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Ed and Roy from FMA -central talk
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Sorry bout ending Chapter 4 (Thank God for jelly donuts) so bluntly, I barely get time on the computer anymore. And I’m sorry that chapter 4 was so SHORT! I wanted to go farther but I wanted even more to post up another chapter. So you know you guys wouldn’t forget bout me! (Smiles!) Well here’s the Commentary of Chapter 4!

Me: Well how’d you like? Haha bathroom scene, IT ONLY GETS BETTER! Sorry it was so fast. (Sheesh oni-chan your a dirty sister) (omg what are you doing here!)

Roy: That was fuuuun! But too fast!

Me: I KNOW! Everyone, yes I know it was short, I TRY...(cries off!)

Roy: Chiyo-chan WAIT!

Ed: YES no more sex scenes

Roy: you know you like them, you know you want ME!

Ed:...yeah so...

Me: (comes back when Ed says those words) AWWWW! YES you’ve finally excepted it! My fav. part was when you left Winry in the cold bwahaha! (Where’d you come from?Roy)

Winry: you’re a b***h.

Roy, Ed, Me: DIE FOOL (machine gun fire! Winry dies...again.)

Me: Well Greedy Ed, Roy killed Winry! lol...well sorta! ENJOY!

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And I’m sorry if this is chapter is BORING, I think it is... ;-(

Disclaimer: I’m getting tired of doing these things...I don’t own FMA

Warning: yaoi, RoyXEd, lemon, MA, explicit content

And for all you scum bags who have no life or purpose on this pathetic world but to diss peoples fanfics that you don’t approve of (like Mpreg and homosexual stuff) SCREW OFF! GO READ SOMETHING ELSE! Don’t b***h a rant on something you DON’T agree with. GET OVER IT! No one asked for your opinion on how you HATE things sooo much. YOUR NOT HELPING so go get a life. You have a right to your opinion, JUST KEEP IT TO YOURSELF you life sucking yaoi hating people. Now if your helping with the story and you don’t agree with the whole plot (yoai) and you are mature about it and offer your input on how to HELP the people with their story THEN YOU ARE NOT a life sucking pathetic scum bag. I respect all of your opinions (even the jerk people ones) Thank-you have a nice day. (I’m sorry I had to get that out there, I’m having a bad day.)

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Chapter 5 (this is a long one...hopefully)

Central Talk


“shhhhhh” the waters running the sink inside of the small mess hall. It was a little room, no bigger than Ed’s office. It had a small refrigerator, a sink, some cabinets, and a small table with chairs. Ed was by the sink, filling up a cup with water. Two more men were in the room, one tall man with dark hair and glasses. Maes Hughes. He was sitting wiht the other man, Kain Fuery, drinking coffee. Ed finished filling the cup and looked up at the clock. 3:07. He took a sip from his cup.

‘Sigh, I haven’t seen Roy since this morning...heh in the bathroom. He’s been running around all morning cuz of Central. Which I STILL don’t know about! Why won’t anyone tell me?’

“So anyway, Ed how has your day been going so far?” Hughes said. Ed walked over to the empty seat by the table.

“Alright, but I’m a little confused. Can you please tell me what’s going on in Central? Why is everyone so crazy about it?”

“You don’t know!” Hughes and Fuery both said.

“NO I DON’T! Havoc won’t tell me, or Hawkeye and Mustang, NOT EVEN AL!” Ed turned red from anger.

“Settle down Ed, hahaha we’ll tell you. It’s not that great so chill.”

“Deep breath, so why won’t anyone tell me?”

“Haha, probably because they want it for themselves.”

“What?” Ed was very confused right now. ‘Wanted what?’

“Well, Colonel Mustang got a call from Central that they were making some military movements, you know plans and attacks. All they got to do is get input from all the military bases on how to use their skills. Well, the Fuhrer told the Colonel to pick some people, bout 4 or 5 people to be precise, to take to Central who were fully equipt for the job. The people going to Central will be away for, bout a week, with no work or hassle. Well, except for the input they will be giving Colonel Archer and the Fuhrer and them. So I guess the reason everyone’s running around like crazy is because Colonel gets to pick who goes. So really, eveyone’s being a kiss a**, I mean who doesn’t want a week off from the military. They don’t want competition, plus they gotta plan for what they would say and present to Archer and them if they were to go.” Hughes said.

“Yup that sums it up really.” Fuery added.

