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Cosplay Adventures
Hey all! The road to my first convention begins!!

I am currently unemployed and have all of 68 dollars to my name but I'm hoping to get my tax return sometime in the next month or so and be a memeber of Ralph Klein's money second wave (400 smackers).

With the future free money I will be getting (I would guess it's about 500 total...maybe a little more) I can pay off my VISA and the remainder money will go towards a cosplay costume for the convention. If I manage to get a job in April I might even be able to pull off getting a 2nd costume or at least money to spend at the many booths awaiting my drooling face.

At any rate: Cosplay costumes!

Below are 10 costumes that I have chosen for myself. #7 is actually a Lolita coat that I love so much I want it for my winter coat next year. These 10 costumes will be narrowed down to 2 costumes. Unfortuneatly today I think I'm only gonna get rid of one...


7 (dis one i'm gonna get just to wear all the time lol)

#1 - Tifa: I have never been altogether crazy about Tifa...she's a life support system for breasts...possibley my only commonality with her is that my boobs are somewhat comparible. I love the outfit it looks sleek and cool.
Downside: I need to lose 10 pounds and tone my legs before I wear this 'leggy' display

#2 -
Shin Sangokumusou Xing Cai: I recognize the character and the name but really have no clue what it's from. I liked the colors and stuff originally but upon further thinking this outfit is probably gonna get dropped by the end of this entry. Why?
Downsides: Overly large shoulder pads will make the rest of my body appear to bludge out, the skirt cuts just above the knee and that will end up making my short little legs look even shorter and lastly why cosplay someone you know nothing about or have any connection with other than it looks pretty?

#3 - Lulu: Love of my life, light in my eye. Even before FF-10 was released I loved Lulu. She is just HOT and she has a toy moogle and that's just so cool! I think I could pull off a decent Lulu. I saw one of my favorite cosplayers (no link sorry lost it) do her and it was the best rendition of Lulu I've ever seen.
Downsides: I hate wigs and don't want to dye my hair black, I don't have a moogle plushie -.-;;

#4 - Chobits: Ok, you're thinking I'll cut this because I appear to have a dislike of skirts? No, I don't I just tend to know what shape and length looks better for me. Because I have such short legs I either have to wear very long skirts or very short skirts. This is a very short skirt. Not as short as the one I own though redface What can I say? I love chobits. I've always loved chobits. I wanted to be a chobit for halloween this past year but the people I was attempting to buy from gave me the cold shoulder. This costume also comes in black and in white. I love the black one but I thought I'd try a color out of my element. I love pink but I don't recall owning much that has that color...
Downsides: My arms will be showing and so will my legs. Drop 10 pounds and I'll be happy with this outfit

#5 - Gothic school girl: After last night I've decided this will likely be dropped. It has nothing to do with xCobaltx!! She liked this outfit but after I saw a very large goth chick wearing almost the same thing going into Trucker's (restuarant) last night I rethought it. The costume isn't costumey enough! People around here wear clothes like that all the time and instead of looking original and like a cosplayer I'd just look like a typical emo chick....I would love to buy it to wear around town anyways lol but this is a cosplay decision and I'm poor. Sacrafices are made.

#6 - China Han: Dear god love me...this kimono is sexy...it's long, the arms are long, everything is long and it's beautiful. The colors are perfect, the fabric is nice!
Downsides: I may be too short and look like I'm drowning in material, I might not have a big enough arch in my hip to give the elegant look rather than the stuffed pigme look.

#7 - Lolita Coat: It isn't for cosplay...I WANT this jacket. I've always wanted a jacket like that. When I worked at Bryan's they had a little black coat that was very bad compared to this one and I contimplated forever getting it...I didn't and I'm glad now.

#8 - Lolita black and red: No idea what the character is from here. I like the outfit ^^ pink and black rock. This outfit also comes in 2 pieces a dress and a wrap so I could 'technically' spruce it up to make it into 2 costumes.
Downside: don't know the character and the skirt (though can't really tell) maybe make legs look short.

#9 - The Condor Heroes: Never heard of this anime but the dress is so pretty! Biggest problem is that I'm not skinny enough for it and since it's white it will likely be fairly see through O.o I love it but I'd rather my underwear stay a secret.

#10 - Western Lolita?: I dunno this red dress just looks cool. It's probably way too big to be wandering around a convention and not have it wrecked. Alas, based on that fact and the fact that it doesn't really look anime-ish it'll be cut.

#11 - Cool Black: The only male like costume in the whole group. I love this outfit. I will confess that I want 2 costumes for the sole purpose that the second be this one. I love everything about it...I dont have a male physique at all so i have no idea how this outfit would look on me. I'd like to think I'd look wicked. I'd wear this outfit all the time >.< So why isn't it the costume I'm gonna buy you wonder? Because I want a feminine costume first. If I can afford that and a second there will be no contest who wins the 2nd spot smile

So the officially cuts are in just by my need to explain why I like them. #2, #5, and number #10 have been cut! I'm down to 7 ^^ cuz I don't include the coat.

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Tue Feb 28, 2006 @ 06:50pm

    About China Han ^^ It's not a Kimono even though it kinda looks like it. It's nice an flowy without padding, which the kimono is more complicated with lots of padding and shaping done to it. I don't know if you've watched a Chinese show called "the switch"? Then you'll see that anyone can where this style o.o It just might be hard to walk around XD But it's meant for any size to look elegant. In the show there was a servant girl who was shorter than anyone else and she looked good in it. ^^

    Lol I know what you are saying about the chobits alfit XD I hate showing my arms too!!
    #8 looks like just a design from that doll's clothes. Those japanese dolls are very popular, so it might be a cosplay of the doll XD I think it's sooo cool though. I'd buy it if I had any chance of looking good in it XD

    Hard choice Krysil!! Good luck!!

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