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d&d spells and what they do pt 3
Blood Summoning
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: See below
Target: One creature of 7 or fewer Hit Dice
Duration: See below
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
A blood summoning places a magical command
on a creature to begin immediately travelling
towards the caster at its best possible speed. The
creature must have 7 or fewer HD and the caster
must share a blood bond with the target. This
blood bond can be any of the bloodrites listed in
this chapter.
The summoned creature moves as fast as is
reasonably possible, not necessarily forced
marches, but not travelling in any other direction
or stopping longer than is needed to rest briefly. If
the subject is prevented from travelling towards
the caster for a whole day, he suffers a -1 penalty
on each ability score. Each day, another -1 penalty
accumulates, up to a total of -5. Ability scores are
not reduced below 1. The ability penalties end 1
day after the character resumes travelling towards
the caster.
A blood summoning (and all ability penalties) can
be removed by a remove curse, limited wish, wish,
miracle, or break enchantment spell. As soon
as the subject gets within 10 ft. of the caster, the
blood summoning ends

Greater Blood Summoning
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 5
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 hour
Range: See below
Target: One creature
Duration: See below
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
A greater blood summoning works exactly as a
blood summoning, except that there is no limit
on the target hit dice. Furthermore it may only
be removed with a limited wish, wish, or miracle
Bloodrite: Blood Vow
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: One hour
Range: Personal
Subject: Self
Duration: One or more days
Saving Throw: See below
Knowledge (blood magic) Check: No
Prerequisites: Will save +3 or higher
XP Cost to Learn: 250 XP
XP Cost to Perform: 200 XP or more, but see
Hp Cost to Perform: 1d6 or more
The blood vow bloodrite is a little like blood feud
(see pg 21), but rather more versatile in that the
ritualist need not have a particular enemy in mind
when he swears it. Rather, a blood vow can relate
to almost anything he wishes to achieve, from
recovering a lost family heirloom to rescuing a
friend from captivity. A trivial or silly intent (as
defined at the discretion of the Games Master) will
result in the bloodrite failing automatically, with
the usual loss of hit points and experience points.
The ritualist declares his intent, and vows to
achieve it. At the same time he slices open his
body, pouring his blood onto the earth. He decides
how much blood to spill, either 1d6, 2d6, or any
number of d6s worth of hit points up to his Base
Attack Bonus. For example, a 7th level wizard,
with a +3 base attack bonus, could spill anywhere
between 1d6 and 3d6 of his blood.
He gains a +1 morale bonus to all skill checks per
1d6 of his blood spilled, and a +1 morale bonus
to his attack rolls per 2d6 hit points of his blood
spilled. These bonuses only apply while he is
actively working towards achieving the terms of
his blood vow. They last for 24 hours after the
bloodrite is cast, then are reduced by +1 each day,
until the bonus to attack rolls is reduced to +0 at
which point the bloodrite ends. Again using the
example of the 7th level wizard, if he spills the full
3d6 hit points’ worth of blood, he gets +3 to skill
checks and +1 attack bonus for the first day, +2
and +0 respectively for the second day, +1 and +0
for the third day, and nothing on the fourth day.
The experience point cost of a blood vow is 200
XP per 1d6 of the ritualist’s blood that is spilled.
However, if he achieves his blood vowed intent
before the spell’s duration ends, he regains all the
experience points that the bloodrite initially cost
him; if he fails, the experience points remain lost.
Focus: The ritualist’s own dagger, which is used
to slash his chest

Bloodrite: Bloody Calling
Components: V, S, F, M
Casting Time: See below
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level in highest-level
arcane spellcaster class)
Target: One elemental or extra-planar creature
Duration: One day
Saving Throw: See below
Knowledge (blood magic) Check: No
Prerequisites: Blood Sacrifice, the ability to cast
the following spells: magic circle, lesser planar
XP Cost to Learn: 500 XP
XP Cost to Perform: 50 XP
Hp Cost to Perform: 0
This bloodrite allows the ritualist to enhance his
ability to call upon a demonic or other extraplanar
creature with more conventional arcane spells, by
sacrificing one or several victims to more easily
gain the attention of the creature.
As part of the casting of a lesser planar binding,
planar binding, or greater planar binding,
the ritualist may cast this bloodrite. For each
sacrificial victim used as a material component
(see below) the bloody calling raises the DC of
the summoned creature’s Will save against the
relevant spell by +1, to a maximum of +1 per three
levels of the ritualist.
Focus: A sacrificial dagger worth at least 500 gp.
Material component: One or more sacrificial
victims, who must be humanoid creatures of Small
size or larger and with 3 or more intelligence.