Ed dropped his cup. “THAT’S IT! That’s the reason why everyone’s all running around, cuz of a week off? THAT’S STUPID!” ‘ it’s so stupid I don’t care about that dumb trip, so why didn’t he tell me about it? Why am I rubbing into this so much. Is it because I haven’t seen him all day. Boy Ed, you’re really pathetic. Really pathetic.’ he wore a troubled look on his face.

“Yeah I guess it is stupid, not what you were expecting eh?”

“YEAH, ya’ think? I thought some crazy war was going on. But besides that, why’d you decide to tell me? Aren’t you worried about the ‘competition’? God this is stupid.” Ed asked Fuery and Hughes.

“Well, I don’t want to go away for a week. I’D MISS MY DAUGHTER AND WIFE TO MUCH! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, you want to see a picture!” he started to break out his wallet full of more pictures than anything else. Ed envied Maes for a moment, to care about someone so much with no doubt or uncertainty that he was hurting someone for the sake of his happiness. He loved his wife and daughter and no one would judge him, no one would get hurt from his love for them. He wished someday he could be with the man he loved and just have people be happy for him, and not hurt or judgefull.

“It’s ok Maes, and you Kain?”

“Well, I just don’t want to go. I don’t like Archer very much, so I’ll avoid him. Ha! Genius right?”

“Uh, ok. Well thanks you guys.” Hughes saw the same look on his face again, like something was pulling at him for some time now. ‘What’s with you Ed?’ Maes thought.

“Hey Ed I’ve been meaning to ask you, have you been feeling ok? I mean you’ve been acting really different, like you look sadder. Plus you’re really quiet and you always wear a puzzled look on your face.” The young man Kain said.

“Don’t worry Fuery, I’m fine. Just a lot on my mind lately. Don’t rub into it.” Ed took on final gulp of his water. “Gotta run, I need to go find Mustang. Oh wait before I go, when is the Colonel taking people to Central?”

“Oh, so you wanna go?” Kain asked.

“I dunno, you know I have all that shitty paperwork to do, so I’d guess it’d be nice” he answered scratching the side of his head.

“I think, lets see today’s Wednesday so I would say Friday or Saturday. I think that’s what the Colonel said. Hughes relied looking at Ed curiously. “But Ed, if you even need anything or if you ran into trouble I’m here for you. Ok?”

“Oh, thanks Maes.” Ed didn’t know quite how to respond. “Well I’ll cya guys later. You going out with me and Al tonight?”

“Nah, gotta get home. I miss my daughter. Would you like see a picture!”

“Settle down Hughes, no thanks Ed. Cya later sir.”

Ed walks out of the room running the pieces together of what just happened. ‘They care? I guess more than I thought. And what’s with Central, I why do I care that no one told me. I mean...it’s only one whole week with Roy away from Winry’s watchful eye.’ Ed traveled back down the hallway and back into his office.

“Sigh,” Ed puts his head on the desk, “what am I gonna do with myself. I miss him so much and it’s only been a couple hours! But why wouldn’t he tell me about the Central trip? Is it because he doesn’t want me to go? Why wouldn’t he want me to go, I thought he would e the first to tell me. I mean it’s not that big of a deal, but still...”

“Elric?” Lieutenant Hawkeye walked in Ed’s office. He raised his head off the desk.

“Oh, Lieutenant. What is it?”

“I have some more paperwork for you from Colonel, or sir, I mean Roy. Oh uh..” Hawkeye stated blushingly. She walked over to him and handed him the stack of papers. Ed grabbled them and eyed her suspiciously.


“You like him, don’t you?” he tried to sound cool.

“Uh, well I...is it that obvious?”

“Sort of.” Ed’s stomach dropped. “So you really like em’.”

She pulled a seat up to his desk. “Yeah I do. All I think about is Roy Mustang. I mean we’ve been partners forever but its evolved into something much more. I tried a couple of times before to take him out but he never really wan into me.” She looked sad. “But I won’t give up...I love him.” Ed felst sick on hearing those words.

“W-wow.” He could barely spit out the words.

“Edward, are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry I have to go to the bathroom. My stomach hasn’t been feeling to well. We’ll talk later Lieutenant, thanks for the paperwork! I’m sorry.” Ed ran out the door and down to the bathroom.


He shut the door to the men’s bathroom. “Oh God, Riza is in love with Roy! How can I do this to her? I’m betraying someone who has shown me nothing but kindness. And on top of all that, I really am cheating on Winry. Why is it that the one person that makes me happy can hurt so many people, well if they ever found out.” he turned on the sink and cupped his hand under the cool water. He then splashed the refreshing water over his face.

