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My journal for Gaia where I write awesome stuff. ^^
Believe Chapter 7
It's time for Chapter 7 of my story! biggrin Because of all the stuff from the holidays and people being too busy to get on, it took me a long time to get motivated to write more of it. sad But here we go, my chapter!

Believe Chapter 7

Page 35

(January 14, 2012 Saturday A.D.)

I woke up in the morning like it was any other day, but that was far from normal. All across the sky there were black clouds full of rain, lightning, and... sinister evil. This wasn't any ordinary storm... This was created by some kind of monster.. and it's been like this for what seems to be fourteen long years...
This may come as a surprise to you, but I am actually not human. I am a fox, and a pretty intelligent one at that. My parents said I seemed to be like a human with my characteristics and cleverness. That kind of disgusted me to be honest because to me, humans seemed to be nothing more than evil creatures that created weapons of mass destruction. Perhaps they saw something in them that I could not?
Fourteen years ago, I was only ywo years old, and the monster started to attack everything... It destroyed many homes and took many lives... Some of the buildings aren't even half standing. Perhaps this was Karma, or perhaps no one deserved this at all... About a year ago, my parents turned into something of much malice and attacked me. I barely made it out with my life...
For most of my life, I've been living in a park. It wasn't until my parents lost their mind that I've been adopted by some strange man... I'm not sure why I was able to keep my sanity unlike most animals. I'm surprised he took me in and didn't kill me... He seemed to be some strange man that made weapons and gave them to another person to sell to the general public. What do they humans call him? A scientist? He gave me some strange fake claw made out of metal for my right paw to defend myself. He called it a gauntlet.
Finally on to the present, the man who took me in found some girl lying face down in the middle of a crossroad next to the building we were in. When she came to her senses and stood up, she looked so familiar...
Tamashii: "What... is this place?"
It wasn't a surprise that she was shocked. She didn't seem to be from around here. It makes me wonder though... How in the world did she get here if she's passed out? Then asking what is this place without taking a step inside... It's as if she fell from the sky.
Scientist: "Please come with me. It's not safe here."
Strangely, the girl didn't refuse the man and trusted him. We walked back into our home to the first floor of a tall building. Many books and notes laid scattered around the floor in a mess, for the bookshelves were all destroyed. The fan in room was all squeaky and old... Sometimes it got pretty annoying, so it wasn't used except on hot days.
The girl seemed really anxious to ask questions, in which she did.
Tamashii: "What is this place? Who are you?!"
Scientist: "All in good time, my dear, all in good time..."

(January 15 2012 Sunday A.D.)

Scientist: "This place here is known as the Town of Lightning. We're some of the only people who still use technology to a minimal amount to see if we can improve on society without all the nasty side effects. Many people use little to no technology at all now. Because of the catastrophe fourteen years ago, I've lost track of time on the precise year this is but I'm certain it's still the 22nd century. As for myself, I am a scientist that creates weapons for self defense to give to the person that runs the weapons store. I've been trying to find a way to kill the monster that's caused this mess, but to no avail. Does that answer your questions?"
For some reason, the girl looked astounded. I think she might be looking for something here...
Tamashii: "Wait, did you say fourteen years ago?! A town mostly destroyed by a monster?!"
Scientist: "Y-yes? Why?"
Tamashii: "Well it's a little hard to explain but I think I was born here. My whole life I've been adopted and raised somewhere else, so I tried to come here to find answers to who I really am. It looks like I found the right place... Oh, and believe it or not, I can fight!"

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Scientist: "Hm... How so?"
Tamashii: "Well... I got a mace here and I got... magic."
The girl then extended her left arm and opened her hand. She closed her eyes and appeared to be concentrating on something... Then a burst of fire suspended in midair above her palm. Who was she...?! I was only a baby fourteen years ago... and yet it's still vaguely in my mind...
I then looked over to see the scientist beam with excitement. It was almost scary...
Scientist: "A-amazing! I must study this phenomenon in the future! If your going out though, you should take this fox with you."
I was shocked. Why was this man piling all this responsibility on me?! I got the strangest feeling I should protect her though...
Tamashii: "What's it's name?"
Scientist: "Senkoo Kumo, just like the name of a person. It didn't seem fond of me giving it pet names for some reason."
Tamashii: "How come it doesn't appear to be a monster like the others?"
Scientist: "You know, I still don't know the answer to that... Senkoo is male though in case you were wondering."
The girl gave me a cold stare and didn't seem to trust me very much... That was understandable. I didn't trust her very much either so I stared back. The girl then turned to the man to tell him goodbye.
Tamashii: "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you later then. Goodbye."
Scientist: "Farewell! Good luck, and be very careful out there!"
We then turned our attention back into the outside world. I was a little nervous but I was willing to bear through the unknown.