Bloodrite: Exsanguinate
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: One action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level in highest-level
arcane spellcaster class)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude halves
Knowledge (blood magic) Check: No
Prerequisites: Blood Sacrifice, the ability to cast
arcane spells of 3rd level
XP Cost to Learn: 500 XP
XP Cost to Perform: 0 XP
Hp Cost to Perform: 1d6
This bloodrite sucks blood from a victim’s
body at a distance, so as to be used instantly
to power more blood magic or other arcane
spells. The target suffers 1d6 damage per caster
level (maximum 10d6). If this kills the target,
the ritualist may consider him to have been
sacrificed for purposes of the Blood Sacrifice feat,
immediately gaining appropriate benefits based
on the number of hit points the target had before
he was exsanguinated. He never gains additional
benefits for the Tormented Sacrifice or Bleed Dry
feats, though a target who had the Blood of Power
feat in life will have his hit points counting double
as usual.
The stolen blood simply bursts out of the target’s
body through every orifice and pore, often ruining
his garments in spectacular fashion. Any creature
of 5 or fewer Hit Dice within 30 feet of the spell’s
target at the time is affected as though by a cause
fear spell cast by the ritualist.
Focus: The ritualist’s dagger, which is used to
slash his own arm.

Bloodrite: Lesser Creature of Blood
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: One full round
Range: 0 ft.
Effect: One blood animal of Tiny size or smaller
Duration: 10 minutes/level in highest-level arcane
spellcaster class
Saving Throw: None
Knowledge (blood magic) Check: DC 12
Prerequisites: The ability to cast 1st-level arcane
XP Cost to Learn: 100 XP
XP Cost to Perform: 0 XP
Hp Cost to Perform: 1d3 hit points for a Fine
creature, 1d4 hit points for a Diminutive creature,
or 1d6 hit points for a Tiny creature
This bloodrite conjures one basic blood creature
from the Blood Creatures section of this chapter.
The creature conjured may be any animal of Tiny
size or smaller, with the blood animal template
applied to it. Vermin and dire animals may not be
conjured. The ritualist may only conjure a blood
animal based on an animals he personally has
encountered and observed.
For example, a ritualist who grew up in a
nobleman’s household will have practised a little
falconry with a variety of hawks, and ridden on
horses and ponies. He may later have owned a
pet cat and at some point encountered crows and
badgers. Therefore with this bloodrite he may
conjure a blood hawk, blood cat, blood crow or
blood badger – horses and ponies are too large
to conjure as blood animals with this bloodrite,
though it could be done with a more powerful
The creature is under the ritualist’s control for the
duration of the spell, and may act as normal for
such a creature. The ritualist shares an empathic
link with the creature to a distance of up to one
mile – he may communicate telepathically with
it, though its low Intelligence will restrict the
effectiveness of such communication. At the end
of the bloodrite’s duration, the blood creature
dissolves into blood once more.

