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Ed and Roy from FMA -Thank god 4 Jelly Donuts
Found this on fanfiction

1Hello again, I want to take this opportunity to thank all you guys who reviewed my story and continue to read. You guys ROCK! I’ll spread the word on your stories as a thanks. (Check bottom of page for people). I really appreciate it.

Haha you know what song I’m listening to right now that TOTALLY fits this fanfic? “All the things she said” by Tatu. Omg I love it. Haha random. And im soooo sorry that this update took so long, FORGIVE ME!

Disclaimer: I don’t own Fullmetal Alchemist or any of it’s characters.

Warning: Yaoi, RoyXEd, Lemon, rated MA (haha bathroom scene)


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Chapter 4

“Where are you!” Ed screamed as he ran through the blackness searching for something, or really, someone. Everything was dark, it surrounded him, suffocating him. He felt his knees hit the floor.

“Roy...” he started to shut his eyes until he saw a light just ahead of him. It was so bright it made him want to squint until he saw a outline of a body in the blinding light. He saw the body turn and walk towards him. As it got closer he could make out the bottom half an a hand outstretched to him. Ed lifted his arm extending his hand as if to grab the figure. The hand that was outstretched to him grabbed his own Ed’s hand, pulling him out of the darkness that consumed. He brought him to the light, he saved him. He could almost make out the face of the body. His touch felt familiar, his posture. He looked up once more and saw the face of his savior. He saw Roy wearing the smile he had saw once before. He saved him from a world of darkness and brought light.

“Roy...you,” but before he could finish, Roy spoke up.

“Good-bye Ed.”

“BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEE–“ Ed awoke to the bright red numbers of his ‘beeping’ alarm clock. It read 6:01. He smacked the top of it hard. He sat up in bed with a dazed, confused look on his face. He thought for a moment on where he was and where was Roy. ‘Oh.’ He had realized he had been dreaming before.

“Just a dream, sigh. Roy I mis-.” He felt the bed move as the body beside him stirred. He quickly shut up to prevent from saying anything more about Roy.

“Mmmm, is it time for you to get up?”

“Yawn, uh huh.” he heard Winry groan as he got out of bed. Ed rustled his hair as he walked to the bathroom. He walked over the shower and twisted the silver knob so the hot water came out of the spout.

“You want some breakfast?” He heard Winry shout.

“Nah, I’ll get it when I get to work. I said I would have breakfast with Al today.” He really didn’t plan that but he just wanted to get to work so he could see Roy. Plus it would be nice to have breakfast with his little brother, maybe he should. He needed to talk to him anyway. He took off his pants and shirt then hopped in the shower. As he was in showering, Winry was waiting outside of the door.

‘Was I hearing something this morning? Was Ed talking about Roy? And did he hear me last night? I meant what I said, I love you Ed.’ she sat on the floor. ‘...no he couldn’t have been talking about Roy, he hates him. But what is with Ed lately? He hasn’t been the same for weeks now, he hasn’t touched me in weeks.’ Sigh ‘well today I’m going to make sure he hears me.’ All the time she was thinking she didn’t hear the water stop. The knob on the door is turned open and steam comes floating out of the bathroom. There’s Ed still shiny from the water with towel wrapped around him, just under his waist.

“Winry?” Ed asked curiously looking down at her.

She blushed, “uh, oh sorry I was just...umm waiting for you.”

“Well here I am.”

“Uhh well, I’m going to go make some breakfast for myself. I’ll leave you.” She rushed out of the room and into the kitchen.

‘What’s with her?’ Ed walked over to his drawer and pulled out some clothes. He quickly got changed and hung up the towel in the bathroom. Ed walked out of the room and went into the kitchen to say good-bye to Winry who was sitting at the table eating cereal.

“I’ll cya later!” he smiled and waved ‘bye’ to her.

“Med! mold mon.” she butted out with cereal still in her mouth. She swallowed and got up. “I’ve been wanting to tell you something for awhile now.” she was blushing quite a lot now.

“Ok, what is it?” ‘s**t, don’t say it. I can’t...’

“I..know we are, supposed to be together forever. I really...I really love you Ed.”

Ed looked paler. ‘shiiiit! What do I do? I can’t say it back. s**t! I know, I’ll RUN!’

“Oh, I gotta go Winry. We’ll talk later.” Ed turned around and went to the door, fast!

“Gasp, Ed! Wait.” she extended her hand as if to grab him to stop him from going. But Ed was out the door and off the porch and down the street.

“Ed, what? Why did you run?” she said with a solemn face, hurt.