“Crap, this is a nightmare.”

Later that evening

“Sigh, finally done.” he placed the last piece of paper on the pile. He looked up at his clock. “Huh, 9:34. It’s that late already? Damn, I gotta get Al!”

He grabs his things and the paperwork. Ed runs over to the Colonel’s office and walked in. No one there, figures. He placed the stack on his desk. He ran out the door of the large office and down to Al’s room.

“Knock, knock! Al you ready to go?” he walked into the room.

Al looked up, “Hey brother! Is it time to go already?”

“Yeah, you ready?”

“Yawn, yeah I am. The Colonels been up my butt all day.”

“Oh, I heard about the whole Central trip.”

“You did? I’m (cough) really sorry I didn’t tell you, I mea–“

“Al stop, it’s fine. This stupid trip is being blown way out of proportion. Sides I don’t want to go anyway. Lets just go, I don’t want to be here anymore.”

“Alright.” he felt guilty. Al got up with his things and walked with his blonde older brother. He put on his jacket, a silver one with a patch on the side with a suit of armor embodied in the middle.

“You still have that jacket?”

“Yeah, you have yours!” he pointed to Ed’s long, red coat hanging on his left arm.

“Hahaha” the two boys headed out of the building and down the street. Ed and Al stopped in a local bar. The older blonde walked up to the counter, the younger brother soon followed.

“Can I see some i.d.?”

“Ed pulled his wallet from his jacket.”


“Oh, so you are 18. You’re just so short, you didn’t look it.”


Sheesh buddy, sorry settle down. What would you like?”

“A beer.” ((In this, when you’re 18 you’re allowed to have alcoholic beverages. Instead of it being 21.))

“You?” he looked to Al.

“Oh no, I’m not old enough. I’ll just have an iced tea thank-you.” he showed him his license, Age17.

“Oh, alright then. I’ll be right back with your drinks. Anything else?”

“Beer lots of beer!”

“No thank you.” Al said sweetly.

couple of drinks later

“So anyway, I tell her theses aren’t my pants, they’re my Mom’s!” Ed said with a drunken look, “hahahahah!”

“Uh brother?”

“Another drink please!”

“Uh brother?”

more drinks and bad jokes later...

Ed is seen face down on the counter hair messy and exactly 11 empty beer glasses in front of him. Al is seen sitting on his chair all smiley drinking his iced tea while listening to the radio’s current song.

“OH, I love this song!”

Al starts humming the tune. Ed perked up upon hearing the familiar song.

“This song is so sad.” his head raised.

Out of site,

out of mind.

Out of time to decide.

Do we run?

Should I hide?

For the rest, of my life.

Can we fly,

do I stay?

We could lose,

we could fail.

And the more minutes take,

do make plans

or mistakes...


30 minutes a blink of an eye

30 minutes to alter lives.

30 minutes to make up my mind.

30 minutes to finally decide.

30 minutes to whisper your name.

30 minutes to shoulder the blame

30 minutes a bliss, thirty lies.

30 minutes to finally decide...

The song reminded Ed of him.

All of the sudden everything was silent, Ed couldn’t hear anything. Not Al’s voice, the radio’s song, or the bartender sweeping beside him. He could only hear the sound of his own heartbeat. Then he couldn’t see, everything went blurry and he felt something wet streaming down his cheeks.

“Brother! It’s not that sad!”

“Haha why am I crying? Haha”

“Brother, your not drinking ever again! I’m taking you home to Winry.”

“NO AL! Stop spinning, I don’t want to see Winry.”

“What? I know your drunk but not stupid. Did you guys break up?”

“Oh no dear Alphonse, haha. You know speaking hypo-the-ti-whatty...”


“What? Anyway, say your brother liked a dude! Haha a dude!” Ed got up dizzily. “What if all your brother could think about was a certain guy! Some guy who occupied my fantasies and dreams.” Ed lost his drunken happy tone. He looked solemn and serious.” What if you brother was in love with another man enough that he would betray 2 women who’ve only wanted his and mine compassion. Just because its what I want, it makes me happy. I miss him constantly an I always will...but no one can ever know that I am truly in love,” Ed sways a little left to right, “in love with...R–“ PLUNK! He falls to the ground asleep.

Al didn’t move, he watched his brother sleeping on the floor. He took in what his drunken older brother had just said.

‘Oh Ed, why didn’t you tell me? Was that just drunken banter? No, you love him, you love Roy. Oh boy, your in a sticky situation. But, you could of just told me, I love you I would never judge you. I could help you. But I’m sure he won’t remember any of this, he’ll tell me when he’s ready. I just hope this doesn’t blow up in your face. To tell you the truth I always knew you were never really in love with Winry. I’m happy that you found someone, or has he found you?”

“And that was 30 minutes by Tatu. It’s now 12:03 in...” the bartender turned off the radio.

“Looks like he couldn’t do it.”

“Yeah,” he bent down and picked his brother up, “here.” Al put money on the counter. He then grabbed the things and walked out of the bar with Ed holding onto him for support.

“And your supposed to be the older, smarter one protecting me... or maybe it’s my turn to save you.”

“Huh?” Ed gets up off of the ground. He sees Winry, Riza, Havoc, Al, Fuery, Hughes and Roy who was lying just ahead of him unconscious.

“What’s going on!” Ed ran over to the place where Roy was lying. But before he could get there Winry grabbed him. There were tears in her eyes.

“How could you? How could you! All I wanted was you, and you go to him!” she punches him hard in the cheek.

“What the hell!” he holds his cheek.

Riza picks him up and holds a gun to his temple, she wore a deadly look. Her eyes piercing him more painful than any punch. “You...you took him. Why?” her eyes grew glossy, watery. She pushed him down and walked over to Roy.

“If I can’t have you, he can’t either.”

“NO! Roy!” he tried to get up but Havoc and Fuery had grabbed him. Hughes and Al stepped infront of him blocking his view of Roy.

“ROY!” he looked to Al desperately, he simply turned his head. Hughes watched his suffering and moved away letting the view of Roy come over Ed’s eyes. Riza held her gun at him, her aim to kill.

“ no..”

BANG! It echoed through his ears.

“Splat” blood was splattered over Ed’s face. His eyes filled with tears he broke free and ran to Roy lying in a pool of his blood. He bent down over him touching his face. He looked at his own hands, covered in Roy’s blood. He looked behind him to see that everyone had disappeared.


“Good-bye Ed.” he heard Roy’s voice.

“NO!” he sat up in bed breathing heavy.

“Ed, what is it?” Winry asked sleepily but worried.

“What? Ow,” he head was pounding heavily. It felt like it was going to explode. “Where am I?”

“Your home Ed, Al brought you home from the bar remember?” she had a empty tone. She was angry with him.

“Oh, dammit my head hurts. This sucks a**.”

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah I just had a ******** up dream.”

“Another one?”


“You’ve been tossing in your sleep all night. Listen, it’s 4:00 you gotta get up soon so try and sleep.”

“No, I won’t be able to sleep. I’ll just get up now, go back to sleep.” he got out of bed and went outside to sit outside on the porch steps.

“It was a dream, thank God. Sigh, I hate hangovers, guess I overdid it with the booze. Thank you Al and your underage-pure-goody boy-soul.” he grabs his hair. “Man that was so real and scary...I hope that never happens. That’s why they must never find out. Wait a second...what happened last night? I can’t remember any of it. s**t, I hope I didn’t say anything stupid.” he got up and started to walk down the street. He was heading to the park.

As he got to the entrance he imagined seeing Roy standing there waiting for him.

“Guess that’s to much to ask for...” he walked down the path to the Oak tree. The spot where he and Roy had confessed their feelings for one another. He stared at the ground as he walked to the tree.

Gasp, “huh!” he looked up. He saw Roy walking down the same path as him coming from the other side.

“What?” Roy asked.

“It’s you, what are you doing here?”

“Couldn’t sleep, you?”


It was silent, they just stood there looking at each other. Ed ran over to him jumping into Roy’s arms. Roy picked him up holding him tighter.

“I can’t sleep without you.” Roy whispered to him.

“I missed you.” Roy let him down. They walked over to the tree and sat down like the did once before.

“I missed you too.” Roy kissed his cheek softly.

“Sigh, I had the worst dream...they all found out. All of them, Riza, Winry, Al, Havoc, all of them!”

“And that’s so bad? You’re ashamed of being with me?”

“NO! Let me finish, they found out and Winry and Riza flipped. She, Riza, she shot you. Oh my God I thought I was going to die. And the booze wasn’t helping, I hate hangovers.”

“Oh, so that’s where you were. I wen to check on you round 10:00 cuz I didn’t see you all day when Fuery said you went out with Al. And to think I was going to take advantage of you in the bathroom again, what was I thinking.” he said with a girly tone.

“AH! Is that all you care about?”

“If you mean, you, then yes. All I care about is being with you.” Ed turned around pressing his forehead onto Roy’s.

“Sigh, what are we going to do. It’s proven, I can’t stand not seeing you. Even for a couple of hours! And this Central crap is NOT helping. By the way, why didn’t you tell me about it? Is it that you don’t want me to go?”

“Gods, your such a dumbass. Of course I want you to go, I thought you would of caught on by then. You’re the only person I want to go really, but I got to take 3 more people with me.”

“So why didn’t you just tell me!”

“Cuz, it’s fun to see you want me so much. Admit it you want to go no matter how much you want to get back at me for not telling you.”

“Shut up...”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” he pushed Ed down onto the grass softly. He got on top of him kissing his neck sweetly.

“I’ll make it up to you for me being so mean, I promise.” he moved his lips to Ed’s and drew in a deep kiss.

“Mmm” Ed groaned. Their tongues slid over one another massaging the insides of their mouths. Ed ran his hands through Roy’s hair, feeling the smooth black strands. They broke free.

“Huff huff” Roy panted.

Roy turned over pulling Ed on top of him. Ed lied down on his chest.

“I got something that’ll make you smile.”

“Oh really?” he snuggled his face under Roy’s neck.

“You know your coming to Central with me right?”

“Oh now I’m invited, ahaha, yeah?”

“Well, I’m taking Alphonse, Havoc and Riza too.”


“Ok, we need to get rooms for the week. And since I’m putting Al with Havoc and Riza alone, cuz she’s a girl, what does that mean?”


Roy lifted his head putting his lips close to Ed’s.

“We’re sharing a room...” he kissed Ed’s bottom lip softly. The reality hit him. He’s in a room, alone, with Roy for a whole week. Ed moved in thrusting his tongue into Roy’s mouth. Roy moved his hands over Ed’s a**, feeling up his shirt.

“Mmmm, ah” Roy panted. He pulled away from the kiss.

“Haha, looks like your happy to see me.” Ed moved his hand down to the bulge between Roy’s legs.

“Ah.” Roy shuddered at the contact. “I’m not the only ones that’s ‘happy’ Ed. Haha” He was referring to Ed’s own bulge between the legs. Roy started to move his hands down Ed’s pants.

“Not like I don’t want this, ah, but not in the middle of the park.”

“Yeah, your right. Mmmm” Roy moaned, “Your timing to develop some common sense is awful. Haha”

“Yeah shut up” They got up off of each other.

“You wanna come to my place?” Roy asked.

“Um,” he looked back at the direction of his house where Winry was probably pretending to sleep waiting for him to come home. “I told her I was going to get up and go. It doesn’t matter.’ “Yeah I will, sorry bout my timing!”

“Errrr,” he looked down at his still throbbing erection, “don’t remind me.”

“Hahaha, good thing no one is out to see this! Hahaa, I think this is the happiest I’ve been in awhile!”

“Come here.” he pulled Ed into his arms. “I love to see you smile” Ed kissed his chest softly.

“Come on, lets go before I pass out from this headache.”

“You ok?”

“Yeah I’ll be fine.”

“NO! I shall carry you! You can’t pass out on me now!” he scooped Ed up in his arms and carried him out of the park.

“You don’t have to do this, I mean how is this going to make my headache go away?”

“I don’t know, I just wanted an excuse to hold you. And now you can’t run away if you develop some strange reason to run back to Winry and leave me.”

“I told you, I’ll never leave you... I love you too much.” Ed blushed a deep red. Roy was a little startled to hear those words come from the young boy who he felt the deepest sense of love and lust for.

“I love you to Ed.”

Blinding Light

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Me: WOOHOO! IT’S DONE! Well the chapter 5is, the dirty love scene with Roy and Ed is coming up in the beginning of chapter 6! AND the naughty Central trip is coming up too! WOOHOO I love my perverted mind!

Ed: oh my God, what are you gonna do?


Ed: oh my God, Lord save me.

Roy: oh why can’t you just enjoy it?

Me: he does, oh he does. Don’t you Ed? You know you want to f--k Roy.

Ed: WTF?



Who should be the b***h? (The catcher, you knew it was going to come to this.)

A. Roy

B. Ed

C. They should take turns in the game

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