Bloodrite: Create Blood Pool
Components: V, S, F, M
Casting Time: See below
Range: Touch
Effect: One blood pool
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Knowledge (blood magic) Check: DC 22
Prerequisites: The ability to cast 6th-level arcane
spells, must not have Necromancy as an opposed
school, Blood Sacrifice, Bleed Dry
XP Cost to Learn: 600 XP
XP Cost to Perform: 300 XP
Hp Cost to Perform: 1d6, plus see below
Create blood pool enables the ritualist to make a
non-sentient creature called a blood pool. A blood
pool is more or less a static fixture, used generally
to protect a blood magician’s home rather like a
living trap, though occasionally it will be more of
a centrepiece used to enhance the terror others feel
for the owner. In this latter
case some blood magicians
actually take commissions,
creating blood pools for
temples to demonic gods
or other places of great
evil.The blood pool is
initially created
by sacrificing a
dozen victims
and draining
their blood into
an ornate pool,
along with 1d6 hit
points’ worth of
the ritualist’s own
blood, but at this
point it is not fully
alive. To complete
it, the caster must
spend a further
two weeks during
which he sacrifices
an additional creature
of Small size or larger
and with a minimum
Intelligence of 3 every day,
and lets its blood join that
already in the blood pool. In
addition, each day of those
two weeks he must spill a
further 1d4 hit points’ worth
of his own blood into the pool.
At the end of the two weeks,he spends an hour completing the
casting of the bloodrite, at which point the blood pool is awakened, alive, and
A blood magician can have any number of blood
pools at any one time. However, he is never
able to control any of them, since they are in any
case non-sentient. His own blood pools will not
attack him, but he will need to take care not to
allow anyone else near them, save for purposes of
becoming a sacrifice.
A blood magician can use a blood pool he has
created as a means of sacrificing other creatures.
In this case he may either gain the usual benefits for the sacrifice, or contribute its magical energy
to enlarging the blood pool. For every four
humanoids of Small size or larger and each with a
minimum Intelligence of 3 that are sacrificed to a
fully completed blood pool, it grows by 1 HD.
Focus: A sacrificial dagger worth at least 1,250
gp, which is used both to slash the ritualist’s arm
and to provide the various sacrificial victims
the blood pool must be fed with for the first two
weeks of its existence.
Material Components: An ornate pool, bath, or
fountain, at least 10 feet in diameter and costing
at least 1,500 gp to construct. Though it must be
ornate, it need not have any obviously man-made
features once the blood pool is within it, if desired
– some blood magicians prefer a relatively subtle
blood pool below floor level, so that an unwary
adventurer may simply assume it is a puddle
of blood and step into it. A further material
component is required, the blood from at least
twelve humanoids of Small size or larger and each
with a minimum Intelligence of 3.

