Age: 21
Species: Dark dragon
Weapons: Tatsuya is normally seen with a long rapier atatched to his belt, the sheath itself produces a glow that outdoes even the brightest light. even though he is a dark dragon, it doesn't seem to affect him. he has many other weapons hung in his room in the wall of his castle however. A large axe, that can rumorly crumple mountains and cause earthquakes with a single blow. it would take at least thirteen humans to weild properly, a broad, heavy black sword with something like wings branching out at the handle and a gem in the middle of the sword. it produces an unholy glow, symbolizng darkness. A scythe embroiled with a royal family insignia, it was rumored to have once belonged to the goddess of the sea. likewise, it holds power over water. and a shield-like weapon that conforms to the user's arm and spikes protrude from it's sides. There is a large emerald in the middle of the shield, and the shield itself is see through, almost like it is made of diamond. it can also be thrown like a boomerang, and call down lightning from above. He also has what appears to be two short knives that can efforletlessly manipulate the element of ice.
Personality:Tatsuya is an open and friendly individual, but betray his trust and he can turn for the worse in an instant. he likes conversation, but prefers not to give too much about himself away. He does not treat his servants as slaves, but as friends. when he asks them to do something, he asks politely, as if they are close friends. Even though they are forced to do so, they enjoy working for him. He does not allow anyone to enter his room, ever. this is the only strict rule he applies. When dwelling on people from his past though, he becomes bitter and resentful. Strange people confound him, and he is absolutely nontolerant of the evil in anyone's heart. He often likes to explore outside of his castle, dorning for the life of a normal dragon.
Powers: Most of Tasuya's powers comes from the weapons he weilds, but he also has a few powers of his own. being a dark dragon, he can meld into shadows, cause temporary blindness, and holds the abillity to gaze into the hearts of people to uncover their true intentions.
Zodiac biggrin ragon
Bio: tatsuya is the heir to the royal Ryuu family. he never wanted to be a prince of any kind, but it was his duty. when he was a young boy, his father was a cruel king, he abused the gifts given to him and used them to attack other families, stealing valuables and riches for themselves. Tatsuya was completely oblivious to his father's doings, he lived a life of luxury, catered to by his father's servants. tatsuya didn't like being waited upon however, he wished to live normally. His fathe rlaughed when he suggested this, but gave him a week to live as a normal dragon, jsut to see how he would like it, knowing he would return. and in truth, tatsuya loved it. he even met his first love in this week, a she dragon by the name of kana. Kana and tatsuya were alike in very many ways, and tatsuya knew this dragon would be his mate. But his father refused him that offer, and had Kana hunted down and killed. Tatsuya was very angry, but what could he do? His father was a very powerful man. His mother was a very kind dragon, and she comforted him as best as she could but she just couldn't quite settle the grief in his heart. When another family came to destroy the Ryuu Family, Tasuya hid from the slaughter. when it was all over, he and the remaining servants and family were what was left of the Ryuu family. Tatsuya now assumes his rightful place as the leader of the royal family, but as a kind ruler rather than a greedy one. Ryuu was unfortunately the one to answer to his father's crimes. a curse fell upon him that was originally meant for his father. he would weild incredible dark power, but it would also attempt to control and destroy him. it still apeaks to him sometimes, but he is slowly learning to control it. the gods, realizing their mistake, saw the sincerity in Tatsuya's heart, and bestowed the weapons that he weilds to this day upon him. It helps to control the dark rage burning within him.
Appearance: Human form:

Dragon form: