Shake it off.
Well one of my best friends went to Mexico and finally came back this week. I was so excited! I had missed him so much when he was gone. But he didn't really hang out with my a lot when he came back. I know he had a whole bunch of work to make up so I didn't push him or anything. But he said we would go out to Japanese together today. I am all excited and I earn enough money to pay for it. But then I call him around 8 a.m. and he say he can't go and that he left me a message. He said that s**t came up and he couldn't go. Yeah I know s**t happens but I rarely go out at all and I was really dissapointed. I understand that thing happen but he didn't even say "Sorry" at all. That was just a dagger through the heart for me. So I thought I would talk to him so I called him and I said Hello and he said he couldn't talk because he had friends over. Well that just sent me into a shame spiral and here was are. Oh and when he said "I'll call you back" he never does. He usually "forgets". Well I guess I am just not that important to get a call back. I just....really....hurt.