✖✖ Basics
The name given to me at birth is Kestral Silverdust but you may call me Kestral.
I have 31 years behind me.
I am a Male.
Personality: Kestral is proud to a fault, he has difficulty understanding Ultimans and their culture. He favors the simple economy and primal lifestyle of the Omegans, and finds Ultimans to be technology addicted, godless crusaders Imposing their laws on a planet which belongs to no man. For his own reasons, he obviously does not trust them. However Kestral becomes very protective of those he cares about, willing to put his life on the line to keep them from harm. This is due to the fact that he was born into a culture that requires constant vigilance and protection from not only the beasts of the planet but also the hostile terrain and weather.
Elements and Abilities:
Kestral possesses the ability to contol any element so long as he's had adequate exposure to it. Below is a list of all elements he had enough exposure to control. The drawback to this power is that no matter how much he uses an element he must always have a source in order to manipulate the element.
Below is a list of all elements he had enough exposure to control
-Kestral can forge weapons of any element he controls. These weapons are typically staffs, scythes, or voulges and can shred through most elemental barriers. Once forged, these weapons have a permanent physical form, and Kestral can forge more with great ease. This is especially advantageous to the other Espers in his group, many of whom are unarmed and cannot forge elemental weapons.
✖✖ BackgroundKestral was born in a small village known as Sylld'res. The tribe which inhabited the village were known as the Kurai, a word translating to "darkness" in their tongue. Once the Great Explosion destroyed their village, killing half of their tribe, the survivors of the Kurai tribe journeyed to the nearest safe village. They travelled across truly formidable terrain, now even more dangerous in the wake of the Cataclysm, to a village forged at the base of a titanic boulder. On the other side of the boulder, spread a lake of molten lava as far as the eye could see. This village was known as Oblivion's Edge.
Upon their arrival, the Kurai were accepted as brethren by the native Shanai tribe. Kestral, being eleven at the time, quickly made friends with the Shanai children. His best friends, Zindell, Xylar and Gizan, were each Shanai and the troublemakers of the village, though Kestral never joined in on their antics. While they enjoyed utilizing their new elemental powers to torment others in the village, Kestral chose to study ancient tomes, scripture and arcane arts in the temple at the bottom of the boulder which safeguarded them from the heat of the fire lake. Over the next two decades, Kestral trained his powers through the art of weapon forging, eventually hoping to become the twmple's high priest.
Before that could happen, a company of extremely heavily armed Ultiman soldiers under the order of Silent Syndicate Commander Isis Avendel arrived at Oblivion's Edge demands for them to vacate the village. Apparently one of their Sylverite mines nearby had breached the bottom of the village and the Syndicate now needed access to it through a new entry point into the mines, an entry which would require the Kurai and Shanai evacuated. Both tribes' leaders refused, however, there was no guise of "request", instead, Isis sent her troops in with explosives and electric wire cannons to subdue any opposition. A select few did attempt to stop their advance, which was met with brutal force and instantaneous arrest. At one point a soldier attacked Zindell, who had done nothing. In a fit of rage, Kestral ran to Zindell's side and threw his hands to the ground. As he did so, a spike of Earth jutted from the ground and impaled the soldier and several others around him suffered the same fate. With a wicked smile, Commander Avendel immediately launched a massive concussive wave from her hand mounted cannon. The force killed many of the Esperkyn around him, but left Kestral alive due to his instinctive barrier of fire. His body weak, and his conscience fading, Kestral could only watch and listen as he heard the Ultiman woman order her troops to 'exterminate the rest of the Esperkyn dogs'.
Upon his awakening, Kestral was beaten savagely by the commander and her guards, and then transported to the massive prison city known as Haven. Since his arrival nearly a year ago, Kestral has yet to leave his cell during free hours, or speak a single word to anyone. He appears to be a hollow shell of a person. He screams out in his sleep, dreaming of the destruction he wrought upon his family, his friends, and his tribe.
✖✖ Extras
Distinguishing Marks
Kestral's silver hair is a rather distinguishing characteristic, seeing as very few Esperkyn are imprisoned. They are normally killed if they provoke any attention from Silencers. Other than that Kestral has ancient arcane markings tattooed on his arms and back.
My Actions and Words Are Controlled by: Kestral Silverdust