This is some peice i wrote for one of my stories and i thought it was pretty good so i blogged it=]

I detested school, the teachers, and especially the other students. Everything and everyone was so boring. Almost to the point where I would rather watch a marathon of Days of Our Lives than actually enter the possibly asbestos-filled building. Schedules were never my thing, nor were the stuck-up snobs who believed everyone else should worship and adore them; we were blessed to be in their company. Fortunately, those trust fund scums rarely bothered me. I think it is because they failed to notice my existence most of the time – they right along with everyone else in the idiotic academy.
The fact was, I really did not mind them forgetting about me - it made life much less stressful when I did not have to cope with other people. Though, whether I wanted to admit it or not, I felt lonely to a certain extent. Maybe even depressed. It was like being stranded on an island with all the random animals surrounding you, but you could not talk to them and they would not reply even if you tried.
Life would not have been so horrible if my friends did not abandon me in order to become ‘cool’ – I was just too much of a loser to fit in with their new crowd. Nevertheless, I have always secretly thought they were the losers for doing that. Who turns their back on someone they have known since kindergarten just for a chance at popularity? Not anyone worth being upset over, I think. Despite that I still was. I was such a hypocrite, am one now.
Watching the crowds of people gossiping about the many pointless things teenagers love to complain about, I felt unusually disgusted. How did they believe what so-and-so wore was more important than world issues? Maybe that was why my friends left. I think too much. They probably figured I was too eccentric to be seen with. How egocentric. I should really stop concerning myself about why they turned into jerks, no matter what the reason they are just not significant enough to distress about anymore. I have already done enough of that.