Ed ran through town making all the necessary turns thinking about what he just did to Winry.

‘Gods Roy, your totally driving me up the ******** wall! How could I of done that to her? Leave her hanging like that, it’s horrible! But it doesn’t matter, she can’t know and I can’t tell her I love her. That would just complicate things even more. Oh man, I’m in deep s**t...’

As Ed caught sight of the building he stopped by a near shop and picked up some breakfast. Enough for two, bagels donuts, the works. He left the shop and headed into the building and down the hallway.

“Hey Elric!” The blonde haired man said. It was Havoc coming from the other side of the hall.

“Oh, hi Havoc. How are ya?”

“I’m good, busy. You?”

“Alright, just trying to find Al, you seen em’?”

“No, the Colonel has got me running around since I got here. You hear all the s**t going on in Central?” Havoc said with a puff a smoke from his cigarette.

“No, what’s happening?” Ed said waving the smoke from his face. “You know Havoc you gotta stop smoking those.”

“Yeah, whateva. But the stuff going on in Central, whoa! I can’t believe you don’t know. Anyway, you know the–“ Havoc stopped.”You know, I really shouldn’t be telling you this. It’s confidential! Military business, for big men! Not for kids.” he said with a teasing, evil smile.

“AH damn you Havoc! I’M NOT A KID!” Ed said waving his arm up and down, his hand in a fist.

“Hahaa, your too easy! But really, I don’t think I should. You should go ask the Colonel, sides I gotta go get this paperwork to Lieutenant. Cya around!” and with that Havoc was down the hall, a trail of smoke behind him.

“Erg, dumb man.” ‘Whatever, I gotta go find Al before I get caught not working.’

He walked down the hall looking for Al. He turned right at the end of the end of the hallway, passing his own office. A couple doors down he came upon Al’s office.

“Knock knock! Al you there?” Ed said to the apparently empty room.

POP! Al came up from under the desk. “Hey brother!”

“Al what were you doing down there!”

“I lost a button, I had to go find it!”

“Sheesh, your 17 but you still act like your 12.” He said with a smile.

“Hey! I couldn’t have some cat or any other poor defenseless creature eat the button and die!”

“Al...what ‘defenseless creature’ would get into you office?...wait don’t answer that. I don’t want to know what or how many animals you have in here. I just came by to see if you wanted some breakfast?”

“YEAH! Sure.”

“Here...” Ed hands him the bag and he went to go shut the door.

Ed pulled up a chair up to the desk while Al was unwrapping the bagel. Ed grabbs his own and takes a bite.

“So how have you been Al, its been weird. You know, you moving out an everything.”

“Aww brother you miss me!” he said sarcastically.

“Well yeah.”

“Really? I thought Winry was all you needed.”

“Yeah about that...” Ed looked down. He missed Roy, and thinking about what he was doing to Winry by being with him made him feel bad.

“Brother? Did something happen to you and her?”

“Yeah, I don’t know. I’m having second thoughts, she said she loved me. But I don’t think I can say it back.”

“Sure you can! All you need to do is work up the nerve! I’ll help you, your just nervous.”

“No, it’s ok. I’ll fix it.” ‘Heh, Al only if you knew.’ Ed smiled. “Enough about me, really. How have you been?”

“Fine, fine. It’s been busy. You know all the stuff in Central has got everyone crazy.”

“No I don’t know about Central! What’s everyone worked up about!”

Al raised a brow, “You don’t know?”


“Well, you’ll have to go ask Colonel. It’s business.”

“Al not you too!” Ed dropped to the floor.

“Well sides that, I’m glad I moved out.” Ed looked suspiciously.

“What? Was I that bad?”

“No! Not like that. I’m glad I moved out because I needed to move on. After Mom dying and you joining the Military, and dragging me with you,” he said sternly, but jokingly. “I’ve just grown up a little. I needed a place of my own so I could prove it to myself. Anyway, Teacher lives down the road and she’s really nice.”

“Teacher, nice?”

“Yeah, I know.” Al smiled.

“Hehe, well I’m glad your grown up. Now all I gotta do is grow up with you. And face the problems head on, I gotta do what makes me happy.” Ed smiled sadly.

Al noticed his confusion and sadness.

“Brother, no matter what you do I’ll always love you. You’re my brother, I’m always here for you.”

“Thanks Al, I love you too.”

After that, Al and Ed finished there bagel talking about random things going on in their lives.