Bloodrite: Create Bloodless
Components: V, S, F, M
Casting Time: One full round or more per
bloodless created
Range: Touch
Effect: Up to one bloodless/level in highest-level
arcane spellcaster class
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Knowledge (blood magic) Check: DC 18
Prerequisites: The ability to cast 4th-level arcane
spells, must not have Necromancy as an opposed
school, Blood Sacrifice, Bleed Dry
XP Cost to Learn: 400 XP
XP Cost to Perform: 200 XP (irrespective of the
number of bloodless created)
Hp Cost to Perform: 1d3 per vial used (see
This bloodrite creates the undead creatures known
as the bloodless. They are made by sacrificing
intelligent humanoids, draining all the blood
from their bodies, and animating the resultant
desiccated corpses. Some of the drained blood
is used to fill a specially prepared vial or vials,
to which the caster adds a small quantity of his own freshly spilled blood. Bloodless created by
this bloodrite are under the ritualist’s command,
much as would be other undead as created by
the animate dead spell. However this control is
more limited and tenuous, revolving as it does
around the ritualist’s physical ownership of the
vials used to hold the bloodlesses’ blood. Blood
magic scholars have hypothesised that this creates
a blood bond between vial and bloodless, though
as usual the more practical blood magicians could
not care less how the bloodrite works.
The ritualist must keep the vials of any bloodless
he controls on his person at all times. If he ever
loses a vial, the bloodless whose blood is in it
instantly becomes free-willed, and can never be
brought under control again (other than by an
evil cleric’s command undead class feature or
similar means of undead control). A free-willed
bloodless always turns on its creator, though being
intelligent it may plan its moment carefully.
A bloodless that is still under the control of the
ritualist may be given complex orders if desired,
and by holding the vial and concentrating for a full
round, the ritualist can communicate telepathically
with the bloodless across any distance, giving it
new orders and receiving updates on its situation.
This telepathic communication does not quite give
the capability to see through the bloodless’s eyes,
but it can certainly describe its surroundings as
well as it could have done in life. A bloodless vial can hold blood from as many
bloodless as the ritualist desires, because only
a tiny, almost symbolic quantity of blood is
needed. This has advantages and disadvantages
over the practice of using one vial per bloodless.
Essentially, bloodless whose blood is retained
within the same vial have the same personality and
even mind, for the blood itself holds most of their
remaining intelligence, along with, so it is said,
the original creature’s very soul.
A ritualist who uses a multi-bloodless vial to
telepathically communicate with his bloodless
minions not only can but must communicate
with them all at once, giving them identical
orders. If they communicate back to him, this
communication will inevitably be slightly less
clear than that from only a single bloodless, for
he will be receiving several slightly different viewpoints simultaneously. This can be highly
confusing, particularly if the bloodless are
separated from one another by considerable
distances for any reason. Furthermore if at any
point the vial is lost, the ritualist will face several
free-willed bloodless, all bent on his destruction.
On the other hand, having several bloodless tied
to the same vial saves on both money and the
ritualist’s own blood during casting. In addition
the simultaneous communication can be a distinct
advantage, particularly in fast-moving situations
such as combat, because the ritualist can give
orders to several bloodless with one full-round
action, rather than taking several rounds to
communicate with them on an individual basis.
Most blood magicians then decide whether to tie
one bloodless or several to each vial depending
on their planned uses for the creatures. Many
prefer to have a mixture, perhaps choosing
the most promising victims in life for use as
‘solo’ bloodless and banding the others together
in groups. This can allow for a good deal of
flexibility in deploying and utilising their minions.No matter how many times the character uses
this bloodrite, the character can control only 2
HD worth of undead creatures per caster level.
If the character exceeds this number, the newly
created creatures fall under the character’s control,
and any excess undead from previous castings
become uncontrolled (the character chooses which
creatures are released). Any zombies or skeletons
created by the animate dead spell count towards
the same limit, so for example a 12th level wizard
could have up to 24 HD of undead at a time,
made up perhaps of six 1 HD bloodless, six 2HD
zombies, and six 1 HD skeletons.
Focus: A vial, worth at least 75 gp, to store a
portion of the material component’s blood. Only
one vial is needed, however many bloodless are to
be created, though some blood magicians prefer to
use more than one (see above).
Material Component: At least one living creature,
Small or Medium-size and with an Intelligence
score of at least 3, which is sacrificed as part of the
bloodrite. If more than one bloodless is required,
a like number of creatures must be sacrificed.

Bloodrite: Creature of Blood
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: One full round
Range: 0 ft.
Effect: One blood animal, Medium-size or Small;
or 1d2+1 Tiny, 1d2+3 Diminutive, or 1d2+5 Fine
blood animals
Duration: 20 minutes/level in highest-level arcane
spellcaster class
Saving Throw: None
Knowledge (blood magic) Check: DC 16
Prerequisites: The ability to cast 3rd-level arcane
spells, lesser creature of blood
XP Cost to Learn: 300 XP
XP Cost to Perform: 0 XP
Hp Cost to Perform: 1d8 hit points for a Small
creature, or 1d10 hit points for a Medium-size
creature, or 1d12 hit points for a group of Tiny or
smaller creatures
Creature of blood is exactly identical to lesser
creature of blood, except that the creature conjured
may be any Medium-size or Small animal
with the blood creature template applied to it.
Alternatively, the bloodrite may be used to conjure
a number of Tiny or smaller blood creatures.
Vermin or dire animals of an appropriate size and
with the blood creature template applied may be
conjured with this bloodrite, unlike with lesser
creature of blood.
Focus: The ritualist’s dagger, which is used to cut
his arm.

Bloodrite: Greater Creature of Blood
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: One full round
Range: 0 ft.
Effect: One blood animal, Huge or Large; or
1d4+6 Medium-size blood animals, or 1d4+11
Small blood animals, or 1d4+16 Tiny blood
animals, or 1d4+21 Diminutive blood animals, or
1d4+26 Fine blood animals.
Duration: 1 hour/level in highest-level arcane
spellcaster class
Saving Throw: None
Knowledge (blood magic) Check: DC 20
Prerequisites: The ability to cast 5th-level arcane
spells, creature of blood
XP Cost to Learn: 500 XP
XP Cost to Perform: 0 XP
Hp Cost to Perform: 2d8 hit points for a Large
creature, or 4d8 hit points for a Huge creature, or
6d8 hit points for a number of Medium-size or
smaller creatures
Greater creature of blood is exactly identical to
lesser creature of blood, except that the creature
summoned may be any Huge or Large animal
with the blood creature template applied to
it. Alternatively, the bloodrite may be used to
conjure a number of Medium-size or smaller
blood creatures. Vermin or dire animals of an
appropriate size and with the blood creature
template applied may be conjured with this
bloodrite, unlike with lesser creature of blood.
Focus: The ritualist’s dagger, which is used to cut
his arm.