(January 23, 2012 Monday A.D.)

As we made our way through the rubble of town, I decided to go to the park first. I had a strange feeling that there was a clue there...
I trusted my gut and the girl followed. I'm glad none of us is arguing about who gets to be the leader...
When I got to the park, I was shocked... It's only been a year since I've been here, but the park looked completely destroyed... The playground was broken, some of the trees were struck by lightning, and the poor benches were smashed so humans couldn't sit on it...
The girl was equally shocked and I don't know why. I guess some humans are sad about everyone's misfortunes, even if they don't know them or the world around them.
We kept walking until we saw something strange... An unusual animal appeared in front of us from out of a tree. It had a lot of... metal over it, except... It looked like it was part of it's body. It didn't look... what's the word? Hardly organic at all...
I turned to the girl and she looked mortified...
Tamashii: "What the hell is this?! There's no way it could have been born this way!"
After she said that, this... mechanical bird thing swooped down and tried to attack us. Not very surprising... We'll have to fight it.
I turned to the girl again and she seemed to have overcome her fear and started to put her "game face" on, or however you'd call it...
The bird stared at us with cold, dead eyes and we were ready to take it on. As long as we're around, the world will not remain this way!

(January 28, 2012 Saturday A.D.)

The bird quickly fell down and broke into many pieces. The girl wasn't so bad of a fighter herself. I wish I knew what to say to her...
Tamashii: "Phew... That wasn't so hard..."
She then turned to me and said: "I think I'm starting to like you a bit more."
Good. That's great news... We need teamwork if we're going to survive. I felt like she initially trusted me less, but who can really say for sure?
I turned to her and tried to say "What's your name, kid?"
She just looked at me all confused and said: "What is it boy?"
Sigh... It seems like all I did was make a lot of animal noises. I wish I could speak with my mind... So then I wrote my words in the dirt instead.
I left out the "kid" part this time because I didn't want to offend her. She looked amazed that I could write in human language. That man gave me odd tests though to see how smart I was.... He gave me small notes to read and I read them. I feel like I'm missing something here...
The girl looked at me though and started to speak up.
Tamashii: "I'm Tamashii Ishi."

Page 37

(February 9, 2012 Thursday A.D.)

The more I got to know this girl, the more she seems familiar to me...
I didn't know where to go... I kept walking though until the ground started to feeling funny. It felt... hollow. The area we were in was at... a cemetery.
There were rows and rows of tombstones. It was laid out as being a 5X5 set of tombs, being 25. I remember overhearing the scientist who raised me saying to himself that there was supposed to be fifty people here but with the monster, it got reduced down to half. In truth, this town has now become a village like all the others. Perhaps it was humanity's downfall from tampering with nature. Who can really say for sure? Since there's still half of the town and it's people left however, this might not be the worst thing they could have done.
As I looked farther, I saw a tombstone standing out on it's own. It was past the cemetery and next to a lake. What could this mean? I went forward to inspect it and it was too dirty to make out... I turned around to see the girl examining the other graves. I wonder what she was looking for... The girl then came over to me. She wondered what I was doing.
Tamashii: "Did you find anything?"
I think I did... I started to dig my claws through the earth. The girl stood there being awestruck. When I was done, I found something very unusual. There was a trap door. Something tells me this is a fake grave...
The girl opened it and saw a dark staircase barely illuminated by some kind of light down below. We went down and we saw what appeared to be a large room with some big wooden thing and some sticks of fire on the wall. I think the wooden thing was called a desk and the flaming sticks on the wall were called torches. I'm still not very familiar with human objects...
The girl then walked over to the desk and read some kind of stack of papers. I sat and listened as she slowly recited what was written on them...

(February 21, 2012 Tuesday A.D.)

