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Syn's Journal-Yoshimi's public writing space and Datafile
This is where i place my writings, artwork, and whatever I may feel like writing about. It's also where I place all of my documents about whatever I may want to share with the world. Stories, art, personal events and other bits are here for your view
Rachael The Hedge-Fox's Journal/diary
Rachael: Hey everyone! Just thought I'd start my own journal/diary/ for everyone to view. I'll be writing about my experiences and events that have passed in my life. I'll start off by telling you how me and my good friends, Michael and Kai came to this world and why we did. From time to time, I will note all the various events and little things when the time comes. Please enjoy this as much as I do typing all of this out.

NOTE: All dates listed based upon Yoshimi's time line, to fit within the stories written previously. Actual Mobius date is linked to the SatAM/Comic timeline (33rd century but the date is altered for specific reasons). Hopefully you're not too confused by this.

::Warning:: The following entries may/will contain moderate language, adult content, mild fantasy violence, and some crude humor...as if you really mind that.

::References to Sonic and other characters of that sort are (c) of Sega and Sonic Team. All other referenced characters such as myself are (c) of Yoshimi.S.::

Current Date: April 9, 2210 - 13:17 (Military time...thought I'd use that format)

Initial time of Departure: August 13, 2205 19:15

Leaving my home behind: From Mobius to Earth. (Last home entry)
A few years ago, I had made the choice to leave my home world behind. This was entirely my own decision, I was not forced by the king to leave...I wanted to get away from it all. The life I lead during the Robotnik occupation was more than enough to drive my inner self to explore the cosmos and discover a new world.
Even though I was blindly stumbling about with the idea of traveling to a new world, I knew it was possible to leave the planet. The vast amount of versatile equipment left by the doctor allowed for expansions of various technology and gave everyone a chance to see what lies beyond the home world.

In the midst of everything that was happening, I was enjoying the peace time that we finally gained. I hung out with my newfound friends, a couple of rag-tag refugees who I aided in their struggle against the tyrant b*****d mentioned above.
I had asked my friends, Michael and Kai, if they wanted to join me in leaving the planet to find a new home. They were quite reluctant about leaving, seeing that their connection to Mobius is very strong. They gave it a lot of thought and eventually decided to leave with me. When all the preparations were made, we boarded a shuttle that would eventually take us to our new home: Earth.

The long voyage. (Shuttle log)
I Periodically found myself waking up from stasis, (There was a jump drive in the shuttle, but it wasn't too fast) finding myself staring at the stars in the empty void of space. All those nights, lying in the grass on Green Hill don't compare to the sight of actually being wrapped in the void of space (Of course, I was only staring at the sky). I wondered what was lying out there in the field of stars, what other worlds were we passing by? What stars were flying by us? Questions such as these plagued my mind when I was awake. Knowing that we would soon arrive at our destination, I had to get some rest...so there was very little I could account later on. All I know is that a very long amount of time passed by us...though it felt like an eternity.

Arrival Date: June 6, 2208 11:06

New home, sweet home: Arriving at Space Colony GENESIS. (Colony Log)
Finally, the long voyage was over. The auto navigator picked up a signal from a nearby space colony and headed toward the colony. After the docking sequence ended, me and my friend were jarred awake by a couple of workers, they welcomed us in a very pleasant fashion. They had told us we have arrived at Space Colony GENESIS, a massive fortress designed as a second home for humanity and other worldly visitors such as ourselves. We all had to go through a screening process, which didn't take too long and was surprisingly simple. After that, we were registered as Mobians...a designation we gave ourselves. When that was done, we were all given I.D. cards which gave us civilian access to whatever was desired (In the grasp of a civilian of course). It would be a while before we set foot on Terra Firma.

Settling down on Earth: Our permanent home. (Earth diary entry #1)
We finally received a designated apartment that can house Me, Michael and Kai. The move wasn't too difficult, seeing that we had only a few possessions to take with us. When we arrived on the surface, we were surprised that we would be living in a dome...a big change from the open aired environment we were all used to. It took us some time to get used to life here, more like a few weeks actually. It was almost like learning to walk again...so to speak of the matter.

Our lives were pretty sweet, we found the nightlife of Earth quite enjoyable. Lots of parties, plenty of mingling with the locals, and a ton of things we could do around the city. We made many friends, visited the various sites of Earth and eventually discovered the wonders this planet seemingly forgotten about...the lush green fields once lost to everyone. How we discovered this is but a mystery that I shall keep with me.

Date of Proto Gear encounter: May 7, 2209 22:00

The mysterious Proto Gear: Our encounter with Yoshimi Sugai. (Earth Diary entry #2)
One night when we were out on the town, we hit up a major hot spot...one that was most enjoyed by many of the inhabitants of this planet. It was a small club that played to audiences looking to rock out and "headbang" the night away. There was one act that was rather interesting, a local group known as the "GearHeads" (Odd name) were next to perform. The group was lead by a mysterious guitarist (later to be known as Yoshimi Sugai). He had long black hair, red eyes, a strange chain on his waist, and wore lots of red and black (and a tight outfit to boot ^_^ wink .

The show he and his band put on was absolutely fantastic! He rocked the house to its core! We were head banging all night long, which was something of a rarity for us. The only thing we didn't realize is that he would be someone we would eventually meet up with...and that will be one hell of a meeting.

First Physical encounter with Yoshimi Sugai: June 1, 2209 17:14

The Bloodstained Guitar hero: Yoshimi Sugai encounter #2 (Earth diary entry #3)
About a month after we saw the GearHeads and that sexy beast (O.o did I just say that?) Yoshimi, my buddies and I were on our way once again to party (as usual) when we just so happen to run into Yoshimi (Literally). I wasn't really watching where I was going at the time, adding to that, Michael and Kai were trying to warn me...but I bumped into Yoshimi. He fell to his butt (as did I) but he got back up and helped me to my feet in a gentleman-like manner. I nervously apologized, as did Michael and Kai. Yoshimi smiled and said "That's okay ma'am, no harm done".

After that little encounter, Yoshimi suddenly caught on and saw that we weren't human...he saw that we were furries. In a nervous tone he said: "Wow, I've never seen a furry before...say, didn't I see you at one of my shows?" I prompted with a wild nod. He saw that and knew that was me banging my head. Michael and Kai clearly explained that I'm a metal head...and they said they were too. Yoshimi smiled once again. This little conversation went down at a small corner cafe', nobody had a clue that Yoshimi of the GearHeads was hanging with a few furries in public...Oh well...we enjoyed ourselves and scored autographs.