Bloodrite: River of Blood
Components: S, F
Casting Time: One action
Range: 100 ft. + 10 ft./level in highest-level
arcane spellcaster class
Effect: Torrent of blood (5 ft. wide, 5 ft. high)
emanating out from the character to the extreme of
the range
Duration: One round
Saving Throw: See below
Knowledge (blood magic) Check: DC 14
Prerequisites: The ability to cast 2nd-level arcane
spells, lesser creature of blood, Blood Sacrifice,
must have sacrificed at least 12 sentient creatures
at some time during his life.
XP Cost to Learn: 200 XP
XP Cost to Perform: 0 XP
Hp Cost to Perform: 1d6
Though it does not strictly speaking create a blood
creature, this bloodrite is generally classed among
the various creature of blood bloodrites, since it
gives new form to the ritualist􀂪 own blood. In this
case the new form is that of a torrent, gushing out
from the ritualist􀂪 sliced arm, knocking over and
potentially terrifying all in its path. Of course
the ritualist could not lose such a great quantity
of blood and survive; rather, he uses the ancient
Law of Sympathy to draw upon a greater source of
blood, said to be located on the blood plane itself.
When this bloodrite is cast, a torrent of blood
spurts out from the ritualist out to the limits of the range. Any creature in its path must make a Reflex
saving throw or be knocked prone and covered
with blood. In addition, any creature which has
been knocked over must make a Will saving
throw or suffer 1d3 points of temporary Charisma
damage and be shaken. Creatures of 5 or more Hit
Dice are unaffected by the shaken effect, though
they still suffer the Charisma damage.

Purify Blood
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 6, Healing 5
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One full round
Range: Touch
Subject: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: See below
Spell Resistance: Yes
Purify blood instantly forces all impurities out of
the subject’s blood, including any blood transfused
therein from other creatures not of the same
species as the subject, but also including such
things as injury poisons, drugs in the bloodstream
such as alcohol, and other impurities. In many
cases the creature will not wish to resist but if it
does, a Will saving throw will negate the spell
Though the subject will find the result refreshing
once the spell is over, the actual process of forcing
the impurities out through every pore and orifice
is uncomfortable at best and extremely painful at
worst – if the subject’s blood had any significant
impurities such as those listed above, he must
make a Fortitude saving throw or sustain 2d6
temporary Constitution damage and fall prone
with the shock.
Material Component: A sprig of spearmint.

Retain Blood
Conjuration (Healing)
Level: Sorcerer/Wizard 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: One hour
Range: Touch
Subject: One creature
Duration: One month/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell allows the subject to retain any unusual
blood he may have acquired through blood
transfusion or a similar effect. The blood does
not get broken down in the body until the spell􀂪
duration has expired.
Material Component: A leather tourniquet

Bloodrite: Steal Blood
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: One action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./level in highest-level
arcane spellcaster class)
Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half
Knowledge (blood magic) Check: No
Prerequisites: Exsanguinate, transfuse blood
XP Cost to Learn: 500 XP
XP Cost to Perform: 400 XP
Hp Cost to Perform: 1d6
Like exsanguinate, steal blood sucks blood from a
victim’s body at a distance, but instead of simply
dissipating, the blood is immediately transfused
into the ritualist’s body. The target suffers 1d6
damage per caster level (maximum 10d6). This
is always enough to provide a Taint of the target’s
blood as a transfusion, and may be sufficient to
provide a great deal more. If the target lost 25%
to 49% of its usual maximum hit points due to
steal blood, this provides as much blood as to be
a Partial Transfusion for a creature of similar size.
50% to 99% would be a Half Transfusion, and
100% (presumably killing the victim) would be a
Full Transfusion. For targets of different size to
the ritualist, the Games Master will need to refer
to table on pg 48 and scale up or down accordingly
to determine how much of a transfusion the
ritualist receives.
Focus: The ritualist’s dagger, which is used to
slash his own arm. As the target’s blood flows into
the ritualist, his own blood flows out, possibly in
quite some quantity if he does enough damage to
the target.

