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I don't know why I try...
I don't know why I try so hard and honestly it never gets me anywhere...I try so hard to do well in school even though this program is not what I wanted to be in and I have no interest. Still, I tried...still I tried harder and harder. I finally try so hard that I feel that I am passing and I feel proud.

Then I get a stab in the gut where I find out I don't have enough money to take my 2nd semester so there was no point to my trying so hard...

I try really hard to keep up with my work and even though lately all it does is bring me grief I try to pull through and keep going...but it keeps getting more and more unbearable the way my life is excused to do anything but breath.

I tried really hard this week...I tried really hard all month. I've been trying and trying and I finally thought I would get a break, finally have something good, do something different; do something for me. I thought for once that Ryan was going to take me somewhere and we'd have a great time and it would be awesome.

No...not for me. I'm not to have a moment to myself or to enjoy anything. I'm to constantly realize that I am too stupid to learn things to improve my life, too gender stereo typed to get the job I want, too poor to buy the things I want or to live on my own or to buy anything other than gas to fuel my tank to go to a job that doesn't really mean anything and doesn't make me any money to do anything, realizing that I have 8,300+ worth of debt and nothing to show for it, no romance, no vacation, no time off, no friends, ******** all.

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Soban Nabaal
    Community Member

    Fri Dec 23, 2005 @ 08:13pm

    Ah don't say that.
    You have friends, you have everything you need, okay well not romance, but if it'll make you feel better I love you!

    Listen everyone goes threw this stanges in thier life.
    I just happened to go grew one.. just afew days ago, infact I'm planning to have another one in afew weeks time when the new year comes and I'm still jobless and a dink.
    You have alot to offer Kry, you are smart, you can learn new things, you have the same abilties as anyone else does, if not more! You can do anything cause your the type of girl that gets thrown, smakced down, beaten up, slapped around like a pogo stick, AND STILL come back for more!
    You have more guts and charm then any girl or guy I know, you are one of a kinda, and don't you dare think your not good enough for it, you can get better, you WILL get better and you'll be the best goddamn thing(insert the job you really want, I should know this but then again I don't know anything cause I'm a massive dink! sweatdrop ) you'll ever wanted to be!
    heart heart heart

    User Comments: [1]
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