First encounter with Sarah: July 12, 2209 11:45

Girl Power: My personal encounter with Sarah. (Earth diary entry #4)
I decided to have a "Girl's day out", letting Michael and Kai have their own day to chill. Knowing my way around the town, I decided to see what the local shopping center was like. I really wanted to kick up my heels and find something nice for when I go out, and something for the boys (I love saying that). I managed to find a quaint little shop...tailored to those with a taste for what they call "80's punk rockers" (I'm such a tomboy). After an hour of shopping (I was given a lot of credits) I went to the food court. Once I got my food, I went to find a seat.

I saw a young female who was sitting alone, almost as if she was waiting for somebody. I felt like being courteous and decided to sit next to her. She seemed a bit shy at first, but I was able to strike up a conversation with her. She was very kind and really thought I was cool too. I really took a shine to her, she was cute, charming and even helpful. After we both finished eating, we decided to hang out for a while (after all, I was on a "girl's day out" wink . By 15:35, I was about to head on home. Me and Sarah exchanged good-byes, I told that we'll do this again sometime...she told that she'd like that.

I could hear the marching feet, they're moving into the street: Military action! (Earth diary entry #5)
It seemed like another ordinary day at first, people were walking about the city streets, couples were mingling, and the air was filled with the sound of chatter. I was sitting outside on the balcony of the apartment, watching everyone below on the streets. I was adding entries (such as this one) into my journal at the time, mostly some back entries that I wanted to rewrite. Michael and Kai were chilling out in front of the television set, viewing a few programs and checking out the news report. Everything seemed sublime for the moment...that is until the warning siren blared. At that exact moment, people rushed inside and took cover. I was startled by the blaring siren and dashed back into living room, book and pen in hand.

After a few minutes, the siren cut off to dead silence, and then the air filled with sounds of marching feet, engines humming and orders being barked out by a commander. I had the feeling that something was going on, so I looked outside and saw a battalion flowing down the very street we were on. I thought to myself: "What the hell could be going on?" I would find out soon enough. About 15 minutes later, an emergency telecast aired and informed the public of the situation. Apparently, the city has been plagued by a mysterious being...although nobody knows the truth, not even me. Hours later, the situation was declared normal...but it was far from it...at least that's what I said to myself. Truth is, I don't know what happened...but I had the feeling it was bound to happen again.

Feeling Homesick: thoughts of home and "family". (Earth diary entry #6)
It happened again, I woke up with tears in my eyes. It was strange, I fall asleep feeling good and satisfied, only to wake up a few hours later, sobbing. I talked to Michael about this, and he said: "Maybe you're homesick, or you keep dreaming about Mobius." I think he was right, I am homesick. Although this only happened once in a while, I still couldn't help myself. My emotions were running high, and anytime I had thoughts about something like the Acorn family or Mobotropolis, I would burst into tears. It took me a few months to get over being homesick, but those were some tough months.

Second Physical encounter with Yoshimi: September 8, 2209 21:45
:NOTE: No recording was made on this date, this is merely a reference to an encounter with Yoshimi Sugai.

Earth's Green Hill: Our discovery of Earth's biggest secret. (Earth diary entry #7)
One day, late in the summertime, Me and the gang were looking for a special retreat. We were given suggestions like the artificial beaches or CENTRAL's main park, but that all seemed oh so bland to us. It was then that we decided to look around for something else to do. Hours passed by and we just couldn't find the perfect activity to satisfy us. As we were about to give up, Kai accidentally stumbled onto an old hatch (He put his hand on the hatch and it broke off its hinges, what a goofball). When the dust settled and nobody came around to see what the commotion was all about, we decided to check out what was behind the strange hatch. One by one, our eyes became adjusted to the bright light outside...and what they gazed upon was absolutely breathtaking!

To our own amazement, we found a absolutely stunning landscape. It felt like we were back on Mobius once again. Green fields as far as the eye can see, forests with trees that reached toward the sky, lakes filled with pure, crystal clear water, and a clear, blue sky over our heads. Michael and Kai wasted no time in rolling down the hills (Michael LOVES to roll down hills), I was all too eager to take a dip into the lake. Everything about the outside world was perfect, we were just enjoying ourselves oh so much. By the time the sun set, we were all lying on the grass, staring at the stars in the sky. I felt like I was back on Green Hill, looking at those same stars...just as I did before I left home. To this day, we visit the outside world on special occasions.

Archival entries: My musings from Mobius. (Mobius diary entry code #1-23.6901)

And then the dust settled: Aftermath of the doctor's occupation. (Entry #67)
It was finally over, Dr. Robotnik was finally sent into exile. His reign of terror was over and everything was eventually returning to its original state. I was standing in the middle of Mobotropolis, watching as the first ray of light pierced the thick clouds hovering over the decimated city. The sound of the Freedom Fighters celebrating was carried across the sweeping winds, it was a pleasant sound that seemed like music to my ears. I was the only one standing around in ruins of the doctors base of operations, gazing upon the gutted buildings, dust covered streets, and wrecked machinery. Michael and Kai were with me, but they were still scouring the city, seeing what was left of the once grand capital. The usual smirk across my muzzle was all but lost, for I was still unhappy, knowing that the doctor took my family away from me. Oh how I miss them so much...they died fighting...meaning their death was not in absolute vain.

The Blue Hedgehog and The Princess: My personal views upon the two Freedom Fighters (Mobius diary entry #57-2)
Of the many times I saw these two, only one image comes to mind...the day those two locked lips in a "Last Goodbye" kind of way. That's only an image, I'm actually writing about what I think of these two from observations and a chance encounter some time ago. Now everybody knows Sonic by now. The fastest thing alive, a headstrong individual, shortsighted at times, obviously adorable when he wants to be, and witty as hell. What people don't see is that Sonic is a guy who has lost most of family and forced to live as a refugee...a rather sad life (believe me, I know). I sympathize for the poor kid, trying his best to stay alive and save as many other mobians from a simillar fate, that's a tough job! As much as I adore Sonic, I do not feel I have a real bond to him...I feel as if I have a bond to Michael and Kai, besides, Sonic is obviously in a love with Princess Sally (as I have noticed).

I thought Sonic had it rough when it came to trying to be a team player as a Freedom Fighter, but it was only when I studied Sally, I realized that she had an even tougher time dealing with everything going on in her life. Princess Sally can be summed up in a few words, Intelligent, Brave, headstrong, and surprisingly cute (really). Sally's title as Princess obviously makes one think that she had duties to eventually partake in, but those were put on hold after the doctor set foot on Mobius. Sally always managed to keep a level head, even when Sonic was being a bit of pain in her tail at times. Like Sonic, Sally had to face the grim fact that she had lost her family in the midst of the initial occupation. She did her best to deal with this issue and still fight the doctor, eventually beating him and taking to her role as princess. I had this feeling that she really did not enjoy her role too much, as I saw her constantly heading back to the Freedom Fighter H.Q every so often.