Bloodrite: Transfuse Blood
Components: V, S, F
Casting Time: 5 rounds
Range: Touch
Target: Two creatures
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates
Knowledge (blood magic) Check: See below
Prerequisites: Must be capable of casting arcane
spells of 5th level or above.
XP Cost to Learn: 500 XP
XP Cost to Perform: 250 XP
Hp Cost to Perform: 0
Casting this bloodrite takes five rounds and
initially causes 1d3 damage to each party (1d4
damage if primitive apparatus is used), because
major blood supplies must be cut to get sufficient
flow. A Knowledge (blood magic) check (DC
20) and a Heal check (DC 15) are required to
ensure the apparatus is connected correctly and
with minimum damage to the two parties involved
– failure on the former means the first attempt
fails, though normal damage is sustained, and
failure on the second check inflicts double damage
but in itself does not cause the attempt to fail.
Once transfuse blood has been cast, the process
of transfusion begins (see The Process of
Transfusion, below)
Focus: Transfusion apparatus of some sort.

Assassin Spells
1st-Level Assassin Spell
Devlin’s Barb. Creates temporary ammunition.
3rd-Level Assassin Spell
Devil’s Venomblade. Creates poisoned blade that inflicts 1d4
temporary Con damage.
Bard Spells
1st-Level Bard Spells
Guilt. One evil target is denied an action.
Silent Sound. Ranged touch attack. 1d6/level of sonic
damage (max. 5d6).
3rd-Level Bard Spells
Dragonskin. +4 natural armor plus elemental resistance 10.
Greater Sleep. Puts 4d6 HD (max 10 HD) worth of creatures
to sleep.

