RPC name:Kara
Age: Unknown, but she looks to be in her mid-teens
Species: Vampire
Personality: kara is a woman with standards. She can't stand stupid men, and she very rarely shows her emotions. She seems uncaring about any kind of situation, good or bad and is usually seen with a frown or blank face. She also has trouble controlling her blood lust.
Weapons: None, she relies on her own stregnth, and she is abnormally strong, even for a vampire.
Alignment: She views nothing as either good or bad. That line is what you make it out to be.

Bio:Kara was born intoa normal family. Both of her parents were human, and her younger siblings constantly betrothed her. She even had a boyfriend. But one night, his boyfriend got drunk and came to her house. He tried to take advantage of her, But Kara wasn't having that so she told him to get out. he didn't like that very much, and hit her. That night, as she was crying a particular group of people came into her house, killing all of her family except for her. As she gazed at them with tears streaming down her face, they talked amongst each other. "let us spare this one. she has something...different than the others." She was kidnaped that night, and turned the next. The clan taught her how to be a vampire, but she did not want to stay. They wouldn't let her leave, claiming she was 'one with the clan' now. So acting on bloodlust on a particular night, she killed her entire clan and went out on her own to search for her boyfriend. She found him and had him cornered and beaten badly. But when the time came to kill him, she just couldn't do it. She left her home town, deciding to scour the earth in misery. as she went, she discovered she could not control her blood lust very well at all, and she's working on it. but her past has close dhe roff to the world, and she swore never to open up to someone ever again.