My first diary. (Mobius diary entry #1)
It is a day of celebration, my birthday. I was given a plethora of gifts, but one item that I felt I should cherish is this very diary I am writing right now. My mother was so thoughtful, she gave me a special book to place all of my thoughts in. She told me that when she was just a young pup herself, she was given a diary and she wrote in it every day (Not something that I would do all the time of course). The diary I was given was a beatiful shade of violet, with golden letters that spelled out my name. It had a lock and key so only I can read what was inside. It was a big diary too, so I can fit many entries into it and have many cherishable memories to come in my life. It seemed a bit typical for a girl to own a personal diary, but I was all too eager to keep one. I know that I would cherish this book for as long as I was alive.

Wild thing, you make my heart sing: My first taste of Rock and Roll. (Mobius diary entry #9-3)
On Mobius (before the occupation of Robotnik), music had a profound affect on everyone. We were somehow receiving transmissions from far away worlds, music, programs, and other forms of media were being broadcast across the planet. Recordings were made and kept as archived data from other worlds. There was one thing that really caught my ears, the sweet sound of an instrument that generated a powerful vibe, the beating of drums in a rhythm that could drive a person to dance, and voices that pitched stories of love, hate, protest, pride, joy, and many other emotions. This poetic form of music with a hard charging sound was the one genre that would change my entire life: Rock and Roll!

My parents didn't understand my motives as to why I loved this type of music, but they knew that I was happy and enjoying myself. My friends (before I met Michael and Kai, I had a few buddies) thought I was a bit crazy, that is until I turned them onto Rock and Roll, then they thought I was one of the coolest kids in Mobotropolis. I held that title for as long as I can remember...I still do too.

The Rebellious Hedgehog: My view of Michael (Mobius diary entry #31-A)
I've never seen a guy like him in all of my years, a tall, slender, outgoing, and (yeah, you know it has to said) sexy Hedgehog. The first time I saw him, was when I was about 13 years old. He was scurrying about the city one day, I didn't know why though. I had this urge to follow him around, so that is what I did. This guy was fast, but I was quite swift myself (seeing that I am part fox). He had no clue that I was giving chase at first, that is until he tripped over a pothole. He rolled right down the street soon after and crashed into a trash bin. I ran down to where he crashed to see if he was okay, and he was just fine. I helped him to his feet in a lady-like manner and brushed him off. He was a bit stunned at first, but he was just fine afterward. When he got a glimpse of me, he said: "Thanks cutie." I smiled and said that he was welcome, he introduced himself shortly after. "I'm Michael, pleased to meet you miss.", I introduced myself as well. "I'm Rachael, it's a pleasure to meet you Michael." I had a feeling that we would have many more encounters later in our lives.

Personal profile of: Michael the Hedgehog (Mobius diary entry #31-B)
It has been two years since I have met with the yellow hedgehog, it doesn't seem like a very long time, but to me, it's more like an entire lifetime. From what I have learned through a lot of observation, Michael is very level headed, quick on his own two feet, as well as quick to place his own spin on a situation. He's kind of cute too, he has this unique charm that I felt most guys lacked. It was as if he trained himself to be a true gentleman under the guise of a common Mobian (by the standards I lived by). Michael was also a comic relief in his own special way, always keeping a smile on my face and making sure that my days were always filled with joy. When it was time for us to make our mark upon the tyrant b*****d, he was ready for anything that was thrown at him. He didn't turn a blind eye when the odds were against us, he put up his dukes and came out swinging. I was always by his side when he needed a little help, something he appreciated very much. Until the time when Kai was found, we were a real duo that was a force to be feared. If there was one thing I didn't see him do, it has to be his inability to shed tears...although I do think that deep inside, he cries. I don't think this is a bad thing, I think it means he is truly a strong willed Mobian, fearless to the bitter end.

Current Earth Journal entries: Entry Code #11693-693.21

First encounter with Mauve "Lavender" Murasaki: February 4, 2210 11:15

Friends of the furry kind: My first meeting with Mauve. ( Earth diary Entry #8 )
The day started like any other normal day I was accustomed to, people were freely browsing the city streets, lots of mingling covered the silence and everything else was in its normal place as usual. Me, Michael and Kai (My buddies who I just adore) were strolling about the streets like we always do. Many of the residents didn't mind seeing us (they actually had the courtesy to say hello and wave), we seemed to fit right in with everyone else. As we arrived at the local shopping district (we wanted to check out some shops and grab a bite to eat), we bumped into a small (and surprising) grouping. I had stopped right in my tracks when I saw what appeared to be another furry (there was three of them at the time as opposed to what the title is implying). I was bit shocked at first, for I have not seen another furry in some time (besides my own buddies), but the shock wore off eventually. From what I have observed at the distance, the first one reminded me of Tails (he's a cute, yellow orange, two-tailed fox was a Freedom Fighter) except that he had purple fur. The second person of the group was a Hedgehog (Male), he kind of looked like Sonic, except he had purple fur. The last one was also a Hedgehog (Female), I couldn't quite put my finger on who she looked like. I was a bit hesitant at first at making my approach, but Michael and Kai calmly stepped up first and greeted one another. I soon made my way to the grouping.

As I made my approach, Michael and Kai were wondering what was wrong, I just said that I was a bit nervous at the moment. I calmly introduced myself, "Hi, I'm Rachael, pleased to meet you." The purple fox introduced himself soon after. "Hello Rachael, my name is Mauve. It's nice to meet you." He sounded really kind, I can tell that he had an amount of innocence in him, something that made him feel a bit younger than he really looked. The other two, aptly named Violet and Aubergine (Pronounced "Over-Keen" and oddly enough going along with an interesting color/name scheme). All three of them were very kind, and had their own little quirks as well. We all grabbed a large table at a small restaurant inside the shopping district. At this time, we had ourselves a little chat where we talked about ourselves (I had a nice Girl-To-Girl chat with Violet, something I enjoyed very much). We then proceeded to check out the many stores (after we split up into groups of course, you should know what I mean). When we all felt that we were satisfied, we all said our goodbyes and made out our way back home. Again, I had that feeling we would all meet each other again...something that I looked forward to.

Music = Life: Our music choices and what they have done for us. (Earth diary #9)
As I find myself picking through the vast library of music mean my buddies have acquired in the past couple of years on Earth, I am reminded of a time when music was a new experience and I had no idea where it was all coming from. I also begin to think about the profound effects it has had on my mental status and my own actions. As I had mentioned in my Mobius log, I was moved by the sounds of Rock and Roll, and this genre has stuck with me ever since. Personally, I enjoy hard rock and "heavy metal" more than most of the sub-genres. When I had the chance to introduce Michael to the sounds of Rock, he seemed to enjoy the slightly docile tones of "classic rock" (Not that he can't stand metal of course). Kai was more into "prog rock", he told me that it's a bit more to his liking and is even more soothing. No matter what sub-genre we liked, we enjoyed each others favorite music, often finding ourselves listening to each others personal favorite song.