"It all started off so smoothly... I was a simple scientist working with other scientists to fuse some of the DNA of the other animals into our body. Canine senses for improved sense of smell and stronger teeth. Feline senses for flexibility. Bear senses for stronger muscles. Many more examples were put into our research in the name of science and for the sake of helping human-kind."
This was some deeply disturbing information. I noticed the girl stopped and had the same reaction I did. How could they do something so unnatural?
The girl kept on reading as were both desperate to know more.
"We even worked on machines to test on ourselves and even animals. The machines, if not the mix of animal DNA, caused some strange results however... The animals started to become cold and emotionless. They mercilessly attacked everything in sight! This was no different from the other set of animals we couldn't tame, the ones people often call "monsters". I tried to tell the other scientists to stop what they were doing, but they wouldn't listen. They were too busy being obsessed with testing the limits of their power, that they wouldn't stop until they fufilled their own ambitions. How selfish could they be?! The world might end because of them!"
The girl then started to cry and covered her mouth with her right hand and I felt a deep sorrow pitted in my stomach. This man was forced against his will to help people! All they wanted to though was improve their society... The men who thought they were so smart turned out to be really foolish and we're going too far.
The girl kept on reading... She had a very tenacious spirit that I really admired.
"Those damn elves were right! We shouldn't be tampering with nature! At least... not like this. They tried to force me to become one of them. They experimented on more than anyone else! Why me?! You bastards! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"
The girl suddenly fell down and I rushed to her to pick her up. She was crying as hard as hard as she could and looked like she was about to vomit. We must have stoood their for about ten minutes until she got back up to read.
"I'm slowly... losing my... mind. I... destroyed.. the city. But... somehow... this building... remains standing..."
The girl named Tamashii turned to the last page. She immediately became scared, her eyes widening and her skin turning pale. Something wasn't right about this last page...
"I... KILLED... THEM. BURIED... BODIES... IN... TOP... ROW. I'M... SO... SORRY..."
The girl was too sad to move on, and she dropped down to her knees again... I felt so bad for her and tried to lick her face, like a house cat. It was embarassing, but I knew it would work.
She giggled like a little girl and started to brighten up.
Tamashii: "We should go and find that building."
I agreed, and we left and she followed me. It didn't take long to find the ominous tower...

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(March 12, 2012 Monday A.D.)
It was so strange... This building was the last thing standing... It was like something out of a nightmare...
The girl Tamashii stared at the immense structure for quite a long time. I couldn't tell if she was worried about the dangers inside or how long it will take to climb, or both. She then sighed and said "Alright... let's do this."
When we went inside, it turned out I was wrong about the place. Some patches of the floor here and there were easily breakable and we almost fell numerous times. When we were close to a wall, I could have sword the building was slightly leaning to the ground, almost crashing down and burying us. It was really scary...
Before we reached the top, I wanted the girl to hold me in her arms and tell me it will be alright... I guess I was still just a kid... I wonder where my parents are...
I cried out in loning towards the girl. Thankfully she knew exactly what I wanted.
Tamashii: "Hey... it's okay... We're almost there."
She pet me and gave me a big embrace. She was so soft... and she smelled good too. Sort of. She stunk a bit, but at least she smelled more natural than that scientist and those weird chemicals. It felt so good... but I knew we couldn't sit here forever. Of course, the girl felt the same way.
In the last room, we saw a strange machine tha was barely held together by wires and hd hardly any metal to cover it up. It had a large glass eye like a telescope. The place seemed abandoned... Was this not the right place to go?
I turned to leave but then I looked behind to see if the girl was following me, and instead she went up to the machine and touched it! Why did she do that...?!
The machine's eye turned on with a yellow light with a beam shining in our direction, but then the eye turned green and the beam disappeared. I wasn't sure what that meant but I didn't have much time to think. The machine then got up and stared at us. It almost seemed... alive...
Lighting Guardian: "W#0... R... U...?"
It's voice was hard to make out, but it was also loud. Wait... It could talk...?! What did it want from us...?
Tamashii: "I'm Tamashii Ishi and this is Senkoo Kumo. We came to seek the monster that caused all of this."
Why was she telling this strange creature all of this...? I don't understand...
Lightning Guardian: "INTRUDER... #0w... C@N... 3Y3... TRUST... U...?"
Tamashii: "If you want to fight us, go ahead. We'll prove our worth to you."
No... Why?! If this wasn't the monster, I don't want to fight it...
Tamashii pulled me close and held me again. She told me... "It's okay. I know what I'm doing."
I trusted her and we got ready for combat.
Lightning Guardian: "UNU$U@L... M0TIV3... MU$T... 0BS3RV3..."