“Yeah and then this cat jumped into the bowl of potatoes when I had my pa–“ Al said barely to Ed trying to sustain his laughter when they heard a knock at the door. Al stopped and Ed turned around. The door opened and in popped Colonel Roy Mustang.

“Elric, what are you doing in here with Alphonse? This is not your office come on, back to work!”

Ed turned around and said good bye to Al. He grabbed the trash and got up out of his chair. He headed to the door where Mustang was.

“Cya after work Brother!”

Ed followed Roy out of the door into the hallway. He had his coat in one arm the trash in one hand and a opened box of donuts in the other.

“Colonel, what’s going on in Central that has got everyone al–“ Before Ed could finish his question Ed tripped on his coat. He was going to hit the ground face first when Roy grabbed him, catching him before the hard floor did. Ed opened his shut eyes to see Roy’s arms around him.

“You must be more careful Ed.” Roy said sweetly.

“Thank you.” he blushed a bit.

Ed got back to his feet to only notice the stain on his and Roy’s shirt of a jelly donut from the opened box.

“Crap! It must of slipped out when I fell and smeared when you caught me. Damn, I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright, it’ll come out if we hurry.” He lead Ed into the Men’s 1 man bathroom. Ed threw out the trash and donut box. He then layed his coat on the floor. Roy got a paper towel and ran it under warm water. He walked over to Ed and grabbed the part of his shirt where the jelly spot was. He rubbed the stain until the dark red smear was a light, pale pink.

“Just put it in the wash, ok?”

“Uh huh, here.” he held out his hand motioning Roy to give him the paper towel. He wet the towel just a little bit more and turned to Roy. He found the red spot on Roy’s blue military jacket. His spot was larger than Ed’s with some jelly still on it.

‘Guess he got more of the donut than I did. Man, he really didn’t want me to fall. Roy...’

Ed moved his hand up to the spot and scooped some of the jelly off with his finger.

“Haha” he plopped his finger in his mouth licking the jelly off. Roy smiled and laughed. Ed didn’t fine what was so funny.

“What?” Ed asked curiously with a smile.

Roy pointed to his lips. “You have some, hahaha, some jelly, hehe, right there.” Ed turned towards the mirror. There above his lip, Iike a big mole, was the jelly spot.

“Here, hold still. I’ll get it.” Roy turned Ed’s face to him. He pulled him closer, as his tongue reached over to the jelly. Roy licked it clean off Ed’s lip. “Yum, to bad you threw those away. No matter, you taste better.”

“Oh really? Want a better taste?” Ed moved closer and so did Roy. They could feel each others breath, warm against there face. “I dreamt of you last night, and Winry told me she loved me. Right out loud...”

“Winry? Winry who?” Roy filled in the gap between them pulling there lips together. This was better than donuts Ed thought, yes much better. Roy pushed Ed back against the wall deepening the kiss. It was a fast, hungry kiss. Ed unbuttoned Roy’s jacket feeling the soft fabric of his shirt. Ed ran his hands up and down Roy’s hard diaphragm, feeling his chest muscles moving up and down. Their breaths became one as the let go of there kiss only to go right into another one. Ed then loosened Roy’s black pants pulling them down slightly. Roy breathed heavy as Ed moved his hands lower and lower going down into his pants. Ed grabbed Roy’s hardened c**k aroused by it.

“Mmm” Roy groaned.

Ed pumped his package hard and fast. Roy ran his hands through Ed’s hair pushing his face into Ed’s shoulder. Ed layed his forehead on Roy’s shoulder, by his collarbone.

“Ah!” Ed felt Roy move as he came into his hands. Roy relaxed his body leaning against Ed. There breathing slowed down, they became calmer. Roy off of Ed and walked over the sink where the tissue box was. He cleaned himself off as Ed washed his hands.

“Ha, thank God for jelly donuts.” Ed said with a wink.

“Yuup.” Roy pulled up his pants and buckled them. He then reached down and grabbed his jacket. As he was putting it on, Ed walked over to him.

“Sooo, what’s going on in Central?” Ed kissed Roy’s neck softy.

“It’s business, you wouldn’t understand.”


Outside of the Men’s bathroom was Havoc, Al, and Lieutenant Hawkeye stopping from what they were doing to listen to the yells from inside.

“AH why wont you tell me!”

“Awww, you gonna cry!”

“Eat this!”

“Oh, you know I want to!”

Havoc was speechless, Al was confused and Riza looked pale.

“Oh my God, what are they doing in there?”

“Eh, is that Brother?”

“Heh heh”

They all just walked away carrying on to there business as Ed and Roy continued to argue. There voices could be heard all the way down the hall.


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