I am just glad that I had picked up on all of this when I was young, otherwise my life wouldn't be so fun (Not that I'm saying it isn't). In a nutshell, music for us is life, and it's a good life! Getting to the bottom of this entry, we have come a long way since we met, and within that time, our favorite music has helped up along the way. Getting us through those sad times (like when I was homesick), and pushing us all through the night (when we rocked out with Yoshimi that one night). If you think Music = Life...You Rock (Or whatever your cup of tea is when it comes to music)!

Girls' Day Out: My day out with Violet (Earth diary entry #10)
It was another beautiful day (like always for some reason) in CENTRAL, me and my buddies were sitting down to breakfast, like we always do. I was sipping on my cup of green tea when the house phone started ringing, Violet was on the other line. The guys recognized her voice so I didn't have to tell them who it was. Violet said she wanted to have a "Girl's Day Out", I happily agreed to her offer and told her that I will meet with her somewhere around noon. It was perfect timing too, seeing that some old friends were in town that Michael and Kai were dying to see again (You take a guess as to who they are). I had some time to get cleaned up and be ready for when Vy (as she is sometimes called) to show up. When 12:00 rolled around, Vy was right at my door at the exact moment she said she'd be (and what timing too, the guys had already left). She was all dolled up in an outfit similar to Amy Rose (A female Hedgehog I had the chance to meet with, that's for another entry), which looked rather stunning on her too. She greeted me in the same fashion as our first encounter, as did I. I welcomed her into the apartment so we can discuss our plans for today. She was well prepared, she had reservations at a nice, relaxing spa (something I desperately needed). She told me that if I have any suggestions, I should let her know. After discussing our plans, we left for the spa.

We were only about 15 minutes away from the spa and resort, so it was well worth the short amount of foot travel. We had a small chat before we arrived (man could Vy chat up a storm ^_^), and before we knew it, we had made it to our destination. After confirming our reservation, we made our way poolside where we had a couple of drinks and took a relaxing dip into some heated water. I felt my entire body loosening up from all the tension packed into my muscles. After the short dip, me and Vy were ready for our deep massage (which had taken about an hour). It was only after I had received my massage that I was really feeling much better. The next place we decided to head onto was the arcade. Vy was looking to get those juices flowing (you know, adrenaline), so we decided to go where all the action was. Before we did that, I made my suggestion of hitting the shopping district afterward, she happily obliged in doing so.

We arrived at the arcade shortly after finishing up our stay at the spa. Me and Vy were looking for something that we could both give a good go, so she spotted a Guilty Gear machine just dying to be played (I come to the arcade every so often to show up some of the locals...not that I really want to of course), she wanted me to show her some of the basics of the game, so that's what I did. She really caught onto the game's mechanics really quickly, even showing me up in a couple of matches. I tried my hand at some of the other games as well, Vy did the same thing as well. When we had our fill with the games, we made our way to the shopping district (something Vy was eager to check out).

The shopping district was rather close to the arcade (surprisingly), so it wasn't that far of a walk. Vy was jumping for joy when we arrived, and was already off and running. She had spotted a pair of shoes (which were quite elegant by the way), I was attracted to a rather wild ensemble (Red and Black, sweet!) that I just had to get my hands on. Once we were satisfied with our purchases, we made our way to the central square. We grabbed a small snack consisting of Cinnamon Churros and Strawberry Lemonade. The mix of the two induced a rather large sugar high. The resulting burst of crazyness landed us into the fountain, thank goodness nobody yelled at us. After we finished up, we left the district and made our way home. After I arrived back at the apartment, Vy asked if she would like it if I joined her again, and I happily agreed to do so. The guys asked about my little escapade, I just told them it was a "Girl's day out".

Personal profile of: Yoshimi and Angel Sugai. (Earth diary entry #11)
I had my share of encounteres with couples (as one entry stated), but this is my first profiling of an Earth couple. The first of the two is Yoshimi Sugai (that wild son of a gun me and my buds rocked out to). When I first saw Yoshimi, I thought he was this odd looking female (judging from his proportions and physical features), but Yoshimi is just this amazing guy. He is quite tall, slender, has long black hair (I envy him!), a chain tail (YEAH, a Tail), and is just so well built...I could go on but I think I may just melt. Personality wise, Yoshimi is a bit soft spoken, but can really show vocal versatility by letting out some fierce howls. Another thing that I find interesting about Yoshimi is that his eyes are blood red, it's kinda freaky, but I like that. What more can I say about Yoshimi? Well, he's wild for one, is good with a few one-liners and jokes, has an uncanny ability to wield a sword (He knows how to defend himself) and is the life of any party.

Angel is a bit of a different case...but it doesn't mean she lacks anything. I first met Angel at the local shopping district (chance encounter) and she was a bit shy at first. When I got the chance to meet her with Yoshimi in tow, she was more open (and frankly, a bit wild). Angel can be summed up as cute, friendly, honest, kind, gentle (but not too gentle...hehe) and gorgeous. She had a build that matched Yoshimi (girlish O.o) physique, long black hair (Again, envy sets in), and red eyes (O.o odd). Angel told me about how she saved Yoshimi (which is another story), and I was amazed. She really knew how to take care of him, and Yoshimi showed his appreciation (A LOT!). This was a definitely an awesome couple that looked like nothing was stopping them.

Breaking Down: When the world around you is full of misery. (Earth Diary entry #12)
Has it ever occured to you that the world is filled with misery at times? It has to me, and it hurts me too. I found myself in tears a little while ago, because of so many bad things happening. It was so overwhelming that I couldn't help myself. I come off as cheery all the time, but that all changes when I know that people are getting hurt or killed. I can't stand it when senseless acts of violence occur...it's sickening. Why is it that people must hurt one another because of something that has happened to them? Is there a reason why the innocent must suffer a cruel fate? I don't think so. It's not the right course of action that one should take, nobody should hurt others due to some unfortunate event. Life is something that should be cherished by all, not taken away by a cruel twist of fate. I just can't stand to see somebody get hurt or die by someones hands. I cry for the people who have slipped away from us, I cry for the families who lose loved ones that are taken down in their prime. Those who feel no sympathy, I feel sorry for you. Those who care to show sympathy for the lost souls, keep up what you are doing. (If you think this is just an entry, it's really my feelings about the recent events of the world. Please keep in mind that I am expressing my personal feelings through the eyes of Rachael. Me and her are one with each other in emotions and actions. If you are going to say something, please message me with your thoughts...but keep them positive. Thank You for reading this entry, normal entries shall resume later.)