(April 2, 2012 Monday A.D.)
As I fought this strange creature, my skin was blistered, my fur ruffled, and my muscles ached with fatigue. I was afraid some of my bones had broken. Red, hot blood seeped out of my wounds. The same could be said for the girl. If it was this bad, I was worried how it could get any worse when we finally fight the beast that caused all of this. I grinned and beared it however and howled in victory.
Lightning Guardian: "#MM... WH@T P0W3R... U 2... H@V3."
Strange... It seemed like it actually recovered slightly from battle. Was it getting stronger?
Lightning Guardian: "BR@V3 W@RRI0R... @ND... B3@$T 0F T#3 L@ND... U H@V3 B0T# D0N3... 3XTR@0RDIN@RY... N0W.. I MU$T 0FF3R... MY WI$D0M..."
Wisdom? What Wisdom? Was this thing supposed to be a teacher of sorts? I listened intently on what else I could possibly learn.
Lightning Guardian: "R3D 0N3... L3T G0... 0F Y0UR 3G0. Y0U R... $TR0NG. Y0UR LIF3 M@Y B3... R0UG#... BUT... T#@T D03$ N0T M3@N... Y0U S#0ULD... B3 BLIND3D BY.. #@TR3D... @ND... MI$TRU$T..."
It's... right... I've been so tired... of everything... I tried fighting and fighting, trying to get rid of the evil in my hometown, but... I was blind by the life that was still there... but that's because... it seemed gone... and corrupted. It turns out I was wrong though. A miracle happned and I found this girl. Will things be okay now?
Lightning Guardian: "N0W... G0... @ND R3CI3V3... MY P0W3R..."
As soon as he finished that sentence, a wave of a violet colored aura rushed over to me and Tamashii. I felt... stronger... but also... wiser. I felt like... I could finally communicate with her!
To my surprise, the one-eyed being had two final words to say to us.
Lightning Guardian: "G00D.. BY3..."
The... machine... finally went to sleep.
I started to cry... It felt so painful yet... relieving to let go of all this negative emotion.
The girl then came over to me and hugged me again. It was much stronger and harder than before this time. Then... she started to cry too.
Tamashii: "I'm so sorry... I feel the same way too..."
I started to speak but nothing came out of my mouth. In my mind I thought "I'm sorry too."
Page 39

(April 15, 2012 Sunday A.D.)

The girl slowly looked at me and was shocked. I expected that of course.
Tamashii: "You can talk...?!"
Senkoo: "(It would appear so, at least with my mind.)"
Tamashii: "*Giggles* See?! Didn't I tell you I knew what I was doing?! Now let's get out of here!"
Senkoo: "(Wait... do you forgive me?)"
The girl slowly turned to me and smiled warmly. It was such a sincere feeling...
Tamashii: "Of course I do... You've been through a lot too. You protected me and showed me that you needed someone to comfort you. Humans tend to feel the same way too."
Senkoo: "They do."
Tamashii: "Of course! So whenever I feel down... I want you to comfort me too."
So then we bravely made our way back down and out of the building.
We were wondering where to go next when we saw something you woild think would only manifest from nightmares.
We saw it... the beast... It was the size of a gargantuan bear on hind legs, with half of it's body completely mechanical. It was horrifying... This thing was once human...?
It was in a hurry to go somwhere. It quickly smelled our prescence however and turned around halfway. It gave us a wicked growl, and dashed quickly at the speed of light to the park.
Tamashii: "It has to be heading towards that secret place we were before! Let's go!"
Me and Tamashii quickly raced to the park, making our way to the beast's secret lair.
The trap door was smashed to bits... It was scary to think how much power it had...
Tamashii: "Stop right there!"
As soon as she said that, I could see the beast was trembling. But it wasn't out of fear. It was rage.
It turned around and lashed out at her. This thing... It could speak with it's mind too, from the mechanical device that took over it's mind.
Beast: "WHY...?! HOW DARE YOU.... TOUCH... MY DIARY!"
The beast then threw the table at us but we swiftly dodged the attack.
Tamashii had a hurt look in her eyes... She really wanted to help it. But why...?
Tamashii: "Please calm down! We want to help you!"
The beast then laughed an empty, monstrous laugh... It looked so sad...
The beast looked down at it's hands. It seemed to even be scared of itself.
The beast was then enraged again.
The beast then laughed a laugh of pure insanity. It made me feel like the hairs on my body were going to come right off.
We then prepared for a fight to the death, possibly the world. I never thought fate would lie in my hands... especially to someone else as well. I was just flad that if I died... I wouldn't die alone.
This was it. I wouldn't give up now. I waited forever for this moment. This ends now!
(April 19, 2012 Thursday A.D.)

We kept fighting and fighting, but our muscles started to strain, and I felt a lot of cramps. It was hard to move... I felt like this battle was never going to end, but then I hear I started to hear a strange sound... and I noticed a rock fall from the ceiling. I looked up and I saw cracks everywhere. Weren't we under a lake?!
Tamashii: "Oh no... We have to get out of here!"
The beast didn't want us to leave. Why did it hate us so much...? We weren't the ones that caused this!
The beast then tried to move, but it's body ached too...
That's when the beast started to glow. It seemed he was charging for one final attack. The ground rumbled and the ceiling started to fall apart, and water was starting to gush out. I tried to move, but I couldn't! Tamashii...
Tamashii: "Come on Senkoo! We have to get out!"
Senkoo: "(I can't! My body is paralyzed!)"
I was embarrassed to admit it, but Tamashii had to carry me out. Was I too weak...? I tried so hard, but I always have to depend on someone else...
Senkoo: "(I'm sorry I'm so weak...)"
Tamashii: "It's okay... You did your best. Please save your breath..."
We brely made it out just in time before we were caught in the beast's explosion. It was finally over...
I turned to Tamashii however and she was crying...
Tamashii: "Why...?! Why can't I save anyone?!"
It hurt to see her cry like this... so I tried to cheer her up.
Senkoo: "(It's okay.. at least you have me, right?)"
Tamashii: "True... but the guardians told us to try and tame the evil we fight."
Senkoo: "(Don't worry... He's in a better place now... I'm sure of it.)"
The girl smiled and gave me a big hug. She was so sweet... but so young... She felt like a sister to me...
That's when I started to notice there were rays of light shining on us so I looked up at the sky.

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The sun finally came out. I cried tears of joy... It's been over a decade since I last saw the sun... It was so warm... just like Tamashii...
Tamashii: "Wow... with the sun out, this place is strangely beautiful..."
Senkoo: "(Yeah...)"
Tamashii: "We should go see the scientist."
Senkoo: "(Alright. Let's go.)"
We went to the place the scientist was and he was already outside, screaming in joy.
Scientist: "Wow! It's the sun! The sun finally came out! Everybody come quick! The sun is out!"
In a matter of seconds, people came out from their homes and flooded the streets. Loud cheers spread across the whole town. Well, village.
Scientist: "You did it! Thanks so much! What will you'll do now?"
Tamashii: "We have to continue our journey. I have to meet up with my other partners."
Senkoo: "(Huh? There's more work to do?)"
Tamashii: "Yes, but don't worry. We can rest for now."
Senkoo: "(Good. I'm so happy...)"
Scientist: "You can talk to him now?!"
Tamashii: "Yes! He can speak through his mind."
Scientist: "Fascinating! So he's capable of telepathy now."
I started to feel tired... The sun that recently came out was already starting to set soon...
Senkoo: "(Tamashii, I'm feeling tired... Can we sleep in the park?)"
Tamashii: "Sure. Hey, we're going to go now if that's okay with you."
Scientist: "Of course. Be careful!"
Tamashii: "We will!"
Scientist: "But wait! Before you go, I want to tell you'll to look out for the City of Awakening. You may find wha yout looking for in there."
Tamashii: "Thanks! Bye now!"
Scientist: "Take care!"
Me and Tamashii went to the park and I sat and curled up next to a tree. Tamashii laid down next to me. I felt so comfortable...
That's when I noticed other people wanted to play too. They held a picnic and invited us. Strange colors lit the sky.
Senkoo: "(What is that?)"
Tamashii: "I don't know. I'll ask. Hey, what are those?"
Man: "These are fireworks! Amazing, huh?"
We then ate a strange meal of ham and cheese sandwiches, potato chips, apple pie with whip cream, and soda.
Tamashii: "What's that stuff?"
Woman: "Whip cream! You want some?"
Tamashii then tried some and whip cream sprayed out of the can and onto her face. It was so funny!
Girl: "Hee hee! You look so funny!"
Senkoo: ("Your so cute.)"
Tamashii: "Q-Quiet...! I never used it before..."
Tamashii wiped the whip cream on her face and licked it all up. Then these little kids started playing with me.
Boy: "Doggy!"
Girl: "I think it's a fox!"
Boy: "Foxxy!"
I was so happy. Children are so adorable.
The moon then came out and everyone left. Tamashii laid under a tree and I curled up in her lap. I wonder what else the future had in mind for us... I miss my parents... I slept dreaming about what Tamashii's life was like...

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