NinjaZane: Sure, What is it?
Kal: Well you have never drawn a pic of us, like together, always separate, why is that? confused
NinjaZane: Hmmmmmm, that's a good question.... Well how bout I draw a picture of all us right now! blaugh
Kal: Really? Sweet!
NinjaZane: Just get the others and I will begin!
*Kal Gets Shay and Fox Tail*
Fox Tail: How long is this going to take, I really need to get back to reading... stare
Kal: No long, right Zane?
NinjaZane: Right! Now just sit still!
*A few hours later*
Shay: My arms hurt!! gonk
NinjaZane: Well you can relax now, I just need to color it blaugh
*A few more hours later*
Kal: Almost done?
NinjaZane: I'm about to scan it 3nodding
*2 days later*
Kal: Whats taking you so long?
NinjaZane: sad The scanner was broken..... But my dad fixed it 3nodding
Kal: Well post the pic already!!
NinjaZane: Ok just let me put it on photobucket.
*One day later*
Kal: Why did it take you one day to put a picture on photobucket?!
NinjaZane: I got sleepy, now I'm going to put it up for the world to see ^^
*One second later*
Shay: Awwww! Its so cut 4laugh
Fox Tail: Well it does look good, but my head is a little too big...
NinjaZane: It to show how smart you are 3nodding
Fox Tail: Oh... Well your right on that one. biggrin
Kal: I'm just glad you finally got it up 3nodding
NinjaZane: 3nodding True art takes time my friend, true art takes time 3nodding
Kal: You mean procrastinating?
NinjaZane: Yes xd

Shay: And we can't forget the poster ^^