drawing it from a sheath on his leg, he raised the long knife that was stained with the life blood of multiple victims. In the act of looking in a broken window, the first sign damage, she saw him in the reflection of the glass. As he lunged forward Ari managed to side-step him a turn almost simultaneously. The shock of seeing another Vampire and the fact he was trying to kill her caused Ari to hesitate-and the moment cost her dearly. Though angered that his intended target had to gall to avoid death, the Vampire wasted no time in ramming the hilt of his knife into the side of Ari’s head. Landing heavily on her knees and seeing stars Ari swayed drunkenly. ‘Logan’ she thought ‘I have to warn Logan’. Opening her mouth to shriek she received a sharp kick to the throat that sent her sprawling in the muddy road. Her vision blurred and the last thing she saw was the leering face and dirty face of the male Vamp as he savagely kicked her in the head, causing her to black out.

The pre-dawn mist sparkled in the growing sunlight like a thousand tiny diamonds thrown carelessly from somewhere above. After splitting up with Ari, Logan had taken a worn dirt path splotched with puddles that wound around the backs of the houses facing the main road. The total frustration of failing to find answers was only just beginning to set in. Anger grew in the back of his mind and helplessness crushed his last tiny tendrils of hope. Anger that he should have been able to fix the situation, that it was somehow his fault, drowned out reason. Punching a tree in frustration he winced and contemplated his scraped knuckles as he stepped over a fallen log that was barring the path. Pausing he cocked his head to the side, listening intently. A muffled thump accompanied with a splash sounded like something heavy hitting the muddied ground. Frowning slightly he called out questioningly,
His only answer was an expectant hush. Sighing, he exhaled and watched his breath rise as a cloud of mist in the morning air before turning. Logan walked softly between two houses with the intent to check how far Ari had walked up the main road.

Unfortunately, calling to his sister had alerted the disheveled looking Vamp that had been preparing to finish Ari off. Momentarily distracted by the presence of another the Vamp left Ari where she lay and dashed into the disappearing shadows at the base of a two story house. With a sudden display of unnatural strength, the Vamp leapt up to the top of the house and crawled along until he could view Logan’s movements in the small ally that separated the road from the wood. Licking his lips in anticipation the Vamp moved forward, knocking off shingles, then dove, knife at the ready, towards Logan’s unsuspecting head.

Walking towards the street, Logan was suddenly aware of the clacking of shingles that had slid from the roof after being disturbed. Glancing up his vision was filled with the sight of the filthy Vamp hurtling towards him. Though shock exploded in his brain, Logan managed to maintain his quick reflexes and jumped back to avoid collision with the Vamp. Landing hard in the mud on its hands and toes seemed to do little but anger the grimy Vamp that stood quickly and held the knife menacingly pointed towards Logan. The hollow eyes glittered at the prospect of a challenge, and the Vamp shook its head slightly causing the multitude of beads a clack and clatter together. Logan slowly began walking backwards to avoid a fight between the confining walls of the houses that created the alley. As the foul Vamp approached Logan cursed his hasty departure from Shay’s Ship. In his hurry he had only thought to bring the dirk he always wore in the sheath on his arm. As he clawed at the sheath he suddenly remembered that earlier in the journey Logan had given Ari his dirk to cut wood for there campfire and she had failed to return it, choosing to carry it with her. The anger Logan had felt earlier began to boil to the surface. Barring his own fangs and growling threateningly he halted his retreat in a small muddy clearing. The Vamp stood framed by the two houses, and raising his knife snarled back. Without anymore facing off the Vamp lunged, swinging at Logan’s unprotected stomach. With a quick side-step Logan avoided being cut in half but, failed to miss the swinging knife altogether. He felt more then saw the cold blade slice through the skin on his bicep. The cut was deep and blood splattered the side of his sweaty t-shirt and added to the stains on the already blood coated knife. The wet blood gleamed brightly over the dark stains from previous victims the knife had cut down. The knifes owner smiled and licked the blade slowly with a forked tongue that had recently been cut. Clenching his teeth against the pain Logan anticipated the Vamps next move and jumped back, evading the knife and quickly smashing his fist into the Vamps face. The well timed punch brought the Vamp to his knees but he managed to keep a firm grip on the knife, stabbing it forward he rammed the blade into Logan’s leg just above the knee, the knifes blade sticking out only by half. The sudden, sharp pain of the steel cutting deep into his flesh caused Logan to cry out. Yanking the blade out at an angle, the Vamp swung his fist around catching Logan in the stomach. While the Vamp got to his feet Logan fell onto his hands and knees, face twisted in pain. Now standing over Logan with a malicious look on his face the Vamp brought his leg back and kicked Logan hard in the chest, breaking a rib with an audible crack. Logan’s face contorted and he fell on his side, nearly blacking out. Knife raised for a killing blow the Vamp paused, tilting his head to the side as he noticed Logan’s beads that had been carefully tied into place that previous morning. Sneering contemptuously he stepped over Logan’s prone figure that struggled to remain conscious. Grabbing Logan’s long brown hair that hung just past his shoulders, the Vamp cruelly twisted it to the side. Logan feebly attempted to fight back by shoving his elbow up weakly toward his tormentor’s stomach. The blow was easily deflected and the Vamp placed a foot on the small of Logan’s back and stomped down hard, smashing his torso into the mud. Clawing at the beads that had once belonged to Logan’s parents the Vamp became annoyed by the complicated knot and brought the knife around. Jerking his hair by the roots he placed the knife at the base of Logan’s neck and pushed. The knife quickly sliced through the layers of Logan’s thick brown hair, upon reaching the beads however, the Vamp had been cutting too quickly and as the knife sliced through the strand, beads exploded outwards and everywhere. Tears of rage filled Logan’s eyes as he fought to stand, to retaliate. The Vamp merely kicked his side, and with a flip of the black, matted hair, placed a foot on the base of Logan’s neck, and forced his face into the suffocating mud. Unable to breathe Logan’s frantic thrashings grew weaker as his strength failed. Lack of air pushed all other thoughts from his mind and his lunges burned as the mud filled his nose and mouth. Suddenly his tortured body could take no more and he slowly sank into a pool of black.

 As Logan thrashed about under the Vamp’s boot something else crept quietly along in the wood. In the shadows she pulled a gun, cocked it and blasted the repulsive Vamp’s sick mind all over the trees in the clearing. The Vamps body, now thoroughly decapitated fell backwards onto the ground. Stepping from the shadows, Kaytee ran to Logan’s side and rolled him over; fearful she had come too late. Blood, hair and beads littered the ground she kneeled on. Logan’s face, smeared with mud was still as Kaytee frantically called his name. Without warning he convulsed and began hacking mud and blood all over the ground. Coughing his eyes opened partially and he looked puzzled to see Kaytee’ tear stained face looking into his. Shuddering slightly he slid back into unconsciousness, but to Kaytee’s great relief his breathing remained steady.

thought i should post some of ma izora stuff..

so yah

fear it >.>

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