Cleric Spells
1st-Level Cleric Spell
Guilt. One evil target is denied an action.
2nd-Level Cleric Spells
Enhance Magical Flow. +1 to spell save DCs.
Static Veil. +1/level to DC of scry checks.
4th-Level Cleric Spell
Greater Magical Flow Enhancement. +2 to spell save DCs.
6th-Level Cleric Spells
Coma. Subject cannot take actions for 1 hour/level.
Druid Spells
2nd-Level Druid Spell
Icebolt. Ranged attack. 2d6 +1d6+1/level cold damage.
3rd-Level Druid Spells
Mark of Air. Subject has +2 Dex plus other power.
Mark of Earth. Subject has +2 Str plus other power.
Mark of Fire. Subject has +2 Dex plus other power.
Mark of Frost. Subject has +1 AC plus other power.
Mark of Water. Subject has +2 Con plus other power.
4th-Level Druid Spell
Black Mulching. Plants 3 HD or less die, others take 1d10
5th-Level Druid Spells
Greater Mark of Air. Subject can fly at speed 40 and has
other power.
Greater Mark of Earth. Subject has DR 10/+1 and other
Greater Mark of Fire. Subject has fire resistance 40 and
other power.
Greater Mark of Frost. Subject has cold resistance 40 and
other power.
Greater Mark of Water. Subject can breathe water and has
other power.
6th-Level Druid Spel
Freezing Claw. Ranged touch attack. 3d6 cold damage and
freezes subject solid.
9th-Level Druid Spell
Magma Burst. Creates volcanic pit that inflicts 20d6 damage.
Sorcerer and Wizard Spells
0-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells
Abjur Minor Ward. Inscription harms those who pass it.
Conj Devlin’s Barb. Creates temporary ammunition.
Div Mental Alarm. Alerts to events.
Trans Enchanting Flavor. Improves the taste of food.
Trans Tongue of Angels. Speak Celestial.
Trans Tongue of Fiends. Speak Infernal.
1st-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells
Ench Guilt. One evil target is denied an action.
Evoc Acidic Curse. 1d6 acid damage and 1d4 rounds
of blindness.
Evoc Silent Sound. Ranged touch attack. 1d6/level of
sonic damage (max. 5d6).
2nd-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells
Abjur Static Veil. +1/level to DC of scry checks.
Abjur Thief Ward. Hide and move silently checks are
made at a –10 penalty.
Evoc Icebolt. Ranged attack. 2d6 +1d6+1/level cold
Evoc Mark of Air. Subject has +2 Dex plus other power.
Evoc Mark of Earth. Subject has +2 Str plus other power.
Evoc Mark of Fire. Subject has +2 Dex plus other power.
Evoc Mark of Frost. Subject has +1 AC plus other power.
Evoc Mark ofWater. Subject has +2 Con plus other power.
Trans Precise Vision. +5 to Spot and Search.
Trans Undaunted Fixture. Affix two objects together.
Univ Enhance Magical Flow. +1 to spell save DCs.
3rd-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells
Abjur Foil Tracer. Teleport spells cannot be traced.
Conj Bolt of Conjurating. 1d4/level (max 10d4)
damage plus summons monster.
Conj Devlin’s Venomblade. Creates poisoned blade that
inflicts 1d4 temporary Con damage.
Conj Dragonskin. +4 natural armor plus elemental
resistance 10.
Ench Greater Sleep. Puts 4d6 HD (max 10 HD) worth
of creatures to sleep.
Necro Bone Tattoo. SR of 10+level against cold,
polymorph and mind-affecting attacks.
4th-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells
Abjur Spelltrap. Prepares gem that is triggered by
specific spell
Evoc Bind Item. Object encased in globe of force.
Evoc Chains of Vengeance. Subject is bound and takes
2d6 points of fire damage/round.
Evoc Coldscream. 1d6 damage/level (10d6 max). Half
sonic, half cold.
Evoc Flaming Corrosion. 1d6 damage/level (10d6 max.).
Half acid, half fire.
Evoc Greater Mark of Air. Subject can fly at speed 40
and has other power.
Evoc Greater Mark of Earth. Subject has DR 10/+1 and
other power.
Evoc Greater Mark of Fire. Subject has fire resistance
40 and other power.
Evoc Greater Mark of Frost. Subject has cold resistance
40 and other power.
Evoc Greater Mark of Water. Subject can breathe water
and has other power.
Evoc Zone of Speed. Movement through 20-foot sphere
has a maximum speed set by caster.
Necro Black Mulching. Plants 3 HD or less die, others
take 1d10 damage.
Trans Hidden Object. Object can only be seen through
magic glass.
Univ Greater Magical Flow Enhancement. +2 to spell
save DCs.
5th-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells
Abjur Teleport Block. No teleports are allowed in or out
of area.
Evoc Cross of Lightning. Four lightning bolts. 1d6
damage/level (15d6 max)
Evoc Teleport Redirect. Incoming or outgoing teleport
has a new destination.
Necro Elemental Shroud. Undead are granted a shroud
of chosen element that grants powers.
6th-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells
Div Teleport Coordinates Transfer. Information
about destination is transferred.
Div Teleport Tracer. Destination of teleport is
Ench Coma. Subject cannot take actions for 1 hour/level.
Evoc Conditional Spell. Designated spell triggers
stored spell in subject.
Evoc Electrical Deluge. 1d6 electricity damage/level
(15d6 max.) out 100 feet away.
Evoc Freezing Claw. Ranged touch attack. 3d6 cold
damage and freezes subject solid.
7th-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells
Trans Mass Fly. 1 creature/level can fly at speed 90.
8th-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells
Evoc Mark of Death. Subject is immune to death
effects and has other power.
Trans Imbue Guardian. Sets eternal guardian to watch
over an area.
Trans Mantle of Egregious Might. Subject has +4 luck
bonus to AC, attack rolls, saving throws, and
ability scores.
Trans Primal Release. Subject becomes stronger,
tougher, and more bestial.
9th-Level Sorcerer and Wizard Spells
Conj Magma Burst. Creates a huge volcanic pit that
inflicts 20d6 damage.
Trans Arcana Form. Caster becomes pure energy that
can power spells.

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