Fox Tail: Alright, I think it's time to set a few things stright.
Shay: Like what?
Fox Tail: Like things we "let" Zane have.
Kal: Here we go again rolleyes
Fox Tail: Oh shut up! This is a serious problem! scream
Shay: How so?
Fox Tail: Zane had been under her bed for days playing Kingdom Hearts...
Kal: I guess that does pose as a problem, doesn't it?
Fox Tail: Uhh, DUH!! Thats a reason why I called you both here. I am going to list a few things we are never EVER, going to give NinjaZane.
Kal: Ok, shoot, what are these items we are never to give Zane?
Fox Tail: Ok listen and Listen good, because I'm only going to say this once, got it?
Shay: Got it!
Fox Tail: Ok We are never EVER going to give NinjaZane: A chain saw, sugar, giant cut out of any of her fave anime/ video game characters, no more DS games because she will just end up laying under her bed playing them till she beats them like over ten times, don't give her any cosplay outfits and a body mirror (we don't want to have another incedent like that again...), and last no more paper, she has almost a hundred Sonic fan characters. Do we under stand this?
Kal: Yep
Shay: Yeah, but... sweatdrop
Fox Tail: What? stare
Shay: Well lets just say, I may have given NinjaZane a cut out of Axle sweatdrop
Fox Tail: WHAT!?!?!? WHY?!?!
Shay: It was her birthday! What elese was I supposed to get her?
Kal: Oh please if you think thats bad, I got her the whole Organization XIII cut out set. Wait? So you took the Axel cut out?
Shay: I had to get her something!
Fox Tail: *faceplam* Only the lord knows what she is up to now....
*Meanwhile in Zane's room, Zane is completly wasted on Mountiandew*
NinjaZane: Have Ever told you guys, *hic* t-t-that you are my-my bestiest-best-fwiends in the whole wide world! *hic*
*Vexen cut out falls over*