Quiet mornings: How I start my day off. (Earth diary entry #13)
Whenever I start my day, everything is quiet. It's a bit of an odd sound at times, but it's something that you get used to. I'm always awakened by one thing though: Michael's cooking. No matter what condition he is in, Michael is always cooking breakfast. The smell always gets me me and Kai out of bed, which is our wake-up call (A good one at that too! ^_^) . When everybody has grabbed their morning cup of coffee, we settle down to a nice breakfast. Eggs, Toast, Sausage, Bacon (when we feel like having some), and whatever else is included in a normal breakfast. We usually eat a nice sized breakfast so we're good for the morning until lunch time. Everyday we have a nice chat about the previous day, recapping on last nights events and sharing our favorite moments. We always have something interesting to chat about, which always brightens up the mornings. No matter what day it might be, every morning starts the same way...something we all look forward to.

Mobius war archive entries. (Archive code #445930-68930.45)

The approaching storm: The Robotnik invasion and takeover of the capital. (Mobius diary entry #12-A)
It was another ordinary day on Mobius, the sky was nice and clear, all the animals were busily frolicking about the capital, and everyone was going about their day. I was with my parents, enjoying the city life and browsing about the shops (gotta start somewhere, hehe). It seemed like nothing was going to happen, nothing could ruin this day...I was wrong. The sky started to grow dark, as if it was going to rain upon the city...but that wasn't the case this time. Suddenly, this hugs air fortress ripped through the dark clouds, unleashing a blinding flash of light. The light was intended to disorient the people of the city so this airship can launch its assault...which it did too. My parents grabbed me and rushed me to a shelter, while they readied themselves for battle (for they were Royal Guards after all). I was a bit worried about my parents...but I knew they would be okay, as for myself...I didn't think I would survive the first wave of the attacks. Something felt really wrong at this very moment...I felt a sudden chill run down my spine and right through my tail. At that moment, the building I was in was torn asunder and ransacked by the ironclad soldiers who were wrecking everything in their path. I had managed to slip by the metal headed war machines and climb about the debris...escaping with my very life intact. As I made my way across the streets, strewn with bodies, I saw my parents...executed...I screamed furiously: "I will not stop until you have felt my wrath you cruel hearted b*****d!" I fled into the dark woods, hoping that I could find refuge. It was a sad day for me...losing my parents and the people that cared so much about. I didn't know if I could face the world by myself...that is until I came across him again...

Lost but not alone: The aftermath of my escape. (Mobius diary entry #12-B)
It was only a few hours since the invasion began, and there I was...alone and out cold due to my willpower giving out on me. I didn't know how long I was out for, nor did I know what my fate would be. When I finally woke up, I found myself inside of a makeshift hut. I didn't know who owned the little place, but I was thankful that I was somewhere safe. It seems that I still had all of possessions that escaped with, something that I was really glad to have. I looked around the room when I actually able to move around (seeing that I was feeling a bit stiff jointed). I found someone who was sleeping on another cot, to my surprise it was that same yellow Hedgehog that I made contact with a couple of years ago. He looked so cute as he slept there on his little cot. My guess is that he made through the invasion with his hide intact, and was even brave enough to save me. I had noticed something that seemed a bit odd about him though...his hands were covered in bandages. I had assumed that he lost his customary gloves in a fight and mangled his hands. I didn't want to disturb him, so I left his hands alone and decided to go back to sleep. As I lied on my cot, I wondered what happened to everyone else. I also wondered why Michael had bandages on his hands and how he was able to carry me. I would soon get my answers.

Bodily damage: Michael's little scar of battle. (Mobius diary entry #13)
The day after I woke up from my little nap, I had so many questions on my mind. The one thing I wanted to know is why Michael had these strange bandages on his hands. I really didn't bother to ask at first, seeing that I was too polite to ask such a probing question, so I asked how he made it out of the invasion. Here is what he said: "When I saw the huge ship piercing through the clouds, I immediately gathered up the family and ran to the nearest shelter. I had no idea what the hell that thing was at first, but I knew it was bad. As I made my way toward the shelter, I was grabbed by some strange machine and was hauled off to the ship. I was knocked out as well, so I couldn't see anything until I woke up in a cell. At that moment, I saw his face...the face of pure evil! He told me that he was going to turn me into a machine. I was so freaked out by that idea that I panicked and got my hands caught inside the machine. I was lucky enough to use the cursed hands given to me in order to make my escape." I was a bit shocked to hear that his hands were mangled and turned into a mess of mechanical parts, but I was glad that he made it out alive. Michael proceeded to show me the atrocity that was his own hands, it was quite disturbing at first but I got used to looking at them. I gave Michael a pair of gloves to cover his hands so they would not be seen. He thanked me and gave me a small hug. He told me how his parents made their escape from the main city, something that he witnessed as he dashed into the woods to hide himself. That is when he told me how he found me as well, saying that I was lying in the middle of the woods. He said that he was lucky to have picked me up when he did, otherwise I would have died. I really owe Michael my life, and I know that for now on, I will stay by his side.

Painful memories and sleepless nights. (Mobius diary entry #14)
For the past two months I have been having trouble sleeping. The endless nights of constant mental torture from the amount of suffering that I saw was beginning to spiral out of control. I didn't know how to explain it to Michael at first, so I couldn't figure out how to deal with the flow of memories and images. One night, it was too much for me to handle...that is when I cracked. I let out a ear piercing yelp (I'm a girl, so I really couldn't help it) that woke up Michael. He rushed to my aide and did what he could to keep me calm. The next morning (which came around during the recovery period I had gone through) I finally explained to Michael that I couldn't stand the amount of images of suffering and pain that I witnessed in the past two months. Michael did his best to comfort me, telling me that everything was going to be okay...eventually. With each passing day, I tried my best to maintain my composure and push on. After a long while, I finally built up the strength to carry on and fight the b*****d that was causing all of this pain and suffering. When I am able to look back upon this entry, I will know that I am strong and able to take on anything that I encounter. Mother, if you are still alive, I will see to it that I bring down the b*****d that brought misery to our world!

Staring at the face of corruption: The first assault. (Mobius diary entry #15)
The time had arrived, it was time for me and Michael to make our first move toward liberating Mobius (the Freedom Fighters started already). We had planned out our actions quite well, studying old maps of the city (which weren't in the best of condition) and scouting out routes that we could enter and exit from. We knew too well that the Swat-Bots (Robotnik's drones) were patrolling the entire area...making any mistake a last mistake. This did not deter us from our plans, for we knew what we had to face up against. Michael had no idea if he fast enough to evade any security measures (and the eyes of Sonic and Co.), but he had this gut feeling that in some way, he'd be able to move his tail pretty quick. The first order of operation was to sneak into one of the power supply stations...in an attempt to disrupt the power supply and halt (or just slow down) things for a bit. We made our way via an old tunnel and crept around the back alleys of the city. It did take a bit of time, but we found one of the generators. I was amazed that something this huge was needed to crank out so much juice to fuel this hellhole...but we were dealing with someone who wanted control of the planet after all. Anyway, Michael had the idea of tossing a wrench into the gears, creating a massive chain reaction and laying waste to the generator. It took more than just a simple tool to crush the gears, but we were able to do some real damage to the equipment...and eventually ruin the machine. We high-tailed it out of there and returned home, knowing that we did some damage...and gave the Freedom Fighters a helping hand. This would not be the only thing we did...and soon, we would have more help.

And then we became three: Kai's introduction to our cause. (Mobius diary entry #16)
It was a week after our first major mission and we were taking the time to explore the world around us (even though we knew that danger was around every corner). We needed to clear our heads so we can concentrate on our next target. Little did we know, we were about to encounter someone who would be able to give us a hand. As me and Michael found ourselves near the edge of the ocean (which was relatively close) we saw someone lying on the shoreline. Seeing that we were both curious, we ran toward this person...only to find out that it was one of those Echidnas that we have heard so much about. He was lying on the beach, his eyes were closed, fists clenched as if he was ready for battle, and he was clad in tattered clothes. It didn't seem right to just leave him there to bake in the sun, so we picked him up and took him back to our small shelter in the forest. When we got him back to the shelter he was still out cold. I couldn't help but to stare at the poor guy, he looked like he had been through a hell of a lot himself. I think that he was attacked as well, judging by the burn marks and scars on his body. A few hours passed on by and our guest had finally woke up. He was disoriented and had no idea where he was. He tried to stand up, but he stumbled and fell on his stomach. The poor guy was in some really bad shape, and we really needed to do something for him. We fixed him a little something to eat so he can get some of his strength back. When he finished, he was able to finally tell us who he was. "I am Kai, and I thank you for saving my life. I am not sure how I got here in the first place, but I am thankful that you have found me. I am part of an Echidna tribe located on an island somewhere out in the sea. My entire tribe was attacked by some maniac for no apparent reason. I had fought my way to safety, but I was scattered by an explosion and found myself drifting at sea." That was his account in his own words. Kai told us that someone else was following him, but he was lost in the fray. We asked if he would like some assistance , and he gladly accepted. He also was glad to help us out as well, something that we were hoping for. At that very moment, we became the Mobian Refugees.

Hidden power: the discovery of our secret abilities. (Mobius diary entry #17)
Two months have passed us by since we have met with Kai, the amount of effort he has given us has helped out immensely. This made me and Michael feel a tad useless. We could only do so much ourselves, at least for the moment. A noticeable change started to take effect just a few days ago. I noticed that Michael was moving WAY faster than he normally ever did...it was almost as if he developed speed like that of the blue Hedgehog. He was zooming all about the forest at break-neck speed, what was even cooler is that he was able to slip past the narrow spaces in the trees. As for myself, I found that my natural reflexes have increased even further. I could hear things from vast distances and even when there is too much noise in the foreground. I just thought I was just maturing, but it seems that my own biological functions were blooming far beyond their normal parameters (Whoa...fancy). This went for my eyesight too, seeing that I am part fox it seemed right that I would have good eyesight. I don't think Kai was actually changing any, but what do I know about Echidnas. There had to be a reason for our strange abilities and enhancements...accusations pointed out some kind of extraterrestrial object...other theories pointed to the work of Robuttnik...but how could he doing anything to us? Getting to the bottom of this was not one of our priorities...so we kinda left it alone. I don't think we will ever find out what has caused these changes.

The end is coming: Last entry before the final battle ( Mobius diary entry #18 )
So it comes down to this, the final battle to end all battles. The entire planet was on a state of high alert as The Doctor awaited for his time to unleash the DOOMSDAY weapon upon our home. The Freedom Fighters were already preparing for the fight, and so were we. We knew that it was time to end this long and tiresome fight, seeing that we have been going at this guy for a very long time. Our youth was wasted on fighting The Doctor's fiendish attempts to wipe us out with his vast supply of weapons. This time, he was going to use all he had and wipe us out once and for all...at least, that's what he assumed. We were definitely ready for what The Doctor had to throw at us, everything that he had was well known and easily defeated, making our task slightly better to handle. What we didn't expect was the DOOMSDAY weapon...and what it was truly capable of, that was toughest part of the main task. We couldn't split up on this mission...we had to stay together and concentrate all of our skills in order to stop this weapon.

What we were faced with was this huge device that could easily wipe out all life on our planet (hence the name "DOOMSDAY" wink , it was so massive that it could not be removed so easily. I do remember hearing about that they are all connected in some way, I overheard this during a preparation meeting in Knothole. The giant link the weapon shares is a vital flaw and the perfect goal for us. Both sides wer aiming for the same thing, so no matter who reached the controls first, the weapon will be stopped. There lies the one problem with our goal, getting to the controls and surviving the aftermath of the destruction. We knew that something would be waiting for us in the end, and we needed to be sure that we could escape with our hides intact.

This was it, we are now ready to make our move. Nothing was going to stand in our way, we were ready to end this before our world...and us were destroyed. As we made our way into the decaying city, passing all of the remains of our homes and the places we used to hang out. We had to keep our eyes peeled in case of an ambush (which was imminent). My assumption was right as we were ambushed by a team of SWATbots, which were dispatched quickly (thanks to Michael's quick reflexes and Kai's brute strength). We were on the move again, although right on the tail end of Sonic's blazing trail. Trying to keep up with Sonic was difficult, so we had to take another route and hopefully meet with Sonic on the other end. Of course, we kept finding ourselves being ambushed by the enemy (although it did give Sonic and co. the time they needed to carry out their mission). It was as if we were taking the hefty load of the mission and giving it a swift kick in the a**.

In a sudden turn of events, everything around us was starting to collapse. It seems that Sonic was successful in reaching the controls. At that very moment, we all saw various explosion ripping apart most of our surroundings. We had to hurry and get the hell out of the city. The explosions sent debris all about the area, hitting everything and everyone with heavy force. I was hit pretty hard myself by a flying rock and it left a gash on the side of my head...almost knocking me on my a**. I was lucky that it was only a minor thing. Kai was nailed hard by a steel beam but managed to swat it away with his rather large fist. Michael busted his hand while blocking a few flying bricks and some metal...good thing his hand was metal as well. I was feeling rather scared, thoughts of our own demise ran through my head...something that nearly made me break down...but I had to press on. We finally reached the end of our journey...and made it back to our shelter. All I could after that was fall to my knees and thank everyone for doing what they could...we finally did it. I am sure of it that Sonic made it back to safety...I am sure of it that he did...now, I could finally rest easy tonight...and so can my friends and family. "Mom, Dad, we did it...Rest In Peace brave souls, your duties are over." That was all I could say before I crashed in front of my two best friends, I'm sure that they are just as tired as I am...for the nightmare is over.

...Long Live Mobius, a world of pristine beauty and harmony...
~Michael The Hedgehog~
...Peace be with you my bretheren...
~Kai The Echidna~
...If you can only see your daughter now, see how she has grown...
~Rachael The Hedge-Fox~
...One day, this world will be born again...
~Sonic and Sally~

End of Mobius File...~Peace and Harmony to all~

Current Earth Journal entries: Entry Code #11693-693.35

The momentous occasion: Kazaki's 1000th Sonic Fan. (Earth journal entry #14)
One day, I was just sitting around and typing up some of my journal entries, when I had received a message from one of my good friends. It was one of my Mobian friends, his name is Kazaki. From what I understand, Kazaki is the self proclaimed "Joiner Of Sonic Fans". His main goal that he has been aiming to achieve sometime, he wants to gather up as many Sonic fans as possible. I did some research on what this all meant, and according to what I know, Sonic is a very popular character among many people on this planet. Anyway, I got this message that he "Joined" 1000 fans. I was overjoyed that he did this, so overjoyed that I entered this moment into my logs. Seeing that Kazaki is a fellow Mobian (like I am), it was even more of a joyous occasion. I can tell that he was happy with this, especially if you consider that many people would just give up over time. He pulled off a feat that would have seemed impossible to most people (or furries). It goes to show you that anything is possible.

Contact established: message from a special friend. (Earth diary entry #15)
I went to check my messages recently (after getting on one night), and I was picking through the crap to find the ones worth reading. I came across one from a special friend I met long ago...his name...Antoine. I had this assumption that someone must have sent a message to him a while back, and they were waiting for a reply. I took this opportunity to reply myself...seeing that I knew who he was. I am not sure if he ever remembered seeing me before...but I really didn't mind too much. I was so excited to receive his message that I jumped for joy! ^_^ (Oh s**t, I'm falling off the path here) Contrary to what was said about the guy (which was a lot), he's actually quite an awesome person. I took some time to check out his profile...it seems that he likes to do a little headbanging himself (I think)...according to some of his music choices (Yeah, my research proves that...don't believe me...check out his page. Just look in my friends list if you're not too stubborn). I think that Yoshimi was actually looking to add him (until he gave me his profile...heh), but now he is on my list. Seeing that I'm prone to drool about guys (hey, I'm a girl after all), I gotta say a few things about him. I noticed that he's quite charming, proper, a gentleman, and (hehe) handsome (oh dear, now I'm all warm inside). One thing I really find interesting about him is that thick accent he has (according to my research, he is French...which explains his name), it seems to add to his appealing features. I really want to get to know him some more..on the basis of being friends that is. I'm done with this entry...Au revoir! ^_~

The long days of summer: A blurb about what I want to do. (Earth diary entry #16)
Sweetness! The long days of summer have finally come and I'm ever so excited! I remember when I was just a little girl on Mobius ( I still feel that way) when I would spend all day playing outside, rolling in the grass and messing around with my best buds until the sun set. I miss those days so much when I think about them...but it's not like I can start up new memories to last me a lifetime! ^_^ I was just so excited to get a chance to relive those days with Michael and Kai in tow (possibly Yoshimi if he can find some time to hang with us). Thinking about going out to the outside world sends a shiver of joy down my very spine and through my long tail. What I also couldn't wait for is taking a nice dip in the water (along with getting out of these clothes for a bit ^_~). It's all too much for me to just think about, I want to do this now! As I write this, I'm jumping for joy on the inside...something that sounds a tad bit odd. I'm a carefree spirit now, I just love to do all the things that make me happy...and know that I am safe and secure. I'd know that my readers certainly feel the same way I do right about now...admit it. *coughs* Okay, you don't have to if you really don't want to. I might go see a show or hang out in the city square and chill with the locals later, hopefully bumping into one of my many friends along the way. I'm sure that I'll see some of my friends...no doubt about that. ^_^ Well, I'm off...hopefully you'll enjoy this small piece...as much I did when I was writing this.

A strange feeling within: The power that flows in us. (Earth diary entry #17)
I wasn't really sure why, but I actually found myself browsing through a few books in the Mobius library on one my trips back to the home world. I had a few strange questions on my mind (most notably the one about my once inert abilities), so I tried seeing what some of old tomes had to offer. I found one book that was titled "The Power of Chaos: An overview of the sacred gems" which had caught my eye. I learned so much about these special stones and how they amplify ones "inner chaos" and somehow unlocks the secrets hidden inside. Surely I didn't believe this at first, but when I showed this tome to Kai, he suddenly enlightened me with his know prior knowledge of these so-called "Chaos Emeralds". "I once was told about a tribe we have connections to and how they concealed a set of stones known as the Chaos Emeralds, I was told that they were a powerful source of energy and could unlock many secrets...and even alter the flow of time!" I was kind of in shock at first, but as I read some more of the ancient text, Kai's words were becoming rather clear and I was beginning to understand what may have happened to us many years ago. It seems that we were under the influence of a Chaos Emerald! Somehow, the gem produced an irradiating effect within our vicinity and somehow channeled our inert powers. I was sure of this, but I needed concrete proof that my assumption was right...so I scoured the very sight of our occupation during the long war. Using some borrowed radiation scanning tools and my keen sense of direction, I was able to pinpoint the location of the hidden gem. The small stone was buried underneath the ground a couple feet below where I stood, I could feel this strange sensation churn inside me as I stood there for a few minutes. I finally started to dig up the area where the gem lies, hoping to uncover the blasted thing and maybe do something with it. After a few minutes of getting my hands dirty, I retrieved the damn thing and carried it back to Mobotropolis. Michael and Kai were surprised to see me all covered in dirt, but when Kai gazed upon the sacred gem...his eyes lit up in awe of my find. We knew that something had to be done with the gem, so we gave it to the Ancient Society Council, where they placed the gem in a special place. I was given a high honor later that day for obtaining such a priceless artifact. As happy as I might have been I still didn't know if me and Michael were affected by that very gem...

The one thing I could do to find out if we were affected is to see a doctor...but I had to see a special doctor that could detect anomalies within the body. I had to ask around for names, which wasn't too hard with my connections (heh). I finally got a name after about an hour of searching...one Dr. Alphonse Myers...an eccentric wolf who dabbled in various technological and ancient techniques. I was told that he could help out in detecting any change within my body, even those caused my radioactive exposure. I didn't hesitate to set up an appointment with the doc, and Michael certainly seemed okay with my idea. The doc was located somewhere in the far corner of Mobotropolis, for he really wanted a decent amount of privacy (I couldn't blame him for that). Michael and I made our way to his private office and checked in, where Al (as I called him) greeted us with his goofy smile and a wag of the tail. "Hello there, welcome to my office. So, what brings you here today?" That was his response to our visit. I just told him about the fact that we may have been exposed to a prolonged amount of Chaos energy and wanted to know the actual effects. "Oh my, I'll have to examine you right away! Come with me and we'll get started." He was rather hasty when I told him about what we may been exposed to. It didn't take Al too long to complete his work, for he had a myriad of tools at his disposal. After a short wait (An hour at the most) our results came in. "As you may expected, you have been affected my Chaos energy. It seems that your body has taken in a vast amount over a period of time spanning at least a decade. Fortunately for you, the effects are actually beneficial. According to what I have learned, Mobians are affected by these "Chaos Emeralds" in various ways. It is said that some are born with inert genes that are unlocked through exposure to Chaos energy. You two have those genes...Michael has a gene that matches the blue hedgehog's genetically enhanced speed, just a tad smaller than the real thing. Rachael, your genes are a mixture of two species, so you have inherited a blend of abilities enhanced further by exposure to Chaos energy." It did a tad far-fetched...but I couldn't shoot down his results. What he said matches what that tome told me, only I got a much broader answer than I really expected. With the knowledge of being exposed to Chaos energy...I wondered if my own parents were ever exposed themselves...or if everyone at one time was ever washed over with a flooding of energy...I'm not going to find out though. I'm just satisfied that I found an answer...even though I never bothered to look for one. (I hope that gives you some insight as to what Chaos plays a role in my life)

Second home sweet home: details of my long trip and my return to Earth. (Earth diary entry 25)
That had to be the longest trip to Mobius I have had in a very long time. I needed the time away to collect my thoughts, rejuvenate my body, mind and soul, catch up on Mobian life and the princess's plans, meet up with old friend and allies, and possibly see if my Chaos Radiation levels have climbed (Woo, that's a lot of stuff, but I'll cover it all. biggrin ) First, I shall start with the details of my return to the homeworld. I knew there was one place I could turn to when I needed some serious "Me Time", and that was Mobius. I heard of a place called Southern Island, now here was a beautiful land where you could get away from the hustle and bustle of metro-city life and just strut your stuff like it's going out of style (Like it ever will. XD) I had the time to reminisce upon all of my fond memories and the other special moments of life that I have experienced. There were some memories and events I just wanted to erase completely, for they weren't helping me at all, not in the emotional state I was in. It was good to just wander around the island for a week (Yes, a week people.), I enjoyed the peaceful sounds of the birds, the warm wind blowing through my long, lavender hair, and the sight of the never- ending stretch of green hills and checkered landscapes...lovely. After that long period bliss, I rejoined society back in Mobotropolis (my home) so I could catch up on current political matters and other events/achievements (Yeah, even us Mobians dabble in politics). I wanted to know what the Princess has done with the fair city and Mobius. Apparently, much has happened since I left...and the young lady has done her fair share of work to clean up the pristine lands once conquered by that nefarious doctor (whose name is synominous with evil deeds and hostile takeovers). It turns out that she has appointed my scientific minds toward the task of utilizing some of the leftover junked facilities and other resources that were once deemed "Alien" to this world. What a girl, she'd make a brilliant leader on Earth if you ask me (Am I hinting upon something? O.o) *coughs* Enough about politics, let's get down to how things are going in Mobotropolis, YAY! biggrin The grand city has changed a lot since my last visit, so many new shops have opened up in the Grand Promenade (the physical equivalent to Earth's shopping centers if you have not figured that one out), many new apartments have also taken root as well; which accounts for more housing. The Royal Guard barracks is also looking fantastic too, much like I remember it when I was just a pup (hehe, pup...cute huh?). I had to go see what they did with the place, and how amazed I was when I saw everything...it was just breathtaking. All the beautiful fixtures were restored to their glorious fashion, paintings of past decorated figures hung on the wall of the Grand Hall, and in the middle of everything were statues of some of the bravest Guard members...two of them were my own Mother and Father, another one was that of the young, and spunky Coyote Antoine Depardieu Coolette (That's one long name...heh). Funny thing is when I saw that statue, I had thoughts of locating him, but I wasn't able to find him; guess I could try some other time. Speaking of finding friends from days past, I ran into a few of my old buddies that I knew for a long time. They were the lucky few who survived the long conflict, I was glad to see some familiar faces; even though I may have changed ever so slightly to their eyes. There was also a chance encounter that I made while messing around near my old stomping grounds, I bumped into what appeared to be a warrior neko who has parted ways with her tribe. She startled me, as I did to her when we conked head (literally). She was a tad shy at first (like anyone who obviously seemed out of touch with society), but she warmed up to me rather quickly. Her name is Jennie, she told me that she is a survivor of the war and a former member of the Feline Rogues. She's a nice girl, and is a bit wild like me...that I can dig (that and she's Bi...which was a bit of a surprise when she told me.) I told her that I have plenty of friends who would be willing to accept her, no matter what her orientation is. She was sure happy to know that, and so was I. I did ask if wanted to come to Earth with me, was hesitated at first, but she accepted my offer after giving the idea some thought. After all of that was finally taken care of, I needed to go see Dr. Myers again; for it was time for my checkup. He, as well as I, wanted to know if I have developed an increase in my Chaos Radiation levels. After running the tests, he discovered that I have built up a 5 Percent increase of radiation, possibly from a local source. Turns out that it came from deep within the forest once again. Dr. Myers told me that my exposure is bound to increase some of my natural abilities in time...but he can't say when these changes will arise. I wasn't in too much of a hurry anyway, I was glad to know that I'm not being affected by the radiation in a negligent way (Thank goodness). Well, that's all there is to know.

Yoshimi Sugai
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Yoshimi Sugai
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  • User Comments: [2]
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    Fri Jun 01, 2007 @ 01:40am

    "::Warning:: The following... that." That was an ammusing qoute and "Earth's Green Hill: ... #7)" I loved the green hill stages... sorry random qoutes but I liked it lots so I though I should qoute things I like I'll stop there or I'd qoute the whole darn thing...

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