Specification of Religions:
Safikhan <Sah - fih - kahn> : The current, traditional aershaa religion with two warring sides.
Dreywalker (LOL, it's a religion.) : Nature is the ideal, Draiah is the diety whether as an actual god or an idea of the collective energy in all things. There are no sides: all aershaa are equal.
Athiest: It hasn't changed. Those that believe in nothing.
Cultist: Following one of the few cults scattered across dreyrull, such as Wy'ziot's Death Troop.
Apocolysts: Aershaa extremists, believing that the shattering of Dreyrull was the start of the Great Cleansing, removing the other sentient species to allow all of aerkind to reign supreme. They spend their days 'finishing the job,' finding all two-leggeds to be evil and bonding to be a great sin. They believe in Khan and S'feena as equals.
Unitist: Following similar beliefs to the Safikhan, but these aershaa, like the Apocolysts, believe that S'feena and Khan are equals. These are a peacemaking society, and often also have Mother Draiah in their lores.
Listhreans: Restricted to the residents of Listhrea, Listhreans often combine their beliefs with the other beliefs of Dreyrull; that the Goddess Listhrea protected her most beloved by lifting the islands from the Drey as it shattered to pieces. They see her as the almighty guardian and savior.
Humanists: Unlike the term from earth, humanist Aershaa are those that view humans as gods, existing both in the wild and under Man's command. Those in the wild typically seek out men to take them "under their wing," and view it as the highest honor.
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